Should I retake the DAT?

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Oct 1, 2020
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This is my second time applying to dental school and I am not sure whether I should retake the DAT or not in order to improve my application. My first time taking the DAT last year I got a score of:

Bio - 20
Gen Chem - 20
Orgo - 20
PAT - 22
RC - 21
QR - 18

In the previous cycle, I received a couple of interview invites but I ended up being put on the waitlist for some of the schools I interviewed at and was not accepted anywhere. I did follow up with the schools multiple times after being placed on the wait list but was never accepted off of the waitlist. I am not sure where I went because my DAT wasn't terrible. A few of months ago I started working as a dental assistant in order to gain experience so that I had something to add on to my application so that it wouldn't be the same as the previous admissions cycle. However, I don't know what else to do to improve my application. So, I've been thinking about retaking the DAT. Please let me know if this is a good idea or not because I know it won't look good if I retake it and get a lower score than my first try.

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Your application isn't only about your DAT. Typically, as a second year applicant, schools want to see improvements. You practically have nothing. What did you do for the entire year?

If your GPA is below average, retake DAT. Show them you improved.

Your application isn't only about your DAT. Typically, as a second year applicant, schools want to see improvements. You practically have nothing. What did you do for the entire year?

If your GPA is below average, retake DAT. Show them you improved.
My GPA is a 3.9

I am very well aware that my application is not only about the DAT, but it was one of the things that I believed I could improve on so I asked for opinions regarding retaking it. This past previous year, while I was in my final year of undergrad I worked as a tutor and volunteered with an organization that helps low-income individuals get access to medical care. I have continued working as a tutor and volunteering even after graduation. I am also currently working as a dental assistant and I have been studying for the DAT for the past month. Besides that, I have had years of research experience, hundreds of hours of shadowing experience, and have been a part of multiple clubs at college. I was not able to consider retaking the DAT earlier because I did not have time to study for it due to some personal life issues.
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I think that you have a great score and it is weird that the schools didn't reach out to you. One time I met someone and they told me they applied 3 times and all their grades, DAT scores are well but when he contacted a school, they told him it was his personal statement. When he changed it, he got accepted the 4th time he applied. Maybe you should look at your PS, did you update it or was it the same? Did you have someone edit it?
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