SMP or Post Bacc? GPA<3.0

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Jan 27, 2019
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Hello All,
MCAT: Have not taken yet

I have read Goros forum post on reinvention. I have looked though various posts and I dont know which path is best for me. Should I aim to take the MCAT this year and try to do an SMP the following year or should I do a post bacc this year and take the MCAT next year. Would you say I am in such a bad spot where I would have to do SMP and post bacc? I am perfectly fine with aiming for D.O school, I just want to be a doctor. Help.

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Hello All,
MCAT: Have not taken yet

I have read Goros forum post on reinvention. I have looked though various posts and I dont know which path is best for me. Should I aim to take the MCAT this year and try to do an SMP the following year or should I do a post bacc this year and take the MCAT next year. Would you say I am in such a bad spot where I would have to do SMP and post bacc? I am perfectly fine with aiming for D.O school, I just want to be a doctor. Help.

A majority of schools will pre-screen at the c/sGPA 3.0 mark, so I recommend you pursue a DIY or formal post-bacc until you are at or above that threshold. Once you are there, then you can begin to worry about the MCAT.
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I can’t imagine you’ll do well on the MCAT with a 2.7 sgpa. I would focus on improving gpa and closing in knowledge gaps before anything else. Could you handle an smp and get all a’s? It’s easier said than done.
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You are in a rough spot. Not impossible, but its gonna be real hard. Even if you get above a 3.0s GPA like everyone is suggesting, then you gotta get a solid MCAT score (505+), or else it was all for naught. Lot easier said then done. Even with a 3.8 post bac, you may still have to do an SMP with linkage. You are looking at a 3+ year long road. Is it worth it?

If this were me, Id do a post bac at a cheap school, all science classes at 15 credit hours/semester to see if you can cut it. Adding in 40 credits of 4.0 science GPA seems easy until you actually have to do it.

Have you looked into other options? Podiatry School might be a realistic possibility in two years if you do decent on the MCAT, they are still techincally clinical doctors. I have heard of sub 3.0s getting into Pharmacy school.
I can’t imagine you’ll do well on the MCAT with a 2.7 sgpa. I would focus on improving gpa and closing in knowledge gaps before anything else. Could you handle an smp and get all a’s? It’s easier said than done.
I got an F in a science course because I thought I didnt need to take it and had my career set (very foolish) and it dropped my gpa way down. But even then I didnt try at all in college unfortunately. I am confident in myself to succeed now that I am motivated and willing to put in the work. Assuming I can do well on the MCAT and SMP or Post bacc, I was just wondering what is my best approach. Im a traditional student so I have taken just about every science class already. Alot of people say dont retake courses that I scored a C or better in but I dont have many options for courses to take other than a few science courses.
I got an F in a science course because I thought I didnt need to take it and had my career set (very foolish) and it dropped my gpa way down. But even then I didnt try at all in college unfortunately. I am confident in myself to succeed now that I am motivated and willing to put in the work. Assuming I can do well on the MCAT and SMP or Post bacc, I was just wondering what is my best approach. Im a traditional student so I have taken just about every science class already. Alot of people say dont retake courses that I scored a C or better in but I dont have many options for courses to take other than a few science courses.
I would do an smp and get a 4.0. But like I was saying it’ll be hard to go from a 2.7 to a 4.0 so maybe try some classes first
I would do an smp and get a 4.0. But like I was saying it’ll be hard to go from a 2.7 to a 4.0 so maybe try some classes first

I agree, but also keep in mind the pre-screen that a majority of DO schools implement. To be considered, OP will need to raise the c/sGPA as I believe AACOMAS separates undergraduate and graduate grades.
You are in a rough spot. Not impossible, but its gonna be real hard. Even if you get above a 3.0s GPA like everyone is suggesting, then you gotta get a solid MCAT score (505+), or else it was all for naught. Lot easier said then done. Even with a 3.8 post bac, you may still have to do an SMP with linkage. You are looking at a 3+ year long road. Is it worth it?

If this were me, Id do a post bac at a cheap school, all science classes at 15 credit hours/semester to see if you can cut it. Adding in 40 credits of 4.0 science GPA seems easy until you actually have to do it.

Have you looked into other options? Podiatry School might be a realistic possibility in two years if you do decent on the MCAT, they are still techincally clinical doctors. I have heard of sub 3.0s getting into Pharmacy school.

