***The Official USC Class of 2022 Interview/Acceptance Thread***

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Has anyone called recently to ask when they are sending out decisions (more specific than this month)
Yeah, but they said they weren't allowed to announce dates

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Is USC done sending interview invites? I haven’t heard anything from them since their app confirmation email back in August. Do they just do silent rejections?
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Is USC done sending interview invites? I haven’t heard anything from them since their app confirmation email back in August. Do they just do silent rejections?
I believe they are done with interviews.
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I'm hoping we hear something today too! I wish we knew how full the class is....
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Still nothing?!!!!!!!!!!
No :( but look at it this way~ we're going to hear back this month on a mon or fri, so for every one of those days that we don't hear back the chances of getting an email on the remaining mon/fri of april is greater :happy:
Not that I calculated, but there is a 25% chance that we hear back this friday :laugh:
Stay positive everyone!!
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just got accepted too!It was my second time applying just be patcient
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Anyone interview in March heard anything back?
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I got accepted Thursday! Interviewed March 14
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Does anyone know when/ if another round of acceptances will be sent out? I tried calling, but didn't get any info
When you called did they say if the class is full?
The guy didn't give any details about when they'll be sending out more or how full class was (he said he didn't have that info or that he couldn't give it to me). All he said was that he knew that acceptances were still being sent out by the office
The guy didn't give any details about when they'll be sending out more or how full class was (he said he didn't have that info or that he couldn't give it to me). All he said was that he knew that acceptances were still being sent out by the office

Thanks! Was this today? Hopefully there is still hope..
Hi friends,
Do you think USC is still sending out acceptances?
How long does it take to get the acceptance packet in the mail,it been almost two weeks lol?
Okay, I called the admissions office today and they are still reviewing more applicant since not all the seats are full yet. Fingers-crossed
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Okay, I called the admissions office today and they are still reviewing more applicant since not all the seats are full yet. Fingers-crossed
Thanks for calling. Im out of energy to hear rejection lol
Anyone planning to reapply? or should we wait more?
Applied 7 schools, had 3 interviews, wait-listed 2 schools.
I cannot wait until august not knowing whether I would get in or not.
I hate this but I will have to do this application process one more time :(
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Read somewhere in a previous thread (maybe the 2017 cycle one) that they said you can reapply after the rejection letters are received in August/September. Like yes go ahead and reapply to all your schools if you don't think you're getting in this cycle but just add USC like after you receive the rejection letter for this cycle.
Read somewhere in a previous thread (maybe the 2017 cycle one) that they said you can reapply after the rejection letters are received in August/September. Like yes go ahead and reapply to all your schools if you don't think you're getting in this cycle but just add USC like after you receive the rejection letter for this cycle.

Will do. Thanks.
Just got accepted! Turning it down. Best of luck to those still waiting! I had interviewed 11/15, waitlisted 12/1, submitted that form to be/*stay on waitlist, and was accepted today 5/10! There's still hope :)

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Just got accepted! Turning it down. Best of luck to those still waiting! I had interviewed 11/15, waitlisted 12/1, submitted that form to be/*stay on waitlist, and was accepted today 5/10! There's still hope :)


Would you mind sharing your stats?
Just got accepted! Turning it down. Best of luck to those still waiting! I had interviewed 11/15, waitlisted 12/1, submitted that form to be/*stay on waitlist, and was accepted today 5/10! There's still hope :)

Also what do you mean by submitted form to stay on waitlist?
Would you mind sharing your stats?
25 AA, 24TS, 22 PAT (25 Bio, 26 GC, 22 OC, 25 RC, 25 QR)
3.89 overall, 3.99 science

Also what do you mean by submitted form to stay on waitlist?
On 12/1, I had received an email with the following:
"Dear USC DDS Post-Interview Candidate:

This is a follow-up to your recent visit to the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC. We certainly hope you enjoyed your time with us. Having successfully completed the interview phase of the application process you are now one of a select number of individuals whose application has been ranked for the 2017-18 acceptance cycle. You are to be commended upon the progress of your application to this point."

At the bottom, it had a link to a form that I filled up and returned back. I guess I might've been on a priority wait-list? Based on that email, it seemed that those that filled out the form will be the ones receiving offers until the class is full.
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25 AA, 24TS, 22 PAT (25 Bio, 26 GC, 22 OC, 25 RC, 25 QR)
3.89 overall, 3.99 science

On 12/1, I had received an email with the following:
"Dear USC DDS Post-Interview Candidate:

This is a follow-up to your recent visit to the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC. We certainly hope you enjoyed your time with us. Having successfully completed the interview phase of the application process you are now one of a select number of individuals whose application has been ranked for the 2017-18 acceptance cycle. You are to be commended upon the progress of your application to this point."

At the bottom, it had a link to a form that I filled up and returned back. I guess I might've been on a priority wait-list? Based on that email, it seemed that those that filled out the form will be the ones receiving offers until the class is full.
Oh I see, Thanks!
Hey guys the packet that came home asks for USC ID everywhere,where do get that number from?
I don't believe that I made it off the wait-list, but I received an email from USC a few hours ago asking me to submit a photo for a USCard. Did anyone else from the wait-list receive this email?
I don't believe that I made it off the wait-list, but I received an email from USC a few hours ago asking me to submit a photo for a USCard. Did anyone else from the wait-list receive this email?
Did you submit a 2x2 Passport 'like' photo when you attended your interview?

The first time I applied to dental schools i applied with DAT 17 and 2.8 science GPA. overal gpa 3.55 didnt get an interview from any of the 12 schools.

The second time (last cycle) i applied with a DAT of 20, 22 on each science, 16 on math, 3.2 science gpa..overal gpa 3.55. yet no interviews

now I am deciding to reapply without retaking the dat for the third time.. I am just confused why i didnt recieve a single interview on the second time i applied. any advice would help!!

thank you
A DAT of 20 is good and a 16 on math is okay,I had a 16 on math and got interviews at Cali schools ,just work a little on your science GPA and maybe your personal statement, your overall is also really good!
How much is the COA for the class of 2022 for those who interviewed ?
A DAT of 20 is good and a 16 on math is okay,I had a 16 on math and got interviews at Cali schools ,just work a little on your science GPA and maybe your personal statement, your overall is also really good!

thank you !

The first time I applied to dental schools i applied with DAT 17 and 2.8 science GPA. overal gpa 3.55 didnt get an interview from any of the 12 schools.

The second time (last cycle) i applied with a DAT of 20, 22 on each science, 16 on math, 3.2 science gpa..overal gpa 3.55. yet no interviews

now I am deciding to reapply without retaking the dat for the third time.. I am just confused why i didnt recieve a single interview on the second time i applied. any advice would help!!

thank you
No hun I got an 18 dat and 3.4 gpa and got into 2 Cali schools and one other OOS. something else is wrong dear. Send me a message
I don't believe that I made it off the wait-list, but I received an email from USC a few hours ago asking me to submit a photo for a USCard. Did anyone else from the wait-list receive this email?
I received that email and just got accepted today, super weird.
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Does anyone know what most dental students do for housing? Do they live in the Grad housing or look for off-campus stuff? I'm from Canada and honestly have no clue what to do in terms of living. I'm currently thinking the Grad housing option though.
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