UC Davis

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Congrats Starlene45!!!! :D
Glad to hear you're coming to Davis!

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= I'm going to Davis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D Alright! :thumbup:

Now we just need JustCats and WildZooVet!!!

So, now the question is:
What electives (if any) is everyone planning to take 1st Quarter?
And what clubs are we going to join?!?! :p

I can't decide if I should just let myself adjust 1st quarter and not take any electives or if I should indulge and take this class:

VAgirl - Do you recommend waiting until Winter quarter to sign up for electives? Also, do you know if the small animal radiology elective has repeating material or features different cases each quarter?

Clubs I'm interested in:
Surgery Club
possibly SVECCS
and maybe Canine Medicine club??
and I definitely want to participate in the Mercer clinics...

... so basically everything :rolleyes: :laugh:
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Congratulations on not having to jump through hoops, Starlene45!

A note on housing....
I don't know too much about houses because I never looked into them the 4 years I was in Davis. However, people usually start lookng for apartments in Feb, and apartment managements ask old tenants to renew their lease before Feb. By March, most fast-acting people have their housing issues settled. Then comes the undergrad freshman crowd, some might go into April tho. The end of March is when grad school and professional schools send out their acceptances, so this is when we come in. I've already made some calls, and the better and/or more popular places have already rented out their units, 2-room units usually goes the fastest. At least, the more reasonably priced are gone, IMO. The 2 ends of the spectrum still have units: cheaper but less convenient location, older complexes, or iffy management, and the more expensive ones. I am still thinking which way I want to go....
3~4 bedroom units go slower, so if you plan on getting one of those you don't need to worry too much right now.

For those who want to look into apartments in Davis, here's 2 websites with apartment reviews:
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IVSA, Mercer, Foal Team or Colic Team, Shelter Dogs, any behavior clubs.... Hahah I'm sure I'm not going to be able to do EVERY club I'm interested in but the possibilities do seem limitless, and there are definitely some other clubs that are not listed on the website, like Orphan Kitten Project...

...And Kitty whenever you decide to sign up for the radiology electives, I'm right there with ya! :cool:

Now I just have to think about housing... hah, I am *way* too excited!
I was totally eyeing that radiology elective too! =) I can't wait to get started! I will probably end up joining any small animal and emergency/critical care clubs!

I just found an awesome 1 bedroom house that allows pets... but they already have applications pending! So I'm having my mom, who lives in the area, check out places for me later this week. I am stressed out by housing! I have 2 cats, and possibly a dog joining me in Davis... and maybe a boyfriend but he has to find a job in the area before quitting his current job which means I may not know whether he's coming or not until the last minute.

A few things...

You guys mentioned the small animal radiology course. I know a bunch of people took it and I think they liked it. I think it's the one offered at 5pm, though, so be aware that you might be beat by that time. Also, it's offered pretty much all quarters, so you don't need to jump into it if you don't want to. There'll be time. Personally, I didn't take any elective first quarter and just one last quarter. Dr. Ilkiw even recommends considering not taking any first or second quarter first year...third quarter is supposed to be lighter, so you can get in the few elective credits you need first year then, if you want. But nothing wrong with taking the radiology elective if you want to. :)

Regarding housing, as ShelterGirl said earlier, there are a lot of nice options in West Davis. It's fairly quiet with many grad students. Also, I live at the point in west davis furthest from the vet school and it's still only a 3-3.5 mi bike ride to school...very easy. I know lots of vet students who live in North and East Davis, too, and some in South, and they all seem to like where they live. Lots of good options. :)

Yay, so exciting for all of you!! Have fun getting all of your plans made. You're finally able to make plans...it must feel fantastic!
Hi! Does anyone know if the Davis waitlist has moved at all?
Hi! Does anyone know if the Davis waitlist has moved at all?

I called on Thursday and was told that there was no change in the alternate list...we will have to wait until after April 15 (eek!)
Thanks for the update! I know we've been waiting forever already but April 15th sounds like an eternity away! Ugh!!!
Hey VAgirl (and others),

I was looking through the 2008 curriculum handbook posted online and I know the textbooks requirements might change, but what is your opinion on purchasing textbooks? Does "required" really mean its required? For example, the anatomy books are listed as "required" and they probably aren't going to change. Is it common for students to sell their books at the end of the year, or do most students find it helpful to hold on to them for reference?

