The Official January 26th, 2013 MCAT Thread

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Curious to see how many people are taking it....

How many retakers? I am one

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There's no way I'm taking it more than once. If I screw this up, the next test will be the GRE. :mad:

School starts for me next Wed. so I only have a week left to study full time. I'm ready for it to be over.

With ur practice test scores, ur going to do amazing!
Bad! Trying to get a bunch of practices in this week. Any suggestions on what practice MCATs I should go for? I've taken all 10 AAMCs and one gold standard (5) , but that's all so far. I know none really give a completely accurate score compared to real thing, but do you all have any advice for which practice tests prepare the best? (company, or especially a certain exam #)
I may have just posted this, sorry if it pops up twice, lost connection though so going twice for good measure. Any advice on which practice tests to hit during this last week? I've already done all of AAMCs on my first take, and so far I've only done 2 gold standards this time (free and #5).
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With ur practice test scores, ur going to do amazing!

I'm taking no chances and going full tilt until Sat. I'm a performer (rock, classical piano) and I find that I prepare myself mentally for written exams and performances in exactly the same way. Both put me into "controlled panic" mode. Lots of adrenaline, but always focused on a purpose.

I may have just posted this, sorry if it pops up twice, lost connection though so going twice for good measure. Any advice on which practice tests to hit during this last week? I've already done all of AAMCs on my first take, and so far I've only done 2 gold standards this time (free and #5).

If you have not already taken the AAMC self assessments, I found them very helpful at locating weak points to focus on in the last week.

Best of luck to everyone sitting for the MCAT this coming week :luck::luck::luck::luck:
Took AAMC 8 today, best score yet. Gonna do 9 tomorrow, 10 Tuesday, and 11 Thursday.

Feeling pretty confident overall.
Well, I just completed Gold Standard #10 and the physical sciences was awful! It may just be me; but I usually finish physical sciences with 5 minutes or so left, this time I literally had to just guess on the last 8 (and scored an 8) It seemed really math heavy, unreasonably math heavy in my opinion. I'm thinking moving away from gold standard for a few tests this week may be good?
Took AAMC 8 today, best score yet. Gonna do 9 tomorrow, 10 Tuesday, and 11 Thursday.

Feeling pretty confident overall.

Hey man I'd start with 11 today or not do 11 at all. It might throw you for a loop depending how prepared you are.
Hey man I'd start with 11 today or not do 11 at all. It might throw you for a loop depending how prepared you are.

Is it especially difficult or something? Definitely don't want to be blindsided by a lower than expected practice score right before the test..
I've taken AAMC 11 already once before but it was 5 months ago. Think it would be at least a decent indicator of my score if I took it a second time?
Retaker and first time poster. Got a 32 first time, and I had walked out feeling like I had just completed AAMC 11 but raised an order of magnitude... Or in other words, like I had been totally effed. If it feels like that on Saturday, don't get freaked. You are graded against how everyone else is doing, so keep your calm and carry on... Good luck all!
Retaker and first time poster. Got a 32 first time, and I had walked out feeling like I had just completed AAMC 11 but raised an order of magnitude... Or in other words, like I had been totally effed. If it feels like that on Saturday, don't get freaked. You are graded against how everyone else is doing, so keep your calm and carry on... Good luck all!

Why are you retaking a 32??? I would kill a family of 4 for a 32....
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I'm pumped to take this thing even thought I'm scoring lower than I want.

My sentiments exactly. If I can stop making stupid mistakes that cost me 2-3 questions in each section then I would be right where I want to be.

My focus right now (rest of today) is on verbal. I always see at least 3 questions that I either 1) accidentally chose the wrong answer, 2) change from the right answer or 3) misread.

If I can get those 3 questions right on the actual exam then I will be a happy man.
I've taken AAMC 11 already once before but it was 5 months ago. Think it would be at least a decent indicator of my score if I took it a second time?

hmm I recently retook AAMC11 that I first took about 8 month ago or so and yet I still remembered a lot of the VR passages which greatly inflated my VR score. I remembered bits and pieces of sciences too.. But I did review pretty well the first time around.
So I'm curious, what's everyone doing until the exam Saturday? Are you guys spending a lot of time studying or tapering down and just reviewing?
i'm gonna be retaking aamc 11 today just for the review / timing.... then tomorrow i'll either do some light review or nothing...

my sleep time is messed up.. I just woke up @ 2pm lol and my test time is @ 1pm

any suggestions from you guys?
I hadn't thought of the timing, that's a good idea! I'm going over flashcards/my notes. Maybe I'll go over an old practice exam to build up some confidence. How early is everyone getting to their testing center? I know they said to get there half an hour early, but I will be going a little earlier than that.
Just took aamc 11...and got 9/5/9 f*ck..i was not focused during verbal and guessed on the ebola passage because i ran out of time in the BS. All I want is a 7 in VR and a 24 total. One more sleepless night i have to go thru and i will finish studying fri round 5 pm EST.
I'm reviewing recent aamc test I took and I might take old aamc to not lose touch with timing. Especially for VR... Tomorrow I'll be reviewing flashcards & notes and maybe a few passages. After dinner, relax & making sure I have everything for the next day. Goodluck everyone!:luck:
Good luck everyone!
I was wondering.. can anyone suggest what food to eat today so our GI system won't mess with us during the exam on Saturday? I know what to avoid (beans, dairy, etc.) but I was wondering if it was a good idea to eat Spaghetti + meatballs for dinner to carboload? What about breakfast? I don't want to need to poop during the exam >_< lol so I'm nervous about eating too many fruits and veggies and needing to poop the next day...
Good luck everyone!
I was wondering.. can anyone suggest what food to eat today so our GI system won't mess with us during the exam on Saturday? I know what to avoid (beans, dairy, etc.) but I was wondering if it was a good idea to eat Spaghetti + meatballs for dinner to carboload? What about breakfast? I don't want to need to poop during the exam >_< lol so I'm nervous about eating too many fruits and veggies and needing to poop the next day...

