SN2'd first day

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Jul 5, 2012
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EDIT: This was supposed to be a thread about the first day of SN2. However as with all intelligent life, things evolve. This thread has now become a support page for people following the SN2 plan. You can think of it as Alcoholics Anonymous for people studying to take the MCAT using the SN2 plan.

EDIT July 1, 2014:
If you are interested in @mehc012's Anki Deck, DO NOT SEND A PM. Here is the link: SN2edCh4s.apkg
**A NOTE: @mehc012 and several others (myself included) want to tell you guys that studying from another person's deck will probably not be as beneficial to you as creating your own cards. Yes you can take advantage of @mehc012's generosity, but you won't get the same advantage. Study the material. Create cards as you go along. You will find it more helpful to your studying. **

EDIT July 22, 2014:
The following is @TBRBiosadist's official MCAT Verbal Reasoning Strategy:
@TBRBiosadist's strategy that got [him] from a 7 average to scoring 13-15 average..

Spend the bulk of your time reading. Up to 3 minutes per passage.
  • Read the first and last paragraph thoroughly to begin with. Understand what the authors main point will be because 90% of questions require nothing more than a general idea.
  • After this, read the entire passage slowly enough where you dont feel like you need to reread sentences for understanding.
Next is just answer questions, there is a few tricks here that work about 90% of the time
  • Unless the passage is asking you about a specific detail, dont look back. READ EVERY ANSWER THOROUGLY AND THEN Answer what makes sense from the general point of the passage. Its very easy to prove a wrong answer to be somewhat correct if you dig hard enough, dont. Answer what your gut says and move onto the next question, dont contemplate to much. With that being said...
  • Answer like you were dropped on the head as a child. Alot of times if Im arguing between two answers, there is the answer that is 100% correct, and one that is 90% correct. Be an idoit and choose the one that seems like it is correct. However.....
  • "Always" is a word to avoid. If an answer uses this word, or definites like it, it is something to avoid. I would say 80% of the time the wishy washy answer is more correct then the highly affirmative one. This leads to my final point....
  • 100% of the time you are not actually looking for the "right" answer in verbal, this isnt PS or BS where 1+1 almost always equals 2 (unless we are talking about the different sedimentation values for Ribosomes). In verbal you are looking for the answer that isnt wrong. Often times an answer will seem very "right" but one aspect of it is clearly wrong, as compared to an answer that isnt wrong, but doesnt seem as right as that answer, these are meant to fool you. Choose the answer that isnt wrong.
I understand that I few of these tips may be at odds with each other. Ultimately you must adjust slightly for each passage, but it comes down to one thing. Read thoroughly. Read every sentence in the passage. Read every question. Read every answer. Then the correct answer will be fairly obvious. This may seem like it takes longer, but it takes much less time than skimming, and then trying to find the correct information later.

Or to summarize in one sentence

Understand what the hell the author is arguing

EDIT July 26, 2014:

@DoctorInASaree uploaded a guide to Verbal Reasoning. If you're interested, it's worth a look. Here is the link: VR Primer DRSAREE.pdf

EDIT 2, July 26, 2014:
Just finished the first day of is it long and exhausting.

The first day is BR physics chapter (translational motion) + 1/3 of the passages. I felt like I wasn't able to apply the stuff I read into the stuff I was tested on.

Has anyone felt this way when following the schedule? It just seems like the contents of the chapter didn't really stick in my head when I took the practice passages. Will this improve over time?

EDIT 3, March 4, 2015:

For verbal, if you are feeling lost and confused, I highly highly recommend you to look into the MCAT Strategy Course by @Jack Westin. I've been working with him, and nothing comes close to his course and teaching. It's a strategy course, so it will cover everything, not just the VR/CARS section.

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not that I didn't love you already, but it grew exponentially after this gif
this video = love
I've just got the "@#$ing magnets, how do they work?" meme stuck in my head...only it's "@#$ing mathematics, how do they work?"
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Just want to say that you guys are hilarious and I'm always quite entertained when I read through this thread.
Please keep spreading the little laughter there is during MCAT prep!
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Alot of thought went into this avatar lol.

I feel like the day I can conquer fifth grade math is the day I will get a 45 on my mcat.

What is 101/100? "Obviously 99%" I say as I chuckle to myself and right down that answer. "I am so smart ha ha"

Funny thing is most of the time I dont catch this stuff even if I have time to review

Wait, I had a problem exactly like that! I said the same thing!! I said 101/100 = 99! Weird, maybe we did the same passage?