The only reason I ask is I usually save TONS of money by buying my books early and looking for online 'used' deals on ebay, etc.

Hope I'm not being neurotic by thinking about textbooks this early!:oops:
So I was looking over the core classes and electives for fall quarter, and I noticed that there are 10 core classes. How is the quarter structured? All 10 classes at once? Some classes the whole quarter, with other smaller classes only lasting a few weeks?
And then we have electives on top of that...
Do we sign up for classes or is there just a set of classes that everyone has to take? I thought the first year you don't really have much choice, but I could be totally wrong.
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Do we sign up for classes or is there just a set of classes that everyone has to take? I thought the first year you don't really have much choice, but I could be totally wrong.

I know we all have to take all the core classes, and then we can choose electives.

I'm just wondering if we are taking 10 core classes at once, or how the courses are spread out over the quarter, etc.
I'm just wondering if we are taking 10 core classes at once, or how the courses are spread out over the quarter, etc.

I'm pretty sure its kinda spread out. I had to take a 2nd year vet student class for graduate school and the schedule was weird. The class didn't necessarily have a T/Th 9-10 type schedule. Some days we would have 2 lectures per week, some only 1 lecture, etc. So I'm sure some classes have set schedules while others vary week by week.

I think you become pretty reliant on your computer's calendar, but thats just my guess.
Hi everyone, I have been lurking on here for a while and finally set up an account:D I went to undergrad here at Davis, and just got into vet school!!!!:soexcited:

I am currently looking for someone to rent a room in my 2/1 halfplex in North Davis, and would love to find a fellow vet student. The house is super cute in a great, quiet part of town with the green belt at the end of the street. I have a cat and a wire haired fox terrier, and am open to a roommate with a friendly small-medium dog. You can see pictures and more info at this link:


I can't wait to meet everyone in September!
Hey VAgirl (and others),

I was looking through the 2008 curriculum handbook posted online and I know the textbooks requirements might change, but what is your opinion on purchasing textbooks? Does "required" really mean its required?

You're not being neurotic, don't worry. Though I have to say, we didn't get any info on textbooks until orientation was OVER, so there's a lot of uncertainty, unfortunately. Let me see if I can remember.

Ok, for Anatomy (401A), you'll probably want to buy Miller's Anatomy of the Dog and the comparative anatomy book by Dyce. I got the version of each where you get a soft copy for your computer in addition to the hard copy book and I really like it. They cite Miller's constantly for pictures, but I can't read the thing at ALL. It's so dense, but the pictures are good. Dyce is nice, too, for everything non-dog.

You don't need a book for Physiological chemistry (403), they do most everything from the syllabus and lecture notes. But it's nice to have a biochem book to reference (any book you like will do, including one you already have). Also, I got the thin but huge book Metabolism at a Glance, which I liked. I'm not sure how much I really used it, but it made me feel better when we did a ton of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis stuff. Has all the pathways very well written out.

For Epidemiology (409), you'll want to get whatever book he is using this year. You could probably share with a friend if you wanted to, though.

For Histology (427), I'd get Kirtzenbaum, or however you spell it (that's the author's name). The prof uses a ton of diagrams from the book, she just removes some of the details. You could get by without it, but I liked having it. Didn't read it a ton, but I liked having the large diagrams with the captions, etc.

For the others, I wouldn't get any texts. Definitely don't need to buy the texts they recommend or require (they almost never mean required when they list that for a text). Definitely don't the books they list for Ethics (436) or Radiology (430) unless you want them for your own personal whatever.

Oh, and they do price matching at the bookstore for any price you can find on NEW books on the internet, up to 20% off of the bookstore's price. Also, the first 2 days of class, all books are 10% off. If you buy used online, you can probably still get better deals. But the price matching is really a nice thing if you need a book fast or can't find a used copy online, etc.

So I was looking over the core classes and electives for fall quarter, and I noticed that there are 10 core classes. How is the quarter structured? All 10 classes at once? Some classes the whole quarter, with other smaller classes only lasting a few weeks?
And then we have electives on top of that...

