Total study time was 7 months. I used Anking, Sketchy, Pathoma, First aid, NBMEs.
First 4.5 months was purely Anking + UWorld by sections that I would complete in Anking.
Anking ruined my social life; I would do 250 new cards each day and try to keep up with my reviews. Eventually, when I was about 50% of the way through, I started suspending the cards that I had already reviewed for a solid 1.5 months. Essentially, don't waste too much time on reviews (they were taking like 6 hours a day at one point). I got about 80% of the way through Anking (I didn't do Zanki pharm/micro and only did lolnotacop). I started with biochem, then progressed through the rest of the organ systems by using My last two topics were microbiology and pharmacology; I used sketchy and the lolnotacop anki deck for these. In my opinion, sketchy is absolutely required if you want to do well in micro/pharm. First pass of UWorld was 72%, but I only completed ~60% of the qbank during this time (I reset after my finals).
Next 2.5 months was UWorld 2nd pass + NBMEs. I would sit in bed and do UWorld on my phone because I was too lazy to bring my computer out. For the first 50% of the qbank, I thoroughly read every word of each question but over time I got worn out and just started skimming. Second pass was 82% correct and I didn't do a pass of my incorrects. I feel like 60% of the average UWorld question explanation is just fluff; reading the incorrects and the educational objective was enough for me. During the last few months (this is after I graduated), I would (inefficiently) study the entire day (I did nothing else but shower, eat, and study).
About 2 months out I started on my NBMEs, and from 20-31 my scores were 75, 77, 70, 80, 85, 85, 86, 93, 85, 91, 88, and 89. I would thoroughly review each NBME. I actually started doing my early NBMEs (20-24) after doing 2 blocks of UWorld, so my scores were a bit lower than normal (don't do this). I was really short for time in my last three weeks or so, and ended up doing NBMEs 25-29 in around a two week period.
All throughout my dedicated, I would watch pathoma and mehlman videos at night before going to bed. I also listened to all of the Goljan lectures while walking, exercising, etc.
I'll be completely honest with you, I was actually really scared when I started studying for this thing. This exam covers a ton of really complex material and it can be hard to imagine that you would be able to do well on the real deal. But I promise you, if you just stay consistent and stick at it you will do great. On average, I studied ~10 hours per day during my last semester of undergrad. I only took 3 classes (which were all pretty straightforward and didn't require too much studying), so I had a ton of free time on my hands.
Hope this helps, and I'm happy to answer any other questions through DMs or just responding here. Props to anyone that studies for this thing. It's hard, and I struggled.