The Under 3.0 Club part 02

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Hey all,

Just submitted my AADSAS to the following schools:

1. Maryland
2. Howard
3. NYU
5. Nova
6. Meharry
7. Tufts
8. Boston
9. Temple
10. Midwestern
11. VCU

DATs: 23AA
sGPA: 2.23
cGPA: 2.67
Grad GPA (not masters): 3.63

Worked as a dental assistant for 3 years, 500+ volunteering hours

Wish me luck!

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Hey all,

Just submitted my AADSAS to the following schools:

1. Maryland
2. Howard
3. NYU
5. Nova
6. Meharry
7. Tufts
8. Boston
9. Temple
10. Midwestern
11. VCU

DATs: 23AA
sGPA: 2.23
cGPA: 2.67
Grad GPA (not masters): 3.63

Worked as a dental assistant for 3 years, 500+ volunteering hours

Wish me luck!
Good luck
Gahhh GPA calculated today my AADSAS. Took the bare minimum of credits last semester to raise my science GPA to a 3.0 only to find out medical terminology didnt count towards it so now im at a 2.99 :boom:
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Gahhh GPA calculated today my AADSAS. Took the bare minimum of credits last semester to raise my science GPA to a 3.0 only to find out medical terminology didnt count towards it so now im at a 2.99 :boom:
What is your DAT score and where are you applying?
What is your DAT score and where are you applying?
19AA 20TS... I'm applying to as many schools as I can. I'm hoping to get into my state schools, but wouldn't mind going out of state. Hbu
Gahhh GPA calculated today my AADSAS. Took the bare minimum of credits last semester to raise my science GPA to a 3.0 only to find out medical terminology didnt count towards it so now im at a 2.99 :boom:
wow! that is ridiculously annoying :(

Did you do a postbac or a masters? If you haven't done neither of those things, save your money and don't apply especially with that DAT scores. Trust me, I was on the same boat before.
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Can you guys please list schools that are lenient with internationals(Canadian) and low undergrad gpa (high post bac though) ?

Did you do a postbac or a masters? If you haven't done neither of those things, save your money and don't apply especially with that DAT scores. Trust me, I was on the same boat before.

I did post-bacc and I'm starting my masters at Midwestern this fall. What did you end up doing?
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I was in the pre-dentistry program at UOP but was too immature to take college seriously so I skipped school pretty much throughout all of undergrad. I never failed anything, but I also didn't do all that well (2.67 GPA). The stupid part is that for never having gone to class and only showing up for exams, I was quite pleased with myself for being a B/C student. After graduation, I worked in a dental lab then did sterilization and some assisting at another office. I also volunteered in dental missions to Panama and Honduras, which inspired me to get back on track with my dental dreams.

This past year, I've retaken both gen bios and both gen chems through the UC Berkeley Extension and got As/A-s. I also took biochem for the first time and got a B+. My question is should I also retake ochem I if I got a C the first time? I'm fairly sure I can do well in it because I got an A- in ochem II, but I don't know if it's worth it to pay $$$ to bring up a C. My sGPA is still not up to par so should I just use that money to take a different upper division course? Please help! I have to enroll in summer session this week :shrug:
I was in the pre-dentistry program at UOP but was too immature to take college seriously so I skipped school pretty much throughout all of undergrad. I never failed anything, but I also didn't do all that well (2.67 GPA). The stupid part is that for never having gone to class and only showing up for exams, I was quite pleased with myself for being a B/C student. After graduation, I worked in a dental lab then did sterilization and some assisting at another office. I also volunteered in dental missions to Panama and Honduras, which inspired me to get back on track with my dental dreams.

This past year, I've retaken both gen bios and both gen chems through the UC Berkeley Extension and got As/A-s. I also took biochem for the first time and got a B+. My question is should I also retake ochem I if I got a C the first time? I'm fairly sure I can do well in it because I got an A- in ochem II, but I don't know if it's worth it to pay $$$ to bring up a C. My sGPA is still not up to par so should I just use that money to take a different upper division course? Please help! I have to enroll in summer session this week :shrug:

If you didn't take the dat... Then retake the ochem 1. You took ochem 2 and got good grades.... Consider the retake as a supplement. To your DAT studying.... Try to take it with another course such as a higher level bio or math course.
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So AADSAS calculated my GPA and it is a 3.07 overall. . However, my science is a 3.22 and my BCP is a 3.5. I am taking my DAT in 2.5 weeks. I have about 200 hours research, 105 hours shadowing various places, 110 hours volunteering, and my gpa has been around a 3.4 to a 4.0 the last 4 ish semesters ever since I went pre-dental and started taking science classes. All my Cs are from gen eds from when I first got into college. I have mostly As and some Bs in my science classes, including the upper level ones. I was also VP and President of our schools pre dental club but that probably isn't too important.