It's insane, just like shelterURIgirl said. You need to look at your calendar everyday to know what classes you have that day. Seems most vet schools are like this from what I hear. But yea, you start out with not all of your courses, finish some early and pick up some along the way. It's weird, but you kinda get used to it.

Do we sign up for classes or is there just a set of classes that everyone has to take? I thought the first year you don't really have much choice, but I could be totally wrong.

It's basically pre-set for the first quarter, and mostly for the first year. A few electives here and there, but I wouldn't worry about electives first quarter unless you really want to. Maybe the radiology discussions we talked about earlier.
...I am currently looking for someone to rent a room in my 2/1 halfplex in North Davis, and would love to find a fellow vet student. The house is super cute in a great, quiet part of town with the green belt at the end of the street. I have a cat and a wire haired fox terrier, and am open to a roommate with a friendly small-medium dog. You can see pictures and more info at this link:


I can't wait to meet everyone in September!

Welcome and congrats!! So its ~12am and I have no life so I clicked on your link and OMG you have the cutest place! Love your pets, too! If I were single I would totally pay $550/mo to live there!

I'm a total nerd, I know I know.:laugh:
Welcome and congrats!! So its ~12am and I have no life so I clicked on your link and OMG you have the cutest place! Love your pets, too! If I were single I would totally pay $550/mo to live there!

I'm a total nerd, I know I know.:laugh:

HAHA, you are not a nerd! but thank you, I think my place is pretty darned cute myself!
You're not being neurotic, don't worry. Though I have to say, we didn't get any info on textbooks until orientation was OVER, so there's a lot of uncertainty, unfortunately. Let me see if I can remember.

Ok, for Anatomy (401A), you'll probably want to buy Miller's Anatomy of the Dog and the comparative anatomy book by Dyce. I got the version of each where you get a soft copy for your computer in addition to the hard copy book and I really like it. They cite Miller's constantly for pictures, but I can't read the thing at ALL. It's so dense, but the pictures are good. Dyce is nice, too, for everything non-dog.

You don't need a book for Physiological chemistry (403), they do most everything from the syllabus and lecture notes. But it's nice to have a biochem book to reference (any book you like will do, including one you already have). Also, I got the thin but huge book Metabolism at a Glance, which I liked. I'm not sure how much I really used it, but it made me feel better when we did a ton of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis stuff. Has all the pathways very well written out.

For Epidemiology (409), you'll want to get whatever book he is using this year. You could probably share with a friend if you wanted to, though.

For Histology (427), I'd get Kirtzenbaum, or however you spell it (that's the author's name). The prof uses a ton of diagrams from the book, she just removes some of the details. You could get by without it, but I liked having it. Didn't read it a ton, but I liked having the large diagrams with the captions, etc.

For the others, I wouldn't get any texts. Definitely don't need to buy the texts they recommend or require (they almost never mean required when they list that for a text). Definitely don't the books they list for Ethics (436) or Radiology (430) unless you want them for your own personal whatever.

Oh, and they do price matching at the bookstore for any price you can find on NEW books on the internet, up to 20% off of the bookstore's price. Also, the first 2 days of class, all books are 10% off. If you buy used online, you can probably still get better deals. But the price matching is really a nice thing if you need a book fast or can't find a used copy online, etc.

It's insane, just like shelterURIgirl said. You need to look at your calendar everyday to know what classes you have that day. Seems most vet schools are like this from what I hear. But yea, you start out with not all of your courses, finish some early and pick up some along the way. It's weird, but you kinda get used to it.

It's basically pre-set for the first quarter, and mostly for the first year. A few electives here and there, but I wouldn't worry about electives first quarter unless you really want to. Maybe the radiology discussions we talked about earlier.

Thanks for all the info!
VAgirl, thanks for all the info.

I saw on one place online that the millers book was $60 used and $150 new with the computer access. I didn't even think about getting the soft/computer version. Most books have "online access" or a CD but I usually never use them. But this "soft" version sounds like its the entire book on your computer! Thats a total plus because I carry my computer around with me everywhere.

