The Republic of Texas X: You do NOT have multiple offers from schools

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YES! Though here's to hoping the pats go down before the superbowl...

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So... we're in the playoffs barring any flukes. Perhaps a Super Bowl in the works? :)

Yea, I would like to see them beat Green Bay before we get to happy. Just to prove we have what it takes to finish off a great season.
Fantasy football has ruined any enjoyment I have of watching the sport.

My team sucks bad and loses every week. Instead of enjoying my day today I'm absolutely furious that I lost by 1 point.
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I found this on another post. This is the link for the rankings that residency programs give different school (It is a part of the US NEWS and world report score). According to rankings alone, I always thought of Baylor being higher than UTSW. However, this ranking shows the opposite. I KNOW that rankings do not mean everything by far but, regardless, it was interesting. How much should we take this into consideration? Also UTH was ahead of UTMB.
Fantasy football has ruined any enjoyment I have of watching the sport.

My team sucks bad and loses every week. Instead of enjoying my day today I'm absolutely furious that I lost by 1 point.

Ha ha, have you heard of that commercial were the guy is selling off his TV, DVD, and stereo in order to buy fantasy football players?
I found this on another post. This is the link for the rankings that residency programs give different school (It is a part of the US NEWS and world report score). According to rankings alone, I always thought of Baylor being higher than UTSW. However, this ranking shows the opposite. I KNOW that rankings do not mean everything by far but, regardless, it was interesting. How much should we take this into consideration? Also UTH was ahead of UTMB.

Yea, but if you check out the US NEWS report on the medical schools alone, (for what it's worth) both of those matches you mentioned are swapped.
So I got my first rejection from Georgetown this weekend. First rejection with 15th around the corner (while I've had only ONE interview) is not good ..... ;_;
I found this on another post. This is the link for the rankings that residency programs give different school (It is a part of the US NEWS and world report score). According to rankings alone, I always thought of Baylor being higher than UTSW. However, this ranking shows the opposite. I KNOW that rankings do not mean everything by far but, regardless, it was interesting. How much should we take this into consideration? Also UTH was ahead of UTMB.

Reason being is students that rotate at the hospitals UTSW is associated with (Parkland, Zale Lipshy, etc.) are afforded arguably better clinical experiences than students at Baylor (who rotate at Ben Taub primarily, as far as I know). Usually this means those students are better prepared for residency, which is why residency programs may look more favorably upon UTSW than Baylor in that regard.
I'm sure people have already ask this, but who is that a picture of on your avatar?

That is Chris Carrabba from Dashboard Confessional. :corny:
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That is Chris Carrabba from Dashboard Confessional. :corny:

Oh, Ok, I knew I had seen the guy, just was not sure where. You probably have the same thoughts while looking at mine, jk. :)
Haha...I must be gettin' old. I thought both those flicks were largely crap.

Transformers (2007) - MEGAN FOX and amazingly rendered CG Car/Jet ROBOTS!

300 - THIS IS SPAAAAAARTA! What's not to like?

Both FTW! :hardy:
definitely basic instinct 2, gigli and from justin to kelly :barf:
Favorite flicks...The Matrix (the 1st one, the other 2 were :thumbdown:), Star Wars, LOTR Trilogy, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, American Beauty, and V for Vendetta. Oh, and I suppose Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban...I thought Alfonso Cuaron did a magnificent job as director. :D
Favorite flicks...The Matrix (the 1st one, the other 2 were :thumbdown:), Star Wars, LOTR Trilogy, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, American Beauty, and V for Vendetta. Oh, and I suppose Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban...I thought Alfonso Cuaron did a magnificent job as director. :D
Will you marry me? Those are like my fav movies. ^_^
Transformers (2007) - MEGAN FOX and amazingly rendered CG Car/Jet ROBOTS!

300 - THIS IS SPAAAAAARTA! What's not to like?

Both FTW! :hardy:

Yep, the CGI was incredible. That was about it. I need more than that for 2.5 hours of sitting on my butt...most of the action was average to subpar IMO...too many out-of-focus closeups/shaky cam crap, and the film was clunkily put heart or soul. For a film about transformers, it was odd how little they were in the film. The Autobots were all GM cars...hmmm...maybe they should have made the Decepticons all
I'm old enough to have grown up watching the original cartoon series, so I was disappointed with a lot of the story changes as each his own.

300 was just boooorinng. Nice artistic flavor and technical merits, but I was looking at my watch half way through. The action sequences were the same over and over. The script/plot/acting made me cringe...I just can't leave my brain at the door anymore.

