The Official 5/12/2012 MCAT Thread

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Hello fellow May 12ers! I didn't see a thread for our test day and considering we are 5 weeks away, I decided to make one! I hope everyone's preparation is going well!

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I had a dream last night that I got a 36S. Fat chance.

This hour:
We're in the final countdown now friends! It has been fun studying, practicing, cramming, stressing, and waiting with all of you. Best of luck all my SDN pals :)

Now where is the alcohol?!???
Am i the only one who had no appetite last night, didn't sleep, and am pacing around my house while checking THx by the nanosecond?

My current worries:
-Well, that section wasn't THAT bad, so hopefully with this combination of scores I can get a 30+

-Maybe I DID get a 35+ this time? WAIT no. WAIT yes. Wait no.
-Maybe I got <30 this time? Wait no. WAIT yes. WAIT no.

-No mom/dad, they're NOT up yet.

-Did I accidently void my scores? I know I thought about it, but did I? Maybe I hit the wrong button?
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am i the only one who had no appetite last night, didn't sleep, and am pacing around my house while checking thx by the nanosecond?

My current worries:
-well, that section wasn't that bad, so hopefully with this combination of scores i can get a 30+

-maybe i did get a 35+ this time? Wait no. Wait yes. Wait no.
-maybe i got <30 this time? Wait no. Wait yes. Wait no.

-no mom/dad, they're not up yet.

-did i accidently void my scores? I know i thought about it, but did i? Maybe i hit the wrong button?

those are my exact thoughts. In that order. On repeat.
good luck everyone! so, so nervous right now!!!! :eek:

Cant stand being this nervous.....feel like im going tho throw up.....wishing everyone on here's to the next 15-30 minutes and it leading to the worst or best news ever....
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I really thought I did better with the writing section, but I can't complain about the numbers!
Congrats to you guys! Great job and rachel remember the writing really doesn't matter.

Yeah and please post your practice averages!
guys post your averages, or we don't know what your score means!! CONGRATS TO EVERYONE SO FAR!!!!
Congrats to you guys! Great job and rachel remember the writing really doesn't matter.

32, I am happy that all three are above 10, so worried about my verbal. A bit disappointed about Physics, but won't complain, this is exactly my AAMC practice average.
34R~!!! 11/11/12. Thought I did better in bio, but oh well~ I'm pretty happy with this score!
I will say I did much better in the PS than I was expecting, and lower on the BS. I felt really good about the Bio, I have no idea what happened. VR 10. Overall happy wit hthe score, I'm not getting into Harvard but I will be a doctor.
My 34P is right near my average on AAMC I got a 33-34 every time
usually 11s on my verbal, 12s on PS and 11s on my bio. This time it was 11VR, 11PS, 12BS
Writing is low for me. When I took Kaplan I usually scored R or S. I really couldnt care less about the writing tho considering theyre removing it next year.
Kaplan averages were 36-37 so I think they're a bit easier than a real test.
12P/13V/10B/S - 35S

Praise the lord baby Jesus. Scored higher on PS than I thought; scored similarly to what I thought I got on BS given the awful section I had (usually averaged 12, but I'm not complaining). Excited about Verbal.

Best of luck to everyone -- we can do this!
Hi, guys!

My scores were PS 10 VR 12 BS 10 and O. My practice scores from AAMC were 33, 33, 33, 33, and 37, so I guess I did worse than my practice. Oh, well, I'm happy with my score.

I do have one question: My AMCAS has been verified already, so are my MCAT now automatically sent to schools through AMCAS?
31Q, only a 9 on PS. Ran out of time on the Physical sciences which didn't help. Overall, happy and don't think I'll be retaking.
I'm kind of annoyed by the writing thing, even though I know it doesn't matter and they are axing it next year. I thought I did well on at least one of my essays, at least above the 50th percentile!


11 PS
11 V
12 BS

I took 5 practice tests...all were 33 except for one 32. Glad I never have to see that test again.
Got 28Q, thats a "huge" improvement over my craptastic 2010 23Q from the year from hell. Now what could I get if i wasn't working FT?? Should I try again ;P
12, 10, 11- same as AAMC averages, except for BS- down 1 point...

here's to hoping this begins to make up for my 3.4 sciGPA
So I don't usually post because you guys make me paranoid but....


13W, 12 PS, 11 Bio

PS is my average, bio is my average, verbal is above my 11 average

For those of you who didn't do well, I got a 30 last time because of severe insomnia the night before. Believe and prepare and you can do it.
Rooting for ya!

30R - I will take it! By SDN standards, I guess this is "average" but for my standards, I'm happy with this score and I am officially done with the MCAT.

Hard to say what my AAMC practice averages were because this was my second time taking the MCAT and taking all the practice tests... average was ~32
38R PS/VR/BS 14/12/12

have been refreshing this page for so long and saw the first score up post, and i thought i would faint. then forgot where to check score and had to google it. logged in, saw the score, tried adding up scores for 3s and failed (i'm actually a math guy and can usually do double digit multiplication in head within 5s) and realized that total score is actually there. almost teared up...

good luck to every one with the application process! congratulations to every one, we have done it!

AAMC average wise, I think it's pretty accurate. I took 3 before I did any study. and finished studying orgo/biol right before I took 11.

AAMC 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 10, 11 for me: 34, 34, 36, 34, 38, 37, 36, 35. But almost half of the time I was only 1 question away from 1pt higher both in PS and BS because of the stupid mistakes I make. I think I was just really careful on the real exam, so overall I think AAMC average is pretty accurate. Hope that helps!
30r - i will take it! By sdn standards, i guess this is "average" but for my standards, i'm happy with this score and i am officially done with the mcat.

Hard to say what my aamc practice averages were because this was my second time taking the mcat and taking all the practice tests... Average was ~32

woooo you're dunzo!
34R,,,I"ll take it 12V/10PS/12 BIO friggin physical science, I coulda used 1 more point on that!!!! wow, the butterflies are still running around inside me
Ok, here goes.

AAMC average: 35.8 (n=8)

PS: 13
VR: 12
BS: 10
Cumulative: 35R

Really surprised about the PS score, that came out of nowhere. I thought I totally bombed that section and guessed 3 question cause I ran out of time. Go figure.

Congratulations to everyone. I wish you all the best. Regardless of what our scores are this is quite a milestone for all of us.
haha, esquire I got an M too but that's because I had a computer glitch when I wrote my essay--if I get asked in an interview, i'll just explain what happened

but anyway 11VR/12PS/11BS--34! Thank you JESUS. My average on practice was a 29. Yep, that's right. But on Test Day, I wrote " I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me" on every single scratch paper so I was in super-zen mode.

And I went from a 23 last time I took it to a 34! hallelujah. Everyone, great job!!! I'm in awe of the person that got a 38. Amazing! To those who are next, you can do it!!!
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