Summer after D1

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Dec 29, 2006
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hey guys,

I am currently a D1 and am thinking a few months ahead to what I will be doing this summer. The school that I go to gives 2 months off between D1 and D2. That will be the only break that I have in school. My #1 priority is to relax, but beyond sitting around for 2 months, I was wondering what other people have done with their time (research, dental jobs, etc..). I could always get menial job somewhere, which I would not incredibly mind. However, if there is opportunity to do something proactive and still have a little time to relax, that would be awesome. Any thoughts/options would be appreciated.

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I saw my girlfriend a lot and played tons of video games.
Take some time off. The second year will be challenging.
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I wondered the same thing, and after speaking with numerous professors, they recommended either time off to cool the jets or participating in some form of research. If you are planning to apply for, or even considering, a competitive specialty, then research is probably a good road to travel. A lot of specialties require some type of research be done prior to starting, and even if they don't REQUIRE it, it is still looked highly upon. Those of us who have about 2 months off after D1 year are at an advantage, as some schools may only offer a month or so break. If research is not your cup of tea, there are plenty of comm. service projects to get involved with that will also be advantageous to you down the road. In either case there will still be ample "rest" time to be had throughout the summer.
I moved in with my girlfriend, screwed, water skied and drank in that order until August.