Hey guys,
I just reapplied to dental school for the 2nd cycle and I am between what I should do. Here are my stats:
sGPA: 3.15, oGPA: 3.42, 20 AA DAT.
I attended an international program for undergrad and transferred to Purdue to finish my degree and graduated from there. I am a US student from California. My plan all along was to do the Midwestern MABS program for 9 months and orientation is tomorrow. Now I am contemplating whether to do it or not.
I am starting to feel like if I do this program, then I only really have the chance of going to Midwestern Dental vs having the chance to get into other schools as well. Another thing is that the way my GPA is calculated from AADSAS is that they gave my credit that I took all the pre-req courses at my international university through my WES application BUT i did not get GPA credit for it and it all has 0.00 for them. I am thinking whether to just retake some science classes so I can get some numbers in those categories that i have 0.00s in which can boost up my GPA or do this MABS program.
Also, MABS is crazy expensive and I would retake those classes at a university not CC.
What would you do?
I just reapplied to dental school for the 2nd cycle and I am between what I should do. Here are my stats:
sGPA: 3.15, oGPA: 3.42, 20 AA DAT.
I attended an international program for undergrad and transferred to Purdue to finish my degree and graduated from there. I am a US student from California. My plan all along was to do the Midwestern MABS program for 9 months and orientation is tomorrow. Now I am contemplating whether to do it or not.
I am starting to feel like if I do this program, then I only really have the chance of going to Midwestern Dental vs having the chance to get into other schools as well. Another thing is that the way my GPA is calculated from AADSAS is that they gave my credit that I took all the pre-req courses at my international university through my WES application BUT i did not get GPA credit for it and it all has 0.00 for them. I am thinking whether to just retake some science classes so I can get some numbers in those categories that i have 0.00s in which can boost up my GPA or do this MABS program.
Also, MABS is crazy expensive and I would retake those classes at a university not CC.
What would you do?