third party Step 2 CS schedulers

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10+ Year Member
May 28, 2012
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Long story short, I registered for Step 2 CS months ago for a date in October that I cannot complete due to an away rotation, the details of which were just set a few days ago. Someone told me there exist third party services (e.g, not Prometric) which help you to reschedule your Step 2 CS date to one month from the time you contact them with your USMLE ID and payment. My school has a requirement that you complete Step 2 CS by November, and the earliest available spot online shows as December.

Does anyone have any experience with these third party schedulers? Do they actually exist, or is this here-say? If they do, are they savory people to contact and give my information to? What rates do they charge? Do they do what they purport to do? Is there any risk to using them?

Basically, can someone who has perhaps used an external USMLE STEP 2 CS scheduler speak more about their experience with them, and reputable people to contact?

So many questions about this thing that I never heard anything about prior to today.

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Interesting, given that the deadline to have the CS done in time for next year's match is July 18 and everything is pretty much booked up until August/September if there will be some leniency regarding the CS during next year's match cycle. I managed to get a spot July in Los Angeles but hopefully that won't be affected.