UC Davis CO 2014

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I'm joking, of course.

P.S. I like that jogging suit so much I made it my avatar.

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Isn't this a three day weekend because of presidents day? So when davis says we will hear the week of February 15th do they really mean starting tuesday?

Yes it is a 3-day weekend for us...so Tuesday would sound correct (if not on Friday, as they have had a tendency to START sending invites/acceptances out on the Friday before the announced date).

And interviews are held on weekdays only as far as I know.
I got my interview invite email this morning at 11am!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

It's early too!!

The admissions office said they sent some out early to not have the system get clogged with people calling to schedule interviews? Or something along those lines.

Now I'm completely panicked because I'm not so good at interviews...
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It's official - they sent the damned invites the same day as our Cardio Final - great day for you, bad exam for us - - but they both end in celebration!!!

CONGRATS and keep them coming!!!
Thank you! It said they're interviewing approximately 220 applicants for 133 spots so I know some more SDNers will see some invites coming their way!

Good luck on your Cardio Final jjohnston and Pomona2006!
Good luck on your Cardio Final jjohnston and Pomona2006!

The exam ended at 1pm (4 hour exam) and the celebrating / sleeping shall commence. You all will understand in a year... ;)

Oh - and I spoke to a former TA of mine from undergrad in psychology (funny how we both switched) - she got her invite today as well!
I got an invite too. I had to laugh at it - oh UC system, you so whacky. Only here would they set it up so we have to fight to get a response on a single phone line with one poor person answering.

I'll be missing the workshop due to my Illinois interview. I guess I'll just watch the online one.
I'll be missing the workshop due to my Illinois interview. I guess I'll just watch the online one.

Too bad - but congrats on both interviews!

The one online is perfectly good - from 2 years ago (so the people on the panel are c/o 2011). If you have any questions, there are plenty of current students (and panel members) that are SDN affiliated to answer them if needed. Of course, take a look at interview feedback, but remember that it is very different person to person! Everyone I've spoken to has had a different experience (not necessarily better or worse, just different).

Good luck getting prepared, and be nice to Kathleen if she's the one answering the phone - she's a sweetheart! :)
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Congrats to the first interviewees!!!!

I guess i was completely wrong, instead of starting the panic of waiting to see if we get an invite tuesday we get to start it today.

I think I am going to have to limit my email checking to three times a day or something, otherwise I will never leave the computer.... ever.
Hey y'all, :D

Today was such a crazy day the clinic--the day started out with the euthanasia of a very sweet dog with a horrible cancer, hermangiosarcoma; and, of course, the phone was ringing off the hook while I was trying to get 20 things done at once. I couldn't check my e-mail until dinner time and I was so surprised to find an e-mail from UC Davis. At first, I was afraid it was a rejection e-mail, but to my surprise it was an interview e-mail--my hubby and I are so excited! :) I purposefully only applied to UCD so we could be close to each other and I could go home on the weekends; at the same time, though, I knew that I was severely limiting my vet school prospects. I wasn't sure what my odds were--all I know is that I am very familiar with anxiety-filled waiting and crestfallen rejection since I went through it last year (without an interview). Though I'm excited about the interview process, I'm still trying to be level-headed because of the two hundred something interviewees, only 131 or so will be offered acceptances. But here's to a notch up from last year. :xf:

Good luck everyone!!! I know how hard it is to wait, but hopefully it'll be worth the wait! :xf::luck::xf::luck:
Anyone else losing hope after reading recent posts on the "successful applicant stats" thread? My lord, I'd have to be rich, single, and without dogs to get stats like those. :( Feeling very discouraged here.
Anyone else losing hope after reading recent posts on the "successful applicant stats" thread? My lord, I'd have to be rich, single, and without dogs to get stats like those. :( Feeling very discouraged here.

Don't let that thread get you down, seriously. There is so much more to an applicant than their academic scores and number of experience hours!! I'm a non-trad and worked full time while taking classes at a community college and also planned a wedding and got married in the middle. My grades were not perfect and my GRE score is mediocre. But they look beyond that, they read your personal statement, they look at what you've done, where you've been, etc. Just looking at that thread last year I felt how you do - I decided there was no chance in hell I would be accepted to any school. But here I am :)
I was thinking the exact same thing earlier squibby. Especially after my file review with CSU, when they said that my experiences didn't match up with my interests. I put down wildlife as an interest, and apparently having volunteered at a zoo hospital, a wildlife rehab clinic, and on a wildlife field project halfway across the country isn't enough. I guess I was supposed to go to Africa or something.

