Taking a Class Pass/Fail

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10+ Year Member
Aug 24, 2010
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I want to take either philosophy or a gen ed music class pass/fail (i'm enrolled in both) and I was wondering if you guys think that's a bad thing? I already applied and have 7 interviews, so it would only show up for this fall quarter's grades on academic update I think. With that many interviews and flying I don't want philosophy to screw me over with too much reading and affect my gpa.

So, will dental schools hate that? I've never taken anything pass/fail before. I have to specify pass/fail in two days and don't know what to do. Any advice is appreciated! And yes, I searched the forum and didn't find much that was helpful..

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My classmate took both ochem and one physics course pass/fail and got 5 interviews so far.
My classmate took both ochem and one physics course pass/fail and got 5 interviews so far.

Well that's good, but I'm more concerned about a possible acceptance and then the dental school asking why I decided to take a class pass/fail then revoking an acceptance. Extreme, I know, but I just want to make sure.