TMDSAS Letters of Evaluation: help me?

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Dec 21, 2007
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I don't really understand this. My letter-writers have all submitted their letters to interfolio. When I send a request (as I appear to be required to do), does it make my letter writers re-send their letter? Does it send them the evaluation form, or do I have to mail that?

If anyone knows, I would be VERY grateful for advice. The "Help" link doesn't work on the website. :/

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you should just be able to send your interfolio packet to TMDSAS :confused:

come to think of it, I did have my LOR writers send theirs individually to TMDSAS with the form attached and separately to interfolio for me to send to the AMCAS schools.
Well, the thing is, it comes to the "letters of evaluation" page. Until I *request* two letters, it won't let me submit my application (which I could do, if not for this). I don't want to be sending my letter-writers more stuff to do, since interfolio clearly shows that I already have their letters... there don't seem to be any options for "use this letter" or whatever.
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I dunno, maybe TMDSAS has changed since last year. Sorry I can't be of any help.

Maybe the super helpful folks in the TMDSAS office will help you if you call :rofl:
You have a cruel sense of humor. :p I think I figured it out though. It seems you can send them, it just... looks like you can't. Have to go to interfolio first, as you mentioned, but I also have to make them mail the thing. This is really more complicated than it needs to be and I hate the good people at TMDSAS very much.

End rant.
same problem here i think...
I used my OWN Interfolio Account- my transcripts are showing as received by TMDSAS application, but the letters of rec that I sent along with them have not shown up yet. I looked and was about to call them, but it said Interfolio was having a problem. I didn't know if it would make any difference if I didn't request them from the TMDSAS site since I already had them in Interfolio. so I created request forms for both.

any ideas? will they show up?