Thanks again for all the help you have given us. :love:
Thanks for all the textbook info, VAGirl!!! :D
Personally, I LOVE Stryer's Biochemistry textbook and will be lugging my extreemly well-worn edition to Davis. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a relatively detailed/thorough biochem text.

Ok, I have a housing question for anyone who has lived in Davis...
Has anyone had any trouble finding housing in the summer (june/july) for August move-in? I drove up to Davis on Saturday to checkout apartments with the BF and I feel like all of the fall pre-leasing options available at this point that allow dogs are either funky/worn-down or nice but *very* overpriced for what you get (also, most of the move-in dates are sept 1!). We are considering just blowing off the whole pre-leasing option and looking for places that open up in the summer that lease month-by-month.

Is there generally a high enough vacancy rate for month-to-month places in Davis during the summer to make this feasable? Or are we taking a huge risk by not looking for a pre-leasing option?

Thanks again VAGirl and everyone else :love:
Often you can find sublets over the summer that will start Aug 1 and the apt is also available for the 2009-2010 rental year. That way you can take over someone else's lease and just stay after that month is up. That's what we did last year.

FWIW, we're at the Willows in West Davis and really like it. We'll be here again next year. There are several vet students here and I believe several of them will be staying.

Good luck! :)
I'm glad we've touched on this topic KittyRex...because that's what my plan's been all along. And thanks VAgirl for the fast reply!
Welcome and congrats!! So its ~12am and I have no life so I clicked on your link and OMG you have the cutest place! Love your pets, too! If I were single I would totally pay $550/mo to live there!

I'm a total nerd, I know I know.:laugh:

Wowww, I like it a lot too! The backyard is awesome! I want to live there and I'm not even going to Davis, lol. :)
Hi guys,

I moved here off season couple of years ago and I was freaking out because I have a 60lb dog and a chameleon cat*. ANYWAYS, I was in the same boat as you KittyRex. The really cute places I liked were overpriced and the affordable ones that would take a 60lb dog were kind of well...dank. Plus I am really picky about having people living above or below me. Sometimes I like the freedom of being able to vacuum at 3 in the morning without disturbing my neighbors...you know?

So I recommend stalking craigslist like its SDN from now until the beginning of summer. For me, there were LOTS of apartments available because many people were leaving town for the summer and we (my SO and I) ended up finding a really cute 2/1 duplex with a huge backyard for cheaper than some of the 2br apartments. But I must say, you have to be ON IT when it comes to the cute places on craiglist. My place was posted at 10pm, I emailed the guy at 1010pm, and when he checked his email at 1030pm, he had 15 messages. Dog friendly places with big backyards go quick!

And be wary of where you live. This is an aggie town. There are cockroaches if your place isn't maintained. :scared:

Hope this helps.

*A chameleon cat is a special breed of cat that morphs under certain conditions (sunny window perhaps) into three or more distinct phenotypes, thus giving your neighbors the false impression that you own more than one cat.:whistle:
I agree with shelterURIgirl about finding a nice duplex if you have a big dog/multiple pets. I have a Great Pyrenees and 2 cats, and luckily was able to find a 2 br/1 ba for not too bad ($1350/month) in a nice neighborhood in north Davis. We had the luck of having my bf's potential PI be very interested in him coming here, so he offered to check places out for us since we lived in Orlando at the time and couldn't.

People will be more willing to rent to you even with pets if you are a graduate/professional student. Seems like they'd often rather take the risk of pets than the risk of undergrads and beer pong. ;)
Question for those who did the tour of Davis, Are the lecture halls pretty standard where you stay in one room and professors rotate out? Also in the lab rooms is it similar to other schools where each student has an assigned desk area/personal space. Just curious since I haven't seen anywhere but the interview room. Anything else notable good/bad?
Question for those who did the tour of Davis, Are the lecture halls pretty standard where you stay in one room and professors rotate out? Also in the lab rooms is it similar to other schools where each student has an assigned desk area/personal space. Just curious since I haven't seen anywhere but the interview room. Anything else notable good/bad?

