Texas A&M Dental PBP 2024-2025

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Nov 26, 2019
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Hi! I haven't been able to find a thread for this cycle. Anybody else applying to PBP this year?

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Based on previous threads, interview invites should be sent next week. I’ll update if I get one or not. 🙂
congrats! if u dont mind me asking when was ur application completed and what is ur interview date?
They emailed me first and asked me to call back to confirm my interview date. I submitted my app 1/22 and they offered me the interview dates of March 4th or March 5th
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has anyone else heard back yet? I emailed a while back and asked when interview invites would be and all she told me was if your invited for an interview it gonna be before march 22nd.
has anyone else heard back yet? I emailed a while back and asked when interview invites would be and all she told me was if your invited for an interview it gonna be before march 22nd.
i would be shocked if a texas school was interviewing that late...
They emailed me first and asked me to call back to confirm my interview date. I submitted my app 1/22 and they offered me the interview dates of March 4th or March 5th
did they give you any other details about your interview?
Wonder if they go by first come first serve order. If so then I’m assuming i’m getting rejected🙁 I don’t know what to do I just want to be a dentist…
There is one thing that my advisor asked me when I told him that I applied to the post-baccalaureate program. He said that since you are a biology major, do you think they will have enough classes for you to take? If they do, they will send you an interview. I think he was right that they may have a specific list of classes to take. and for those who already took these classes, our chances are low compared to those who did not.
There is one thing that my advisor asked me when I told him that I applied to the post-baccalaureate program. He said that since you are a biology major, do you think they will have enough classes for you to take? If they do, they will send you an interview. I think he was right that they may have a specific list of classes to take. and for those who already took these classes, our chances are low compared to those who did not.
but then like I wish they would just tell us that from the beginning.
At my interview they said we’ll get an email by March 15th if we are accepted 🤞🏽