BTW, the best movie ever made is Airplane!
Some of my favorites: Sixteen Candles (don't judge me... it's hilarious), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Memento, V for Vendetta, A Few Good Men

And on a side note... I just realized that maybe I'm waiting for 11/15 like the rest of you even though I'm OOS... the only other time I saw acceptances for UTMB for OOSers was back on 10/15... hooray for waiting.
Will you marry me? Those are like my fav movies. ^_^

:lol:Glad you approve!

I agree that 300 was boring. I was expecting a lot more out of it after all of the hype.

Agreed, 300 did nothing for me...same feeling about The Ring when it came out. Everyone said how scary and great it was, and when I finally saw it...Terrible. F.
So, because I am so neurotic this week (as I am sure the rest of you are as well), could we get some posts of solid info about pre-match offers this year.

Please only post information you have heard directly from the Dean of Admissions, an AdCom member, or an admissions officer.

I know things are still going to be a crapshoot but it seems as though the only thing that can calm your average pre-med is stats and quotes from admissions people.
Will you marry me? Those are like my fav movies. ^_^

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. About DianaUT06, not you, TheLesPaul. :D

I'll add The Rock.

The madness is growing, November 15th is almost here!

I just wanted to stop by and wish you all the best of luck, and remember that whatever happens, it happens for the best. You probably don't know who I am, but I used to hang out here a lot last year. A LOT. Probably more than I should have.

I would also tell you to run, RUN, far away, but having been a pre-med myself I know you won't listen................Not really, I'm kidding. ;) Kind of.

Remember to have fun and enjoy things outside of this madness, they are the ones that will keep you sane in the future.

Anyway, Good Luck to you all. Or to make it more Texan, to y'all.
Well, its official...I'm taking a leave of absence due to some personal and family distractions. I'll be joining some of you lucky punks in the c/o 2012 next fall. As far as the OCD you're currently developing, I suggest branching out and exploring it...maybe stalk an ex, or cut yourself and continually pick at the scab, you creative.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. About DianaUT06, not you, TheLesPaul. :D

I'll add The Rock.
Darn, I was hoping we could get something started...

I thought The Ring was really scary! That might have been b/c my "friend" kept bursting in the dark room and scaring the crap out of me every 15 mins...
Post could be misinterpreted. Scratch.
Favorite flicks...The Matrix (the 1st one, the other 2 were :thumbdown:), Star Wars, LOTR Trilogy, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, American Beauty, and V for Vendetta. Oh, and I suppose Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban...I thought Alfonso Cuaron did a magnificent job as director. :D

So a lot of those are my favorites too...

The Matrix, Kill Bill 1 & 2, V for Vendetta, The Shawshank Redemption, Bridges over Madison County and probably a few more.

Add to that list some cheesy ones too: The Replacements (can't turn this one off if I ever find it on TV), Man in the Moon - don't ask, been obsessed since I was 12!!

Well, its official...I'm taking a leave of absence due to some personal and family distractions. I'll be joining some of you lucky punks in the c/o 2012 next fall. As far as the OCD you're currently developing, I suggest branching out and exploring it...maybe stalk an ex, or cut yourself and continually pick at the scab, you creative.

So sorry to hear that. Hope things work out for you...I know it's tough, but don't let your dreams die. Focus on what's important, but keep the dream!!

Good luck!:luck:
I agree with some of you guys about the Transformers. Yeah, the CGI was cool and everything, but man, the plot bored me to tears. Halfway through the movie, I was basically begging Prime to hurry and finish off Megatron. The one thing that saved the movie for me was Megan Fox. :thumbup:

No love for Little Miss Sunshine? It's my favorite movie last year.
So sorry to hear that. Hope things work out for you...I know it's tough, but don't let your dreams die. Focus on what's important, but keep the dream!!

Good luck!:luck: know they're already a medical student, right?
I agree with some of you guys about the Transformers. Yeah, the CGI was cool and everything, but man, the plot bored me to tears. Halfway through the movie, I was basically begging Prime to hurry and finish off Megatron. The one thing that saved the movie for me was Megan Fox. :thumbup:

No love for Little Miss Sunshine? It's my favorite movie last year.

Honestly, to get around most movies, I go in expecting nothing and walk away enjoying myself. Nothing is perfect.

Then again, this may be because I've dabbled in movie production myself for a bit and I know that it's incredibly hard. I guess appreciation for the hard work people do only comes from trying to do it yourself.

That being said, very few movies truly suck. Those that do have... obvious flaws. And when I say a movie sucks, I mean, it won't appeal to ANYONE. Those that have a target market that I'm not a part of, I just move on (such as romance movies that some girls swear by... bleh!)
So, because I am so neurotic this week (as I am sure the rest of you are as well), could we get some posts of solid info about pre-match offers this year.