I already applied to ten schools so I am applying this cycle regardless. Most of them based off low GPA and OOS acceptances. Do you guys think I have a shot this cycle if I do well on my DAT? My upward trend is great but my overall is really low due to my first couple years in college.

If it doesn't work out, I still have two semesters of undergrad left. If I pull a high GPA for both semesters do you think that would be enough for next cycle?
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@bco99 your BCP is quite good, so if you ace the DAT, you should be good to go. Hang in there for the next 2.5 weeks.
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So AADSAS calculated my GPA and it is a 3.07 overall. . However, my science is a 3.22 and my BCP is a 3.5. I am taking my DAT in 2.5 weeks. I have about 200 hours research, 105 hours shadowing various places, 110 hours volunteering, and my gpa has been around a 3.4 to a 4.0 the last 4 ish semesters ever since I went pre-dental and started taking science classes. All my Cs are from gen eds from when I first got into college. I have mostly As and some Bs in my science classes, including the upper level ones. I was also VP and President of our schools pre dental club but that probably isn't too important.

I already applied to ten schools so I am applying this cycle regardless. Most of them based off low GPA and OOS acceptances. Do you guys think I have a shot this cycle if I do well on my DAT? My upward trend is great but my overall is really low due to my first couple years in college.

If it doesn't work out, I still have two semesters of undergrad left. If I pull a high GPA for both semesters do you think that would be enough for next cycle?

Kill the DAT ! Goodluck!
bumping for visibility because pre-dents are freaking out
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@EOS18 What is heavy on credits? how many credits are we talking? The best answer for DAT is probably the highest you can get. Submitting tomorrow is not late but not early either.
@EOS18 What is heavy on credits? how many credits are we talking? The best answer for DAT is probably the highest you can get. Submitting tomorrow is not late but not early either.
Applying tomorrow would still be early. I mean that as in someone who submitted June 2nd wouldn't have an advantage over someone who submits the first week of July because most schools haven't even started reviewing apps once you get to late July, it'd be considered "on time" so not late or early. But he still has to take the dat aug 14 so...
GPA: Overall 3.203 / sGPA: 3.098 [technically I'm not in the "club" but I'm close!]
PAT: 20 QR: 18 RC: 25 Bio: 19 Gen Chem: 19 OChem: 22 Total Science: 20 AA: 21

Over 100 hours of dental shadowing and over 200 of volunteering
20o+ hours of microbiology research and 50 hours of animal behavior research

Reapplicant and AZ resident. Thinking of applying to Nova, LECOM, MOSDOH, ASDOH, BU, MDW AZ and IL, and NYU. I would apply to USC but I can't find a liberal arts professor to write me a letter lol. Any thoughts?
if you dont mind me asking, how many schools did you apply to in your first try?
So what kind of position am I in? I know my GPA isn't under 3.0 but it's still low

oGPA : 3.26
sGPA: 3.13

200+ shadowing/ with non paid dental assistant experience.
~90 hours of dental related volunteering
I'm pretty confident in my personal statement
I'm a TA for microbiology lab (2 semesters)
I know atleast 2/4 LORs are pretty good, others will range from average to good.

Applying to 30 schools, Florida resident (Already submitted application, and has been mailed but DAT hasn't been uploaded to AADSAS yet)
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Hi I am a dentist from India with a masters degree (MDS) in Endodontics. My scores however haven't been great in either BDS or MDS. I scored an aggregate of 55.75 in BDS and 60 in MDS (minimum pass marks being 50 in both). I passed both BDS & MDS without any attempts.I have one year experience as a consultant endodontist since my PG got over and have been a senior lecturer since March 2015. I also have done a 2 week certificate course in current concepts in american dentistry from NYU, New York. I am not sure about the GPA scenario and I have a feeling based on my marks my GPA won't be good. I think it will somewhere around 2 for BDS & 2.3 for MDS. I am planning on taking NBDE part I in 3 months but is it really worth it or is my GPA going to ruin my chances of getting accepted into any dental school there? I took TOEFL in March 2014 and score 102 in it.

Please let me know your views on this. I would appreciate any and every advice I get from you guys. Thanks a lot!
So what kind of position am I in? I know my GPA isn't under 3.0 but it's still low

oGPA : 3.26
sGPA: 3.13

200+ shadowing/ with non paid dental assistant experience.
~90 hours of dental related volunteering
I'm pretty confident in my personal statement
I'm a TA for microbiology lab (2 semesters)
I know atleast 2/4 LORs are pretty good, others will range from average to good.