And for your avatar I had to click it and see what it said and once i read [screams internally] it reassured me that it was you haha
For those of you not familiar with the gif just posted, I highly suggest you check out this video

only amusing if you have the sense of humor of a 5 year old like me
Just saying I already got a warning from a mod because an image I had in this very thread had a curseword in it...I'm certainly not going to report you, but that vid title apparently might offend some people, because I guess SDN hosts a bunch of elementary school kids :rolleyes:
Just saying I already got a warning from a mod because an image I had in this very thread had a curseword in it...I'm certainly not going to report you, but that vid title apparently might offend some people, because I guess SDN hosts a bunch of elementary school kids :rolleyes:
I always wondered why the mods care so much about cursing on threads that are viewed 90%+ by people over the age of 20?
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7 was the hardest bs I had had so far. 5 was a bit tricky on the ps, a bit more calculation heavy
bs on 7 had some random knowledge things I just had to know, and very ochem heavy. Ps on 5 just get your calculations quick. Also this seems to be the tests where the aamc started with the whole word things oddly kick they now love
I was told that it is "unprofessional", as if the behavior on this forum is professional even 50% of the time :rolleyes:
I dont think ive ever been in a professional setting where there wasnt alot of cursing behind closed doors, especially medicine. Doctors may as well be sailors as soon as there are no patients around.
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bs on 7 had some random knowledge things I just had to know, and very ochem heavy. Ps on 5 just get your calculations quick. Also this seems to be the tests where the aamc started with the whole word things oddly kick they now love

So you think that stating at 5 it was when it took a turn towards more of a "verbal" approach to the sciences? Damn. I wish that never happened.

Verbal is my worst, I just suck at it.
Well hello SN2'd first day's been awhile....
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YAY! haha I'm sure TexasSurgeon can vouch for me when I saw Harvey, the man in my avatar, is the man. His character is so cool, I wish I could be the doctor form of all starts right here with the MCAT.
Yo is this you or is this me or is this me?

I always wondered why the mods care so much about cursing on threads that are viewed 90%+ by people over the age of 20?
'cause cursing isn't classy

then again, Harvey Specter curses and he's classy.
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Soooooo if I get a 35 I get to see how mehc012 looks like? . Extra motivation found ~!! lol

And if not
Soooooo if I get a 35 I get to see how mehc012 looks like? . Extra motivation found ~!! lol

And if not
Wait, is that second one in case I don't fulfill this random wish you've concocted, or in case I turn out to be fugly?
Laugh at me but I got the book called secrets of mental math... 4 questions on Fls where math mistakes.
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Laugh at me but I got the book called secrets of mental math... 4 questions on Fls where math mistakes.
...I definitely downloaded a few iPad apps for elementary school kids. Mental math practice with games! Woo!
My fav thus far is "King of Math", btw
Laugh at me but I got the book called secrets of mental math... 4 questions on Fls where math mistakes.

I have that book too. A lot of the tricks are similar to the tricks presented by tbr. I bought it before I even started college because for some reason I thought mental math was important for engineering. Thinking about digging it up again and working on exercises to prep for aamc calc heavy ps.
I started reading it yesterday, i know how to multiply by 11, square a number, multilpy special double digits from the first pages...
I might get it or something like it this is definitely the most frustrating thing when reviewing . Seeing math problems throwing you off
Kinda random but did any of your orgo professors explain concepts by showing you how to make drugs...... bc my lab professor did and
because of him our class knew how to make lsd, meth, and mdma

EDIT: he didnt actually make them, just showed us the reaction schemes.
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Kinda random but did any of your orgo professors explain concepts by showing you how to make drugs...... bc my lab professor did and
because of him our class knew how to make lsd, meth, and mdma

EDIT: he didnt actually make them, just showed us the reaction schemes.

so he pretty much was the guy from breaking bad
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so he pretty much was the guy from breaking bad
nah, walter white used methylamine which is a controlled chemical, he showed us how to synthesize any controlled chemicals to get around dea restrictions....he was awesome
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Taking a TPR class has made me wonder.... which subject do you think you guys could best teach specifically for the MCAT? For me it would probably be Ochem and nothing else. It's probably the only subject in which I can answer the majority of people's questions.
...I definitely downloaded a few iPad apps for elementary school kids. Mental math practice with games! Woo!
My fav thus far is "King of Math", btw
Love that app! But it sucks after I reached the highest level I lost motivation, they need to have unlimited levels!!!!!
Yo is this you or is this me or is this me?

'cause cursing isn't classy

then again, Harvey Specter curses and he's classy.

All I know is that they make Harvey be such a well rounded guy that's just that much better than anyone he comes in contact with lol

He also went to Harvard, so everything just were to basically.
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So you think that stating at 5 it was when it took a turn towards more of a "verbal" approach to the sciences? Damn. I wish that never happened.

Verbal is my worst, I just suck at it.
I keep hearing how MCAT took "verbal approach to bio" on MCAT quite frequently on SDN. I think this might be misleading for some, as many still kill the science sections and get destroyed by verbal on recent MCATs. While, yes, interpreting a research experiment does take verbal skills, interpreting methods/data/analysis is significantly different than reading about literature theory (a possible Verbal topic).

