Should I do the Midwestern MABS or retake science courses, orientation is tomorrow.

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May 6, 2011
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Hey guys,

I just reapplied to dental school for the 2nd cycle and I am between what I should do. Here are my stats:
sGPA: 3.15, oGPA: 3.42, 20 AA DAT.
I attended an international program for undergrad and transferred to Purdue to finish my degree and graduated from there. I am a US student from California. My plan all along was to do the Midwestern MABS program for 9 months and orientation is tomorrow. Now I am contemplating whether to do it or not.

I am starting to feel like if I do this program, then I only really have the chance of going to Midwestern Dental vs having the chance to get into other schools as well. Another thing is that the way my GPA is calculated from AADSAS is that they gave my credit that I took all the pre-req courses at my international university through my WES application BUT i did not get GPA credit for it and it all has 0.00 for them. I am thinking whether to just retake some science classes so I can get some numbers in those categories that i have 0.00s in which can boost up my GPA or do this MABS program.
Also, MABS is crazy expensive and I would retake those classes at a university not CC.

What would you do?


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Why do you think you didn't get in last cycle? You have to analyze where you were lacking the last time you applied. Was it just the numbers? Did you not apply broadly? Did you apply late?
I think if you retook some classes and ace them, maybe retake your DAT to get 22+ might be a better option than just doing a masters. Also work on other aspects of your application to be a more rounded applicant.
Numbers are not everything. Also, apply early, strategically and broadly.
That's just my opinion though. It's a big decision.

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Why do you think you didn't get in last cycle? You have to analyze where you were lacking the last time you applied. Was it just the numbers? Did you not apply broadly? Did you apply late?
I think if you retook some classes and ace them, maybe retake your DAT to get 22+ might be a better option than just doing a masters. Also work on other aspects of your application to be a more rounded applicant.
Numbers are not everything. Also, apply early, strategically and broadly.
That's just my opinion though. It's a big decision.

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I think last time I applied, I did apply later(mid Aug) and I believe it was the GPA that held me back including having an average essay and not listing my best experiences. I had a 19 DAT and retook it to get a 20. I do believe that if I retook some classes, i could definitely ace them. Do you think that would look back since im doing that right now and I already applied this cycle? Or would the timing be okay, since the university I will take them at is quarter system and I can just get the grades updated by December?

I did put in a lot more of my better experiences this time around as well.

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Sounds like you are already a stronger applicant than last year.
Ace your classes and after academic update, if you haven't heard back, reach out to schools to take another look at your application to reconsider your GPA after this semester.
Make sure you check the ADEA guide and apply to schools that accept below or within range of your statistics.
Best of luck this cycle!

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I did the Midwestern MABS last year and I know that the schools I received interviews to were interested to hear about the program and how I was doing it in. When I got into both schools I interviews for, they both wanted me to continue/finish my program while maintaining a certain GPA. Personally, I think the program showed them that I was able to handle the rigors of dental school and do well. The MABS program at Midwestern is often referred to the hardest program at that campus, and that’s including the dental school and medical school. It’s insanely fast, competitive, and can be a lot to take in. We had 24 exams in 10 weeks the second quarter. 6 finals in 5 days. If you do well in the program, it means a lot. If not, it looks really bad. Good luck with your decision!
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