Applying to 30 schools, Florida resident (Already submitted application, and has been mailed but DAT hasn't been uploaded to AADSAS yet)
In a precarious one. Your DAT is avg for those that get in but your GPAs are still low. You might get a few interviews, but if you want to make sure you get at least one acceptance boost up your sciGPA to at least 3.2. Take Fall classes and do the academic update. Make sure youre applying to the right schools. Buy the ADEA dental guidebook if you havent already.
if you dont mind me asking, how many schools did you apply to in your first try?
I "applied" to 10 schools but I only finished the supplemental applications for 5 because I didn't do my homework and didn't realize I didn't fulfill some prereqs and wouldn't be able to by the time of matriculation anyway. I also applied pretty late. Like in October.
i'm applying this cycle. my science bcp is 3.02 and my overall is 3.14
schools im thinking of applying to

1. midwestern- az
2. loma linda
3. uop
4. usc
5. lecom
6. midwestern - IL
7. indiana
8. u of kentucky
9. new england
11. boston u
12. detroit mercy
13. at still
14. creighton
15. nebraska
16. unlv
17. nyu
18. buffalo
19. case western
20. u of oklahoma
21. oregon
22. pittsburgh
23. temple
24. meharry
25. Tennessee
26. roseman
27. vcu
28. marquette
29. western

are any of these schools a reach or OOS unfriendly?

Bro thats like 3k right there you applying to almost half the schools.

Isn't it closer to 4 or 5k if you think about supplementary apps.

I'm having a bit of a breakdown thinking about how much I'ma pay to apply haha and maybe not get in...
oGPA- 3.03
sGPA-3.01 (yeah i know .01 is nothing)
I went heavy on credits every semester of undergrad, so I did not perform the best I could.
My personal statement is pretty solid, i was a dental assistant at an office for half a year, tons of other EC's, 200+ shadowing experience, excellent LORs, and taking my DAT August 14th.

Anyone know my chances at NYU dental/tufts dental/boston dental/midwester AZ and IL? I'm an instate applicant. What might I have to score on the DAT to make up for my low gpa?

I am not doing a post-bacc or masters, just working full time as a dental assistant. And I am submitting my application tomorrow ( is this considered a late application?)

Destroy the DAT with a 22AA+? I got in with I think a 3.37ogpa/3.1something sgpa and applied in December. I messed up about 3 semesters of undergrad and brought it up doing 20 credit semesters for 3 years. It sucked eggs but I'm at NYU and about to complete SRE so if you are into NYU and possibly summer research, feel free to message me :)
Did anyone got into master's program with low undergrad GPA but good GRE score? Will you share your stats and graduate school you've got in?
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Did anyone got into master's program with low undergrad GPA but good GRE score? Will you share your stats and graduate school you've got in?
How low of a GPA are we talking? I teach full time but I did end up doing my Master's through USF's medical science program. Depending on which option you choose you can get it done in either a year or a year and a half. (The year and a half is the online option). They will also take MCAT and DAT scores in place of the GRE. I got in with a 3.1 and 17 DAT.
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Hey guys
Im currently in Canada going into my fourth year BSc Bio, and applying to dental school. My first 2 years were not so great around 2.0 gpa, but my 3rd year I finished everything with a 3.9 gpa, and wrote my DAT (BIO- 19 GC- 17 OC- 17 RC- 18 QR- 18 PAT-19) going to retake it in Nov again because I know I will do better. Im worried about my first 2 years because it wasn't so great, as i'm going into my fourth year doing half the pre reqs for my dental schools chosen. I've currently done ~200 hours of shadowing at a orthodontist, ~200 hours at a dentist, ~100 hours at sick kids and 200+ hours at a nursing home abroad, will that give me any bonus.
What are my chances of getting into dental school with my current gpa (and doing top in my 4th year - changing my current gpa), DAT (retake) and 200+ hours of shadowing and 200+ hours volunteering?
Cheers. :)
Hey guys so I submitted my application in early July. I just got it verified and found out that my BCP is a 2.1, Science is a 2.2, Nonscience is a 3.4, and overall is a 2.71. I'm freaking out because I really did not know that my stats were so low. I guess I was psyched out when I was doing my undergrad. Anyways, I have a year left to go before I graduate from my bachelors and I have about 16 credits worth of room for upper level sciences. I am doing my best to avoid doing a masters because I want to get in a soon as I can. I am taking my DAT in early september and am going to send it out assuming I do well. Please let me know what you guys think I should do and if theres a chance I can get in if I kill this next year coming up.
Honestly, I don't think you'll have a chance this cycle unless you get a 24+ on the DAT. Esp since you're doing the DAT so late.
I would definitely consider doing a masters or a post bacc.
Ugh please don't tell me that. I really do not want to have to wait another 3 years before I get in. I literally will do whatever it takes and pray that this coming year will be a makeup year for me in itself.
There are shorter masters programs, like one year or two year. But you must excel in it for it to be in your favor.
I have a year to finish my undergrad and graduate with my bachelors and then have another year to do a masters. However, I would like to apply the summer of next year with an intention of doing a masters and then hopefully will do that masters and get accepted before finishing it. I do not want to have to apply after the year of doing a masters. Have you ever heard of this happening?

