Should I Change Undergrad Major?

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Apr 15, 2018
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Hello! So I've been accepted to UCI's Cognitive Science (B.S) program and I was wondering how does this major affect my chances of going to medical school? I am fully aware of the prerequisites courses for some medical schools so I will be taking those courses on top of my major requirements. But as a CogSci major, I'll be taking courses in Psychology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, Philosophy, Anthropology, Computer Science, Biology, and more, in the school of social sciences. Although it isn't a biological science major, I was wondering if there's any chance this would hurt me come time to apply to medical school. Like, is the course load going to prepare me for the MCAT?
A follow-up question: Are there any benefits applying as a cog sci major?

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Medical schools don't care about your major. Just do well in the prerequisites, all of your classes, and the MCAT.
Is it better to transfer AP credits if you only got a 3 or just take the class in college and get a B or A?
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Is it better to transfer AP credits if you only got a 3 or just take the class in college and get a B or A?
If you get AP credit at your college, you'll most likely have to take upper level courses in that same subject area to show that you are sufficient in it and can handle the work. If I were you I'd just take the class in college and get an A to avoid a medical school saying that they don't take the AP credit. If you took the class in high school and did well, it may make the college course easier for you especially in getting an A.
Change it if you want. A lot of med schools do not accept AP so you are strongly encouraged to take those classes.

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