Medical Should I answer optional siblings secondary prompt?

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Jun 11, 2010
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Currently I am prewriting secondaires and I came across the optional prompt of "Describe your siblings"

I have three younger siblings 2 of which are troubled in some ways (use drugs and have major anger issues) and the third who is still in school and seems to be doing okay.
None have gone to college.
I am curious as to how ADCOMS will view their negligence if I am honest.

Side note: One of my siblings has major anger issues and destroys our home when he doesn't get his way or hes pissed. I have been told multiple times to not engage him (I am much bigger and would hurt him) due to it being a risk for my future (obviously I am not an idiot and wouldn't do anything to get myself in trouble.). I actually had to evict him the night before my MCAT because he started freaking out and screaming, keeping me up all night.
I have no earthly idea why a medical school would want this information! I don't see how the information could help you or hurt you.

Frankly, because I think it is a stupid prompt. And it is optional, don't answer it

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Yes it is an optional essay.

Oh, if it's optional, don't bother.

If you feel compelled to answer it, your siblings' histories should have little impact on your application from my perspective, and what they do with their lives can be described matter of factly. I would just avoid any language that indicates that you don't like what they are doing. Everyone's life can be written about in an interesting way.
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