Ah well, such is life, but you can always explain your circumstances in the application.
Don't let that thread get you down, seriously. There is so much more to an applicant than their academic scores and number of experience hours!! I'm a non-trad and worked full time while taking classes at a community college and also planned a wedding and got married in the middle. My grades were not perfect and my GRE score is mediocre. But they look beyond that, they read your personal statement, they look at what you've done, where you've been, etc. Just looking at that thread last year I felt how you do - I decided there was no chance in hell I would be accepted to any school. But here I am :)

Your story sounds just like mine! Thanks for the kind words. I just worry too that my experience isn't all that great now either. I have well over 7,000 hours in SA practice, but am just now getting research experience, and have about 200 hrs food animal and the same with marine mammals. But then I look at people's stats with like 12 different experiences listed and I get bummed.
I have my Ohio file review tomorrow morning, I'll see what they say.
they said that my experiences didn't match up with my interests. I put down wildlife as an interest, and apparently having volunteered at a zoo hospital, a wildlife rehab clinic, and on a wildlife field project halfway across the country isn't enough. I guess I was supposed to go to Africa or something.

wtf? seriously!
I got an invite yesterday as well. Congrats to the others too!!! The lady I talked to on the phone was really nice. I was able to get an interview on the 22nd so that I can go to the workshop. I am really excited to be heading west, but now I have to work on some interview skills......:eek:.......

Can't wait to meet some fellow SDNers.
I got an invite yesterday as well. Congrats to the others too!!! The lady I talked to on the phone was really nice. I was able to get an interview on the 22nd so that I can go to the workshop. I am really excited to be heading west, but now I have to work on some interview skills......:eek:.......

Can't wait to meet some fellow SDNers.

First OOS! Congrats ColoGirl!
First OOS! Congrats ColoGirl!

Thanks Crazy Hippos.....I was totally shocked to get this invite. I love Davis :) I have met a PI there that I really want to work for at some point, so I have my fingers crossed.
Congratulations Cologirl!!!!!!!!!!!! And you've already been accepted at Cornell and Colorado!!! And now an interview at UCDAVIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is WOW!!!! And, of course, if you decide to go to Cornell or Colorado, well I wouldn't mind taking your OOS position at UCDavis (especially since that rejection letter still hurts). :D Congratulations to all those receiving interview invites!!!!!
no news from kansas

but i checked my email and got an interview invite to uc davis! holy f*** !!!! i have to call them later to get my interview time but it's time to start preparing like a madman...

after i dance the night away
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod I can't believe it! I got an interview! Me, a measly OOS-er with a 3.3 GPA! *runs around in circles screaming*

Unfortunately, I have two exams on Feb 23, so I won't be making it to the workshop, but I'll definitely be bugging y'all for a get-together once I figure out my schedule.

Off to celebrate some more . . . I'm completely in shock . . . :D :scared::biglove:

ETA: Squibby, don't give up hope! I am OOS and don't have the best GPA and I don't have a dozen types of experience, but I still got invited. I took one year off of college to work full-time in the equine vet world, but I didn't get ANY vet experience until I had started college (unlike the people who have hundreds of hours in SA clinics from high school). As an in-stater, you have a MUCH better chance than I do, so don't give up hope. My stats:

Cum GPA: 3.28 as of the beginning of the fall, 3.33 at the end of the fall semester*
Sci GPA: IL calculated it as 3.1, but they left out some of my science courses. ???
Last 45: 3.6 or so
GRE: 770 Q, 750 V, 5.0 AW
Vet Experience:
~ 100 hr shadowing one equine pvt practice
~ 3000 hrs shadowing and working at different equine private practice
~ 600 hrs equine teaching hospital nursing
21 hrs shadowing SA vet (yes, 21 only)
~ 200 hrs equine nutrition research
~ 250 hrs fly genetics research

Animal Experience:
- thousands of hours of riding horses, teaching riding lessons, taking care of horses (not my own), equestrian club activities, etc.
- 80 hours volunteering with therapy dog training
- several hundred hours farm and pet sitting

*I had one crappy year early on that really brought down my cumulative GPA. If you leave that year out, my cum GPA would be 3.6ish. Unfortunately, the crappy year included a lot of my prereqs.
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Congratulations honeysmucks, quantized, icanhascheezbur, cologirl, jesiah, and eventualeventer!:highfive:

I can't wait to meet some of you! Don't freak out about the interview... your interviewers are definitely intimidating (still are...) but be proud of how far you've gotten and what you've achieved and you'll be fine. :)
As an in-stater, you have a MUCH better chance than I do, so don't give up hope.

Unfortunately, this doesn't really help when we're waiting like this. :(

We have no chance at all if we don't get interview invites!

edit: Manners! congratulations to everyone who's gotten invites! If you have questions please do feel free to ask me, too. :)
Congratulations again to all of you who received interview invites....wish I could join you if it weren't for that f%$#%^$#$@@#$ rejection letter I got!!!:D
Im shaking like a leaf!

Email came in at 11:38 am.

Holy crap!!!! So excited :).
Congratulations Cologirl!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks lyndaelyzoo. This has seriously been a crazy big surprise for me!

For those of you that are currently at Davis doing research or are in vet school currently, is there much room in research labs for vet students/do you have time to get much bench work done? Here at CSU people seem to have some time to devote to research their first couple of years in vet school.