Rather than doing a masters I would recommend going to PA school instead. It's 2 years and you can actually obtain a good paying job with that degree. Most of these masters programs made for students to boost their stats really can't help individuals get employment post graduation. God forbid dental school does not workout at least you will have a solid job if you opt to go with PA. Plus, PA curriculum includes physiology, cell bio and a ton of other courses that dental students take. If anything I think dental schools would like that more but that is just my opinion. Anyways good luck with everything and stay motivated!
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Rather than doing a masters I would recommend going to PA school instead. It's 2 years and you can actually obtain a good paying job with that degree. Most of these masters programs made for students to boost their stats really can't help individuals get employment post graduation. God forbid dental school does not workout at least you will have a solid job if you opt to go with PA. Plus, PA curriculum includes physiology, cell bio and a ton of other courses that dental students take. If anything I think dental schools would like that more but that is just my opinion. Anyways good luck with everything and stay motivated!
That sounds good but you must have a 3.0 gpa to get in. PA schools are extremely competitive too.
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That sounds good but you must have a 3.0 gpa to get in. PA schools are extremely competitive too.

Competitive yes but I think saying PA school is "extremely competitive" might be a little misleading. Applicants applying to PA schools have the option to take either the GRE or the MCAT. A few friends of mine who are currently in PA school told me the GRE is significantly a easier exam. I personally have not gone through the PA app cycle or have taken the GRE so please do take my opinion with a grain of salt.
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My roommate is pre-pharm. And Ive seen the practice PCAT exams.

I thought the questions were SAT questions.

And I doubt the GRE is harder than an entrance exam for a predoctoral program.
So here's my story,

Defending my dental implant PhD thesis tomorrow
Undergrad Science GPA: 2.45
Grad Science GPA: 3.80
DAT: AA21, TS 22
3 good LOR
Lots of research and EC hours
Almost 200 hours of shadowing
Mailing Date: 07/31/2015
Already got rejected by LECOM

Hopefully I can get in somewhere, and best of luck to everyone else as well!
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So here's my story,

Defending my dental implant PhD thesis tomorrow
Undergrad Science GPA: 2.45
Grad Science GPA: 3.80
DAT: AA21, TS 22
3 good LOR
Lots of research and EC hours
Almost 200 hours of shadowing
Mailing Date: 07/31/2015
Already got rejected by LECOM

Hopefully I can get in somewhere, and best of luck to everyone else as well!

We now know that LECOM

Does not accept you Canadians
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Hey everyone, new to the site and just trying to gauge an opinion on my chances at dental schools.

ogpa 3.0
sgpa 2.77
dat 21
can someone help me please.

I just graduated ucla with BA in anthro. cumulative and major gpa is 2.3 :/
i transferred from a community college with an overall gpa of 3.95

No science courses taken at either. Is overall GPA when i submit the average of the two or the last 90 units (in this case, at ucla).

finally, what are the best options for pre-dental goals? (masters, post bacc - if so which universities) I've done a lot of international work in dentistry and volunteer hours too if that helps..

can someone help me please.

I just graduated ucla with BA in anthro. cumulative and major gpa is 2.3 :/
i transferred from a community college with an overall gpa of 3.95

No science courses taken at either. Is overall GPA when i submit the average of the two or the last 90 units (in this case, at ucla).

finally, what are the best options for pre-dental goals? (masters, post bacc - if so which universities) I've done a lot of international work in dentistry and volunteer hours too if that helps..

So your overall is 3.1 averaging everything correct? Since you don't have science courses, depending where you are, you can do a 2nd bachelor at any CSU (if they offer) or UCLA Extension to do your prerequisites.
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can someone help me please.

I just graduated ucla with BA in anthro. cumulative and major gpa is 2.3 :/
i transferred from a community college with an overall gpa of 3.95

No science courses taken at either. Is overall GPA when i submit the average of the two or the last 90 units (in this case, at ucla).

finally, what are the best options for pre-dental goals? (masters, post bacc - if so which universities) I've done a lot of international work in dentistry and volunteer hours too if that helps..


It's an average of all the courses, CC and ucla.
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So your overall is 3.1 averaging everything correct? Since you don't have science courses, depending where you are, you can do a 2nd bachelor at any CSU (if they offer) or UCLA Extension to do your prerequisites.
Sorry, I may be overthinking this. (Most of the time) if and when post baccs ask for average gpa, Is it the gpa from UCLA, or my average from cc + Ucla?
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It's an average of all the courses, CC and ucla.
Sorry I may be overthinking this but I want to make sure. When post baccs ask to submit the average gpa, usually, and if and when they do, is it my gpa from Ucla only , or from both cc + Ucla

Both. For UCLA extension, you just need to pay for classes. For CSU, you have to apply, but usually you will get in.