Transferring between different Caribbean medical schools is difficult, and not recommended. They have different curriculum, so depending on the transfer point, it can really disadvantage you. If the transfer process seems simple, you are gambling your future.
-Number 1, transferring in the Caribbean medical school system is a major red flag. Major. More often than not, starting over is your best bet. Any time you transfer, you are cutting the chances of matching by a great degree. Only step scores will save you. ( and you better outscore US MD's or have connections).
-If you must transfer, first half/basic science/pre-step 1 transfers will not be your friend. If the curriculum and classes are done at different semesters, etc. you will almost certainly be re-doing classes. If your school is that bad, and you really want to transfer, you need to accept this.
-If you are looking to transfer right before taking the Step 1, you almost absolutely will be retaking the schools prep course. If a school will certify you for the Step 1 straight out, don't bite. Any school worth their salt will want to know about you as a student before they let you sully their Step 1 pass rate. If they take you with no resistance they are hurting for money.
-Clinical Transfers - These are always risky. Transferring at this point either means the school is beyond help or the student has major issues, and more often then not the student IS the issue. How a student behaves during clinicals is a representation of the school itself. Caribbean schools have contracts that are by no means as encompassing as major US medical schools. Bad behavior by one student can risk the relationship.
At this point, students from MD1 are fully supported by the school, but transfers are a risk. If the school does not take interest in who you are, interview you, take interest in who you are, RUN. Once again, they are hurting for money.
-If a school is trying to steal you from your current school, offering ridiculous benefits, like free semesters, no transcripts (!) required, AVOID AVOID AVOID. I don't know why this needs to be said, but these are bottom feeders who will more than likely take everything you have left and give you nothing in return.