Also, I work on vector borne diseases and vaccines, so I know a couple of the big-wig mosquito researchers at Davis, however they do not do much in the way of actual clinical animal work. I am really interested in the Equine Virology Laboratory....does anyone have any experience with them?

Thanks everyone.....I'm SO looking forward to this visit. Congrats to others that have received invites. I'm still hopeful for everyone else that is waiting.
So very, very excited right now!!! Got my interview email this afternoon. I totally thought it was a rejection, I was all bummed until I opened the attachment and saw "We are pleased..."

I am STOKED!!! I thought I had a icicle's chance in hell getting an interview (hello suckish GPA), but it seems like they're going for well rounded applicants. Now I just have to blow them away with my interview skills, hope I can polish them up. Davis would be a total dream come true...unbelievably excited and totally nervous right now!

Congrats to everyone else, and I hope that more SDNers will be hearing great news soon!:soexcited:
Anyone know if they are still sending out invites or should I lose hope now and crawl in a hole and cry for the rest of the afternoon?
Last year they sent them out over a week. They hav eyou call in to set your interview date and I believe they went till around March 18th or so last year so if your invite comes later you get one of the later dates.

Congrats to everyone who has invites! Feel free to message me if you guys have any questions about Davis.
Anyone know if they are still sending out invites or should I lose hope now and crawl in a hole and cry for the rest of the afternoon?
Don't lose hope! They will be sending invites out all next week, too, so there are many more to come. From what I heard they sent some early so they don't have bajillions of people calling at once.
Nothing here either, but I was expecting a rejection the instant they looked at my name so I am doing better than expected (so far).

Congrats to all who got an interview!! Good Luck!! :luck: :xf:
Don't lose hope! They will be sending invites out all next week, too, so there are many more to come. From what I heard they sent some early so they don't have bajillions of people calling at once.

Thanks! I feel like I need constant reassurance!
What an emotional roller coaster! Not only do I want an interview invite right now :D I want everyone else posting that is as nervous/excited as I am to get one too. That's what happens when I read these threads.

So is it by alphabetical order? Randomized?
What an emotional roller coaster! Not only do I want an interview invite right now :D I want everyone else posting that is as nervous/excited as I am to get one too. That's what happens when I read these threads.

So is it by alphabetical order? Randomized?

I think its random... they just want to spread out the invites so we dont clog their phone lines while scheduling.

I know of in stater and out of stater invites, my initials are E.H. if that helps...
Haha..thanks for the initials...I just like obsessing/decoding the admission secret signals;) anyway I can.
Did anyone who got invites today call and schedule your interviews yet? What's the availability seem like?

edit: ...apparently the VSTP committee has not selected interviewees yet, so more waiting for me! I don't know if my tenuous level of sanity can handle this! I figured that not being contacted by now from the VSTP meant that my application was in the DVM pile.
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I received an interview invite email yesterday :)D), but had to call this morning because the office was closed by the time I made it to my computer last night. . . I called at 9:00 AM and had to try quite a few times before it wasn't just a busy signal. I requested March 9 because it coincides with my Spring Break, and there wasn't any question of availability at all -- the day was wide open and I picked whatever time I desired. I'm assuming that's because I wanted one of the later days (I'm sure the earlier ones fill up faster). Hopefully you'll still have some good options by the time you call :xf:
I ran into someone at my Glasgow interview in SF that I met at the Edinburgh SF reception today. She said she got an interview invite this morning before she had gotten to UCSF (probably around 10-11am??) and had no problem scheduling the Feb 22nd date. There might still be spots open.

I'm getting impatient about Davis now that I know people are getting interviews. By chance, has anyone gotten an interview invite that actually lives close (within about an hour driving distance)? The girl who got one today that I was speaking to lives in the LA area. I'm wondering if they're trying to do furthest distance away first since it's a bigger pain to get travel arrangements compared to those of us in driving distance. Just a thought...

However, no news can still be good news. One of the girls interviewing today (goes to Chico, parents reside in Vacaville.. aka CLOSE) already received a rejection letter.
i dont' mean to get anyones hopes up unfairly but I'd be surprised if you guys didn't get interviews considering a few of us already got rejection emails a few weeks ago. I dunno I'd think they would have sent the rejections all at the same time if they knew they weren't going to want to interview you....maybe I'm wrong but like I said, I'd be surprised if all of a sudden they sent out another round of rejections. Good luck guys!

Good luck Nyanko!!!:luck::luck::thumbup:
A friend of mine is within driving distance (Bay Area) and got an invite yesterday.
So Davis is sending rejection letters and emails? Have to beware of both mailboxes???
Dang.. I was hoping there was a connection between distance and invites.

Not totally true on the rejections. I didn't know about SDN last year (1st application). However, my roomie and I had both gotten rejection letters close to the end of March last year. Maybe they're doing things differently this year, or maybe I'm on that cusp again and will be getting the same e-mail at some point. We'll see. This the last chance I have to stay in the states due to various reasons. Otherwise I'm going international for vet school!

Congrats to everyone who has gotten an invite already!