Yea I have considered other options but I ultimately decided on pursuing this one even if it takes a few years to accomplish it. I graduated from college 4 years ago and I am a completely different person now. I believe that I can do it so I want to give it a shot. It seems that alot of these formal post baccs require a 3.0 GPA to get in. Im a traditional student so I have taken just about all of the science courses my school has to offer so I dont know if I can do a DIY post bacc without retaking courses that I got a C in. And Im from NJ so It looks like I will probably have to relocate for a post bacc given that theres only 3 god damn post baccs in my state (all of which screen at 3.0 GPA). :bang:
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Im a traditional student so I have taken just about all of the science courses my school has to offer so I dont know if I can do a DIY post bacc without retaking courses that I got a C in. And Im from NJ so It looks like I will probably have to relocate for a post bacc given that theres only 3 god damn post baccs in my state (all of which screen at 3.0 GPA). :bang:

I recommend looking into a DIY post-bacc, where you enroll in a community college or 4-year university (preferable) and register for upper level science courses on your own.

Have you taken these courses?
  • Anatomy & Physiology (doesn't have to be strictly human)
  • Neuroscience
  • Neurobiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Immunology
  • Parasitology
  • Cell Biology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Pharmacology
  • The list continues and keep in mind that a majority of these courses are divided into Fundamentals or Level 1/2 courses.
A majority of schools will pre-screen at the c/sGPA 3.0 mark, so I recommend you pursue a DIY or formal post-bacc until you are at or above that threshold. Once you are there, then you can begin to worry about the MCAT.

I recommend looking into a DIY post-bacc, where you enroll in a community college or 4-year university (preferable) and register for upper level science courses on your own.

Have you taken these courses?
  • Anatomy & Physiology (doesn't have to be strictly human)
  • Neuroscience
  • Neurobiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Immunology
  • Parasitology
  • Cell Biology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Pharmacology
  • The list continues and keep in mind that a majority of these courses are divided into Fundamentals or Level 1/2 courses.

Ive taken Anatomy (not with phys though and no lab) and biochem. I just feel like every school around me doesnt offer most of these courses but I guess I just have to search around more. Also I am worried about taking any credits at a community college due to the difficulty level being easier. But yea this sounds like a solid approach if I can find some of these courses
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Definitely do a DIY post-bac.

Here's the thing with SMP's, they are high risk/high reward. High risk meaning, if you do poorly in them your chances are pretty much shot. These SMP programs are mimicking classes you would take in medical school. On top of that, SMP programs are insanely expensive, just look at how much they cost. Lets say hypothetically speaking you fail out, now you have this debt that you have to pay off.

Now, if you did good, usually they offer you an automatic interview.

Go do a DIY post-bac and crush those upper level classes. Then crush the MCAT. Good luck!
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Ive taken Anatomy (not with phys though and no lab) and biochem. I just feel like every school around me doesnt offer most of these courses but I guess I just have to search around more. Also I am worried about taking any credits at a community college due to the difficulty level being easier. But yea this sounds like a solid approach if I can find some of these courses

It doesn't have to be necessarily those classes. Any upper division B/C/P classes that you have not previously taken should be sufficient.
I suggest you read:

Goro's advice for pre-meds who need reinvention

Below 3.0 gpa Support Group/Thread

There has been many people in your shoes and some way worse that have made it to medical school. Just remember it is something that won't be fixed over night, it takes time and patience. Your DIY post bacc performance has to be exceptional 3.7+, so before you even begin a post bacc I suggest you really access your study skills/habits. I wouldn't even worry about the MCAT right now. Head up man, you got this. ;)
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I got an F in a science course because I thought I didnt need to take it and had my career set (very foolish) and it dropped my gpa way down. But even then I didnt try at all in college unfortunately. I am confident in myself to succeed now that I am motivated and willing to put in the work. Assuming I can do well on the MCAT and SMP or Post bacc, I was just wondering what is my best approach. Im a traditional student so I have taken just about every science class already. Alot of people say dont retake courses that I scored a C or better in but I dont have many options for courses to take other than a few science courses.

You didn't do well in college because either you didn't see the point, or your were distracted, or you switched majors. An now you have renewed desire, focus, etc. I get that, we've all been there. Here's the big problem I'm seeing: you've done nothing to show me that you can do well. Demonstrate to us (and really to yourself) that you can get an A. Doing well isn't simply want it, there's a qualitative component as well. What are your year-by-year gpa splits? Have you already done any post-bacc work? If you don't have a history of doing well in coursework, adding more coursework isn't the answer. (not trying to be insulting, maybe you just haven't give enough info)

You need to figure out WHY you didn't do well previously and HOW you're going to improve that. Part of that seems to be quantitative, so you need to figure out how you're going to do better. Until then, formal postbacc and definitely SMP are off the table. If you can't find something locally, I know HES is a frequently-used options (or was a few years back). Find a way to understand what your issues are, address them, and get A's in science classes. Then come back to post-bacc vs smp vs pod vs DO.