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Tea Leaf

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7+ Year Member
May 9, 2016
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Hi everyone, I hope you're all having a good start to the semester!

I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to talk about bad grades to a professor. For a certain class, I don't meet the prerequisite grade of the required class, however, I signed up for this class regardless. I now have to send an email to the professor discussing my grade in that class and how I really want to take this class before retaking the prerequisite. I took the prerequisite during my worst semester where I was working crazy amount of hours, my home and personal life blew up on me, and I was academically burned out. It's not an excuse but I know I can do better than that and it isn't a good representation of my abilities, but I'm ready to move on.

How can I discuss this in a professional email to the professor, who has never met me? I don't want it to sound like a sob story, but I want them to know that I can do better? I need to send this email so the professor can stop me from getting dropped by the registrar. Thanks guys!

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This may be really horrible advice, but in college I took a great many classes without fulfilling certain prerequisites. It seems the prerequisites were more of a strong suggestion rather than a requirement. Unless the system actually prevents you from registering, or the professor contacts you directly, I think there's a pretty strong change that you can just take the class.
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Dear Professor _____,

My name is _____. In order to graduate on time, I am in desperate need of taking your class _____. I am unfortunately prevented from doing so because I failed to achieve a qualifying score in prerequisite course _____. I do understand the core concepts that are integral to the course and am willing to take a practice test, provide you with my notes, or go through any assessment you deem necessary in order to prove that I truly understand the material. I am planning on retaking the class at a later point to achieve a satisfactory score. I understand that it was due to a failure on my ability to do _____ and _____ that led to the disappointing score and I have allotted time and addressed those mistakes.

If needed, I would greatly appreciate a meeting in person or any of the aforementioned measures to show you that I am not taking your course lightly and have come in prepared to truly master the concepts presented in _____. I understand if you cannot allow me to bypass the restriction as it would be fundamentally unfair to all the other students who were able to successfully achieve a satisfactory score in class _____. I promise I will not disappoint you if you give me this opportunity.

A student very interested in taking your class,
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@Tea Leaf There is no professionalism. There is no parity. There is no equanimity. You failed to qualify, you don't deserve anything. You're begging for one opportunity. There's nothing professional about it.
Hi everyone, I hope you're all having a good start to the semester!

I was wondering if I could get some advice on how to talk about bad grades to a professor. For a certain class, I don't meet the prerequisite grade of the required class, however, I signed up for this class regardless. I now have to send an email to the professor discussing my grade in that class and how I really want to take this class before retaking the prerequisite. I took the prerequisite during my worst semester where I was working crazy amount of hours, my home and personal life blew up on me, and I was academically burned out. It's not an excuse but I know I can do better than that and it isn't a good representation of my abilities, but I'm ready to move on.

How can I discuss this in a professional email to the professor, who has never met me? I don't want it to sound like a sob story, but I want them to know that I can do better? I need to send this email so the professor can stop me from getting dropped by the registrar. Thanks guys!
I have received multiple overrides from professors. I always emailed the professor.
In certain colleges you can waive the pre-requisite, but there is some paperwork involved.
At my school if you just show up for the first class there's a good chance the Prof will let you in... The faculty's culture here may be different but they are more than willing to let you take a risk you deem suitable. However, if you're failing halfway through the semester they don't give a whole lotta pity. I'd shoot the aforementioned email then show up at the first classes just for him to see your face.

Side note: I'd be 100000% sure you are ready to take the class. I took an upper level bio class once w/o the pre-reqs once (I knew the prof, he waived me in) and it was kinda like trying ride a greased bull in a car wash. Really darn hard.
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I've taken courses in the past w/o the pre-reqs, and it never was an issue. Interestingly though, my organic chem class I just started is doing some hardcore verifying that every student enrolled completed both gen chem semesters with a C. I was surprised, but then again, the chem department (specifically the gen chem realm) are horrid, so maybe this is the orgo professors covering their class average's ass... if you will.
Dear Professor _____,

My name is _____. In order to graduate on time, I am in desperate need of taking your class _____. I am unfortunately prevented from doing so because I failed to achieve a qualifying score in prerequisite course _____. I do understand the core concepts that are integral to the course and am willing to take a practice test, provide you with my notes, or go through any assessment you deem necessary in order to prove that I truly understand the material. I am planning on retaking the class at a later point to achieve a satisfactory score. I understand that it was due to a failure on my ability to do _____ and _____ that led to the disappointing score and I have allotted time and addressed those mistakes.

If needed, I would greatly appreciate a meeting in person or any of the aforementioned measures to show you that I am not taking your course lightly and have come in prepared to truly master the concepts presented in _____. I understand if you cannot allow me to bypass the restriction as it would be fundamentally unfair to all the other students who were able to successfully achieve a satisfactory score in class _____. I promise I will not disappoint you if you give me this opportunity.

A student very interested in taking your class,

SDN Mad libs version:

Dear Professor who can help me get to med school faster,

My name is neurotic premed. In order to graduate on time, I am in desperate need of taking your class that I could not care less about. I am unfortunately prevented from doing so because I failed to achieve a qualifying score in a prerequisite course that was not worthy of my attention because I'm so busy with being "well rounded" I don't have time to do coursework. I do understand the core concepts that are integral to the course and am willing to take a practice test, provide you with my notes, or go through any assessment you deem necessary in order to prove that I truly understand the material. I am planning on retaking the class at a later point to achieve a satisfactory score. I understand that it was due to a failure on my ability to do anything right that led to the disappointing score and I have allotted time and addressed those mistakes.

If needed, I would greatly appreciate a meeting in person or any of the aforementioned measures to show you that I am not taking your course lightly and have come in prepared to truly master the concepts presented in this hurdle to my eventual medical school application. I understand if you cannot allow me to bypass the restriction as it would be fundamentally unfair to all the other students who were able to successfully achieve a satisfactory score in that class, I don't even remember the name of it anymore. I promise I will not disappoint you if you give me this opportunity.

A student very interested in taking your class,
neurotic premed.

P.S if I meet with you during office hours it's because I need a LOR. I really don't care about you, the coursework, or your interests outside of academics.
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Dear Professor _____,

My name is _____. In order to graduate on time, I am in desperate need of taking your class _____. I am unfortunately prevented from doing so because I failed to achieve a qualifying score in prerequisite course _____. I do understand the core concepts that are integral to the course and am willing to take a practice test, provide you with my notes, or go through any assessment you deem necessary in order to prove that I truly understand the material. I am planning on retaking the class at a later point to achieve a satisfactory score. I understand that it was due to a failure on my ability to do _____ and _____ that led to the disappointing score and I have allotted time and addressed those mistakes.

If needed, I would greatly appreciate a meeting in person or any of the aforementioned measures to show you that I am not taking your course lightly and have come in prepared to truly master the concepts presented in _____. I understand if you cannot allow me to bypass the restriction as it would be fundamentally unfair to all the other students who were able to successfully achieve a satisfactory score in class _____. I promise I will not disappoint you if you give me this opportunity.

A student very interested in taking your class,
Dude you're way too harsh. He's not a war criminal begging for forgiveness
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