I don't think you would need to carbload...that in itself might upset your stomach. Just eat whatever you're used to eating or something that's comforting or makes you happy!
Good luck everyone!
I was wondering.. can anyone suggest what food to eat today so our GI system won't mess with us during the exam on Saturday? I know what to avoid (beans, dairy, etc.) but I was wondering if it was a good idea to eat Spaghetti + meatballs for dinner to carboload? What about breakfast? I don't want to need to poop during the exam >_< lol so I'm nervous about eating too many fruits and veggies and needing to poop the next day...

I'll probably eat some fish and brown rice for dinner tonight with a side of brocoli. Tomorrow for breakfast I will probably eat 3 eggs scrambled, 1 potato (shredded into hash browns of course :) ), 2 slices of whole grain toast, and a half an avocado. And you can't forget the ever important cup of coffee! Depending how much sleep I get and what time I get up, I may have something for lunch as well. Then it's trail mix, an apple, protein bar, and some naked juice for my mid-test snacks.

I have a very fast metabolism and can feel myself using up lots of energy taking these exams, gotta stay fueled!
JK, I can't wait to get this over with.

Retaking here. I took AAMC 11 yesterday and felt AWFUL taking it. I usually want more time on the exam, but yesterday was the first time I wanted to clock to run out! I was so sure I ended up with an awful score, but actually got my highest score. It feels like a fluke though :(

Does anyone have any tips for getting rid of MCAT jitters? I usually don't get super nervous before exams, but the first time I took the MCAT, it was a nightmare. I was so nervous that I went extremely slow and was left with 2-3 minutes left for the last passage in all 3 sections.
Hey guys,

I took the test this past Thursday (24th). Just wanted to drop in and say good luck. Also, try to stay calm. That was one of my biggest problems during the test. Make sure to expect the unexpected i.e. car accident on the way to test, computer problems, starting test late, not being allowed to use headphones (this one happened to me), etc. As long as you dont let these things rattle you up, you should be fine.

Good luck
p.s dont drink coffee if you are not a usual coffee drinker. I did this and it made me really jittery and I had a hard time focusing for the PS section.
Good luck! You guys will do awesome tomorrow. I'm sure there will be nothing but 30+ all around

I hope so!! The nerves are starting to kick in a little now (and I'm a re-taker!) since I feel even more pressure this time around to really score well to offset my low score the first time. Gotta stay focused and get these jitters out of the way before tomorrow! Good luck everyone!
Tomorrow's the day! I'm just hoping everything goes smoothly and I'm just going to treat it like a practice test.
If you are near test center, it's worth it to go and see where it is. Mine was located within a corporate building and so no sign or anything. I'm glad I went today since I would have wasted like half hour tomorrow before test (not to mention it probably will make me even more nervous for the test).

Good luck to you all! And especially for fellow re-takers! :luck::luck::luck::luck::luck:
If you are near test center, it's worth it to go and see where it is. Mine was located within a corporate building and so no sign or anything. I'm glad I went today since I would have wasted like half hour tomorrow before test (not to mention it probably will make me even more nervous for the test).

Good luck to you all! And especially for fellow re-takers! :luck::luck::luck::luck::luck:


I know this is a little late but make sure you know where you're going. Oh, and double check the location of your testing site just to be safe. This coming from a guy who is rewriting, in part because Google Maps didn't give me the right location.

Good luck everyone!
Any one else lucky enough to get sick this week/today?? I've been fighting a viscous cold all week... I woke up today and it looked like i had a tennis ball in my neck my lymph nodes were so swollen :(

Lets hope nyquil, vitamin C, and lots of water can get me through this last day...What a nightmare, honestly.
Any one else lucky enough to get sick this week/today?? I've been fighting a viscous cold all week... I woke up today and it looked like i had a tennis ball in my neck my lymph nodes were so swollen :(

Lets hope nyquil, vitamin C, and lots of water can get me through this last day...What a nightmare, honestly.

I have had a nasty cold for the past 10 days. I took two weeks off from work to study hard, but ended up sleeping most of the time.
Is the exam tomorrow he same as the one given yesterday? Or are the exams given on paired Thursday/Saturday dates different?
Still studying, ....... I used today to go over all the problems I missed on the AAMCs and then one last scan of

My AAMC average wasn't great, but I'm reasonably sure I can do better than that. I will know in a month. :scared:
I almost went to the wrong Test Centre in Toronto. It says that the exam was at Cestar college so I planned my trip to Cestar college with google maps. It showed the college as being at Yonge/Lawrence. Then I checked the mcat site just to make sure and was confused when the address it was giving was different from the google address (and a decent while away). Turns out that either there are two Cestar college's or the test is actually happening at a place called Lambton college and they've called them both the same thing which is really confusing.

Type in Cestar college, it'll give you an address at 3080 Yonge Street. Testing happens here as well as the other location which is 265 Yorkdale Blvd.