Please only post information you have heard directly from the Dean of Admissions, an AdCom member, or an admissions officer.

I know things are still going to be a crapshoot but it seems as though the only thing that can calm your average pre-med is stats and quotes from admissions people.

We made one but it must have been in the old thread. Ah, I found it from about a week ago (over 700 posts ago, sheesh).

Tech: will send out apx. 300 acceptances during pre-match, and match for any vacancies after jan. 15th

A&M: pretty much the same as Tech. Over accept (again about 300) to fill as much of the class during pre match and match any vacancies left in February.

UTHSCSA: Met with an adcom before I applied. He strongly recommended applying early because the class is usually full by the end of October. Letters will go out on the 15th this year.

UT Houston: 10% pre-match, the rest is match. Wants to avoid the problems they had last year.

UTSW: 200-250 pre-match offers on Nov. 15th. Perhaps they'll drop below the class size by Feb. 1st and begin to accept more people, however expect mostly minor waitlist movement thereafter.

UTMB: Attempts to fill class with all pre-match offers.

Baylor: Trickles out a few acceptances each week after Oct. 16, and wont fill the class until all interviews are finished. Realistically should not expect anything until Feb-March.
Well, its official...I'm taking a leave of absence due to some personal and family distractions. I'll be joining some of you lucky punks in the c/o 2012 next fall. As far as the OCD you're currently developing, I suggest branching out and exploring it...maybe stalk an ex, or cut yourself and continually pick at the scab, you creative.

I'm sorry to hear that myKudu, I hope things get better so you'll have a nice fresh start for next year! It's too bad you're at UTMB tho...;)
Honestly, to get around most movies, I go in expecting nothing and walk away enjoying myself. Nothing is perfect.

Then again, this may be because I've dabbled in movie production myself for a bit and I know that it's incredibly hard. I guess appreciation for the hard work people do only comes from trying to do it yourself.

That being said, very few movies truly suck. Those that do have... obvious flaws. And when I say a movie sucks, I mean, it won't appeal to ANYONE. Those that have a target market that I'm not a part of, I just move on (such as romance movies that some girls swear by... bleh!)
Well, sometimes you just want a sugary confection (chick flick), sometimes you want blazin wings and racks of meat (die hard).
Fav movies would have to be Dumb & Dumber, Monty Python & The Quest for the Holy Grail and Shawshank Redemption. Transformers was cool and 300 was alright. Has anyone seen 1408?
Fav movies would have to be Dumb & Dumber, Monty Python & The Quest for the Holy Grail and Shawshank Redemption. Transformers was cool and 300 was alright. Has anyone seen 1408?

Just saw it...John Cusack was good I thought, the movie itself wasn't too bad but not enough surprises in the plot, I got kinda bored. What did you think?
Just saw it...John Cusack was good I thought, the movie itself wasn't too bad but not enough surprises in the plot, I got kinda bored. What did you think?

It threw me for a loop because I was expecting ghosts and whatnot. I got bored about half way and was frustrated as soon as I realized what was going on. Just as I thought the movie was over, i got sucked back into it:corny: Ending made up for the boredom in the middle...kinda.
Has anyone heard if UTHSCSA will be sending out most of their acceptances on the 15th or will they send them out in batches for the next few weeks? Thanks in advance.

And since we are talking movies, what did everyone think of American Gangster? I was personally a little disappointed, but some of my friends loved it.
And since we are talking movies, what did everyone think of American Gangster? I was personally a little disappointed, but some of my friends loved it.[/quote]

Not yet, but you're the only person I've heard of so far to say that they didn't love it.
Just saw it...John Cusack was good I thought, the movie itself wasn't too bad but not enough surprises in the plot, I got kinda bored. What did you think?

speaking of cusack, high fidelity is a great movie. Eternal sunshine for the spotless mind, the aviator....

but something tells me no movie experience in my lifetime is gonna rival lord of the rings
We made one but it must have been in the old thread. Ah, I found it from about a week ago (over 700 posts ago, sheesh).

UTHSCSA: Met with an adcom before I applied. He strongly recommended applying early because the class is usually full by the end of October. Letters will go out on the 15th this year.

Do you mean November?
speaking of cusack, high fidelity is a great movie.

Must agree. Cusack is genius in that movie and Jack Black singing Marvin Gay at the end is classaic JB
but something tells me no movie experience in my lifetime is gonna rival lord of the rings

You are correct. Comparing anything to Lord Of The Rings is futile; those films are just on a different level entirely :):D