Should letter writers also receive your disadvantage statement?

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In the the process of compiling letter "packets" for my writers and wondering if I should include my disadvantage statement or not?

While most of my writers are aware of my economic disadvantages, they are not aware of others. Personally, I'm leaning towards no as there are things I'm a little uncomfortable with anyone besides strangers reviewing my application looking at.

But at the same time, I wonder if I'm potentially holding back information that would offer more context to the writer?

What you think? and why? Would love to hear some thoughts from other people applying disadvantage.

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What the hell is a letter "packet" anyway? It's crazy how complicated you guys make things. If you feel like you want your letter writer to be aware, or potentially include something about your disadvanatged status then provide them with the disadvantaged statement. If no, then why bore with more information? Personally, I wouldn't include it
It doesn't sound necessary, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. You stated that some already know some of it, and if they feel it's relevant to include, they will include what they know. I guess I looked at the app as if each section was saying a different thing about you - grades and MCAT speak to hard work/ability, personal statement and experiences show why you want this and how you have dedicated yourself to this, LORs show the personal impressions that you make and what you are like as a human being. I did include my personal statement and resume to give my letter writers some context, however, my general expectation was that they would be writing about my performance and qualities outside of those things, from their own observations and experiences with me. Your statement about being disadvantaged will already address the aspects you would like to be included, your letter writers do not necessarily need to address it further.
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Your writers should be basing their letter on what they know about you based on what they have observed, not what you have told them. Think about it: an unscrupulous applicant could give them any b.s. and they'd repeat it in a letter even though it is not true and they have no way of ascertaining that it is true. That's why second hand information is not valid.

If you give your writers anything it should be the AMCAS guidelines for LOR writers and copies of any materials you wrote for their class.
It doesn't sound necessary, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. You stated that some already know some of it, and if they feel it's relevant to include, they will include what they know. I guess I looked at the app as if each section was saying a different thing about you - grades and MCAT speak to hard work/ability, personal statement and experiences show why you want this and how you have dedicated yourself to this, LORs show the personal impressions that you make and what you are like as a human being. I did include my personal statement and resume to give my letter writers some context, however, my general expectation was that they would be writing about my performance and qualities outside of those things, from their own observations and experiences with me. Your statement about being disadvantaged will already address the aspects you would like to be included, your letter writers do not necessarily need to address it further.
Thanks for your input. Applications make a lot more sense put that way
Your writers should be basing their letter on what they know about you based on what they have observed, not what you have told them. Think about it: an unscrupulous applicant could give them any b.s. and they'd repeat it in a letter even though it is not true and they have no way of ascertaining that it is true. That's why second hand information is not valid.

If you give your writers anything it should be the AMCAS guidelines for LOR writers and copies of any materials you wrote for their class.
Thanks LizzyM! I was under that same impression until I started reading comments online on how you should give them essentially everything and anything. I feel a lot surer now of what to do.
What the hell is a letter "packet" anyway? It's crazy how complicated you guys make things. If you feel like you want your letter writer to be aware, or potentially include something about your disadvanatged status then provide them with the disadvantaged statement. If no, then why bore with more information? Personally, I wouldn't include it
Lol perhaps. Wouldn't surprise me if I am.