Taking a class pass fail

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"This too will pass"
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
May 30, 2008
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Ok,so i need to take a language requirement (outside my biochemistry major), so i was going to take American sign language because it's apparently an easy course, but it is only offered in P/F
(just sat through my intermediate Spanish class, no way...the whole thing is in Spanish had no clue what was going on)

So would this look bad on my transcript? I've already applied to dental schools, so if i get in it shouldn't matter. But in case i don't:

how does aadsas calculate this into their gpa?
Does it look bad to dental schools even though it's not a prerequisite, and not even in my major?


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My adviser told me not to take anything pass fail because it looks like a cop out . Though it would not affect your AADSAS GPA but may raise questions to dental schools as to why you didn't want to take it for a grade.
My adviser told me not to take anything pass fail because it looks like a cop out . Though it would not affect your AADSAS GPA but may raise questions to dental schools as to why you didn't want to take it for a grade.

IMO, too many pass/fails will look bad, but one won't do anything.
Many people have several Withdraws and that didn't cause any problems.
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i took 1 class p/f for an art histroy class....best decision of my life cuz i'd get a C+ if i took it for a grade. i think p/f is fine as long as it's non-science, but make sure u don't have too many. i only had 1.
i took 1 class p/f for an art histroy class....best decision of my life cuz i'd get a C+ if i took it for a grade. i think p/f is fine as long as it's non-science, but make sure u don't have too many. i only had 1.

I'm taking pass/fail physics - do you guys think this isgonna be a mega prob? I am in my fourth year and taking a first yr phys course simply for D-school - I could back it up saying how it's a first yr course in my 4th yr and not required for degree so that's why it's a pass fail?

I already applied and am interviewing at Boston in Nov...