Should I wait to finish my classes to increase my GPA or submit at deadline?

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Apr 13, 2018
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Hey there!

I'm in a bit of a conundrum here. I'm applying to University of Saint Augustine for Spring 2019. Applications are due on June 15th. I'm currently taking Physics II and Human development courses that end June 27th.

I'm not sure if I should wait until after my courses are done so that I can submit my application with a higher GPA or submit as soon as it hits June 15th.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Here are my stats to put things into perspective (SPOILER: it's not very good)

Cum GPA: 3.13 --> after finishing courses --> 3.17
pGPA: 3.22 ->after finishing courses --> 3.36
GRE: 305, A: 4.0

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Hey there!

I'm in a bit of a conundrum here. I'm applying to University of Saint Augustine for Spring 2019. Applications are due on June 15th. I'm currently taking Physics II and Human development courses that end June 27th.

I'm not sure if I should wait until after my courses are done so that I can submit my application with a higher GPA or submit as soon as it hits June 15th.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Here are my stats to put things into perspective (SPOILER: it's not very good)

Cum GPA: 3.13 --> after finishing courses --> 3.17
pGPA: 3.22 ->after finishing courses --> 3.36
GRE: 305, A: 4.0
they accept applications later as well. i was going to submit mine in july. you can see in other threads there have been students that have submitted applications and went through the whole process literally 4-5 months prior to the program starting you should be fine.
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I had a similar situation like this for the present cycle. I didn't have a few prerequisites updated with grades and it backfired on me. I was able to get into 3 schools (still waiting on 4-5 others), but the major schools like Pacific University (Oregon) and UNT shot me down even though I got A's in all my sciences with a pretty good GPA. Additionally, I had a huge resume that included voluntary work, PT hours, personal training, and with military disaster relief. Not saying it won't hurt you, but from my perspective your at a disadvantage to those who have completed all their courses already.

Also, PTCAS is pretty ****ty. I sent in my transcripts and it took them over a month and half to do something with them. On top of that, they locked my account so I couldn't submit my updated transcripts to other schools. I had to deal with them through the phone and over email for almost a month. They had my transcripts, didn't acknowledge it on the site even though they had it for several weeks. I wish schools would use something else besides PTCAS because they are garbage.
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What was your decision? I opt for applying the best scored I can get but then no one likes late applications, right?