some advice about when to take the MCAT?

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I am currently a Junior, but very behind on my pre-reqs but I hope to matriculate into Med School in Fall 2019. In order to do so, what is the LATEST date I can take my MCAT?

I'm trying to decide if I should rush and finish the rest of the pre reqs and take the MCAT ASAP to try to matriculate in Fall 2019, or if i should be a little more conservative and just take it slower, and plan on Fall 2020 instead. I am very uninformed and confused about the application process for Med school. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, is it absolutely imperative that I finish all pre-reqs before taking the MCAT? Thanks!

to give an idea:
finishing Bio 2, Genchem 2 and Chem Lab right now
taking Physics 1 and Physics 1 lab this summer
Gonna take Ochem 1 and probably physics 2 w/ lab this fall

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I am currently a Junior, but very behind on my pre-reqs but I hope to matriculate into Med School in Fall 2019. In order to do so, what is the LATEST date I can take my MCAT?
June or July I believe, if you don't wanna be marked complete pretty late in the cycle

I'm trying to decide if I should rush and finish the rest of the pre reqs and take the MCAT ASAP to try to matriculate in Fall 2019, or if i should be a little more conservative and just take it slower, and plan on Fall 2020 instead. I am very uninformed and confused about the application process for Med school. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Different strokes for different folks, but don't bite off more than you can chew. There is no way to advise on this without knowing more. But I bet most people will tell you to take your time.

Also, is it absolutely imperative that I finish all pre-reqs before taking the MCAT? Thanks!
I would not recommend doing otherwise. Psych and Socio are probably the easiest to self-study - but having the structure of an actual course (with exams) really helps if you ask me. Not imperative but certainly helpful (especially for biochem)
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At this point, shoot for 2020 and make sure you take biochem. It will help you on the MCAT.
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You take the MCAT when you feel confident that you will get a score that is consistent with your goals. Usually this means scoring consistently at or near your desired score on multiple practice tests. Do not let anyone tell you to rush taking the one objective measurement that medical schools have to directly compare you to other applicants. As people have mentioned above take biochem. There is a lot of biochem on the new MCAT. I would also recommend physiology and some other courses that will cover material tested on the MCAT.
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