In BS, you're trying to think like a scientist (e.g., "why was a control group necessary here?" or "if I knocked down X gene, what would happen?"). In VR, you are trying to analyze an author's opinion, no matter how much it may differ from your own opinion (e.g., "what would help strengthen author's opinion?").
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I keep hearing how MCAT took "verbal approach to bio" on MCAT quite frequently on SDN. I think this might be misleading for some, as many still kill the science sections and get destroyed by verbal on recent MCATs. While, yes, interpreting a research experiment does take verbal skills, interpreting methods/data/analysis is significantly different than reading about literature theory (a possible Verbal topic).

In BS, you're trying to think like a scientist (e.g., "why was a control group necessary here?" or "if I knocked down X gene, what would happen?"). In VR, you are trying to analyze an author's opinion, no matter how much it may differ from your own opinion (e.g., "what would help strengthen author's opinion?").

I see what your saying. I have only been hearing it too and have yet to actually take the later AAMCs so I'm not sure exactly what the "verbal approach to bio" really means. I do agree that it is not as simple as verbal and that i've seen a good number of people get 14 on Bio and 9 on VR.

I'm not good at verbal so i'm always curious about this, the more verbal on the exam the worse for me lol
Kinda random but did any of your orgo professors explain concepts by showing you how to make drugs...... bc my lab professor did and
because of him our class knew how to make lsd, meth, and mdma

EDIT: he didnt actually make them, just showed us the reaction schemes.

My professor owner a pharmaceutical company. So he showed us how he made his drugs.
Just looking for some quick advice. I'm doing a slightly modified version of SN2's schedule, and it's been awesome thus far (except Bio. WOW!). I was just wondering this. I've never taken Organic and trying to learn. I have made it through 2 sections of Physics, Bio, and Gen Chem, but my question is if it would be wise to start going through the O-Chem book? Does it teach the material well enough for me to be able to learn as I go? Or are there basics I need to learn from a textbook?

I don't want to fall behind in one book and have to catch up. However, I don't want to waste passages if I'm just going to be guessing the entire time. Thanks in advance, everyone! Y'all are awesome.
I don't know who this will apply to but having done the SN2 schedule and taken multiple AAMCs now I finally was able to raise my score to where I would ideally want it but here are my thoughts about this whole process... 5 weeks before my exam. I think that this test is really a test of your common sense and literal thinking. I think that a lot of us (I know I did) go into it thinking oh this is going to be some complicated feat that cannot be accomplished and I am probably going to have to apply multivariable calculus to get the right answer. NO. the answer is no you don't. If I could talked to myself 3 months ago I would tell myself to TAKE AN AAMC (any of them really) BEFORE studying. Honestly I cannot emphasize HOW MUCH my score raised because I took time to analyze the test, understand the test writer, and look for patterns test after test. Kind of cliche but to win in battle you have to understand your enemy, their tactics, how they think.

HALF (probably close to like 60%) of getting in the double digits in my opinion is knowing HOW to approach a question, it took me a few AAMCs to get that(maybe because I need more time , some people get it right off the bat but for me it was different). The other 40% is knowing your content because you need to apply what you know to that question. Anyway. sorry for the long rant, I just had to process everything because the MCAT IS AN OBSTACLE that you can overcome and I finally have that mentality instead of "great all my hopes and dreams of becoming a physician are down the drain due to this test)"

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Just looking for some quick advice. I'm doing a slightly modified version of SN2's schedule, and it's been awesome thus far (except Bio. WOW!). I was just wondering this. I've never taken Organic and trying to learn. I have made it through 2 sections of Physics, Bio, and Gen Chem, but my question is if it would be wise to start going through the O-Chem book? Does it teach the material well enough for me to be able to learn as I go? Or are there basics I need to learn from a textbook?

I don't want to fall behind in one book and have to catch up. However, I don't want to waste passages if I'm just going to be guessing the entire time. Thanks in advance, everyone! Y'all are awesome.

I literally laughed out loud when i read "except Bio. WOW!" The bio is certainly difficult, they make it so that you come to the AAMCs and think that its a walk in the park (although it never feels that way...anyways).

I would start the book if i were you. You want to gradually learn the information, that way it'll stick. If you just hammer the information a month before your exam you won't be as strong compared to if you started it earlier. You won't this information to be more long term memory than short term and looking at the information over a longer time will allow this to happen.

I think you should first realize, if you haven't already, that the beginning of your Orgo passages are going to be difficult and it's going to require you to put much more time into it than the other subjects. That being said, the earlier you start the more time you give yourself to asses your weaknesses in orgo.

For example, you might easily understand the difference between electron-withdrawing groups and electron-donotaing groups but don't understand substation and elimination reactions. This should make you look for passages that will teach you more about substation/elimination reactions rather than the former. Also, you might want to watch some videos for orgo, I felt that seeing the arrows being pushed helped a lot.
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in other news this aamc will continue my current course of failing to test at test time. I swear the earliest ive started is 9am
Just want to take the time to wish @SwedishMD2B all the best of luck on his upcoming score.. Talked to my big guy up top :angelic::angelic: and I wish the best for you bud!
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