Lecture halls are as you described - for core classes the 1st/2nd/3rd years all have their own main lecture halls where we stay and the professors come in and out. We do move to different rooms for electives, though. There's a locker room in the lecture building (Valley) where you can store your things, and each year has a homeroom upstairs with a small kitchenette, fridge, mailboxes, printer, and comfy furniture.

For the gross anatomy lab we have assigned groups/tables and a locker room where we can store our gloves/dissection kits/coats (one locker per group). For the histo lab, there are no assigned groups or tables - you sit where you like and there are cubbies to put your backpack in.

I think someone posted photos in a long-ago thread of schools they visited, including Davis.
And our facilities are BEAUTIFUL and so new. :)

That's the thread with photos of UC Davis and other vet schools. :oops:

Question, is it pretty normal for students to bring their dogs to campus? I saw a lot of dogs following owners around and kennels in the homerooms.

Yes. Not everyone does, but many do. Technically you're not supposed to have them in the buildings unless there is a medical reason for them being there. But I've never seen that enforced. We've had some issues in our homeroom though...people not cleaning up after pet accidents, etc. For the most part, though, people are responsible.
Is the anatomy lab in the other new building (vet med 3a), across from valley hall? I didn't get to see the anatomy lab when I went to class with my host, but I did wander into that building across from vallely hall a few weeks ago and saw the histo lab... really nice
Is the anatomy lab in the other new building (vet med 3a), across from valley hall? I didn't get to see the anatomy lab when I went to class with my host, but I did wander into that building across from vallely hall a few weeks ago and saw the histo lab... really nice

If you walk from Valley Hall through the histo lab building, the anatomy lab is in that next building. The really tall one.
i'm pretty sure i am going to live in winters.

the things you all have written regarding nice and overpriced or dank and allows dogs (still overpriced for what you get) have made me serious consider a property in winters.

a quick drive down covell will bring me home to a secluded, decent sized cabin on 20 acres - DOGS ALLOWED!!

at $625.00/mo, the rent is cheaper than anything i have seen anyone mention - i'll paying for a bit of gas, but seems worth it to me. have thought about joining the biodiesel community.
If I get in off the wait list, I'm thinking of renting in Sacramento--midtown or near UCD med center. I could afford to rent an entire house and take the shuttle to class.
Hi All,
Sorry to change the subject, but I was just looking at some financial aid info and they estimate that the cost of books and supplies, for the first year is 4,656 and for the following years it varies between about 2200 and 4400. This seems really high to me, they may be including the computer in that cost for the first year but I am wondering what the heck we would be spending so much money on. Other schools seem to estimate less than 1000 for this. What do you guys think? Or for current students is this right? Have you ended up spending this much? Thanks so much!
Hi All,
Sorry to change the subject, but I was just looking at some financial aid info and they estimate that the cost of books and supplies, for the first year is 4,656 and for the following years it varies between about 2200 and 4400. This seems really high to me, they may be including the computer in that cost for the first year but I am wondering what the heck we would be spending so much money on. Other schools seem to estimate less than 1000 for this. What do you guys think? Or for current students is this right? Have you ended up spending this much? Thanks so much!

From what I've heard, students don't spend nearly that much. Most of the "required" texts aren't actually required but rather supplemental to lecture material, and you don't have time to read them anyway. If you do need them, they are in the library on reserve so you don't necessarily need to buy them.
I am having some difficulties finding a good 2-br apartment, so I started looking into some houses. I found a few 3-br houses that seem promising, but they don't allow pets. I am wondering if anyone would not have a pet in their first year (like me) and would be interested sharing the house with me and a grad student? We are both girls, quiet, easy-going. I'd start contacting the property owners/management if I can find another girl to take the 3rd room.
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I am having some difficulties finding a good 2-br apartment, so I started looking into some houses. I found a few 3-br houses that seem promising, but they don't allow pets. I am wondering if anyone would not have a pet in their first year (like me) and would be interested sharing the house with me and a grad student? We are both girls, quiet, easy-going. I'd start contacting the property owners/management if I can find another girl to take the 3rd room.

Hey winddolphin, (and others who are looking for housing)

The 2br duplex next door to me just went up for lease. The floor plan is pretty similar to mine so its probably about 1200 sq feet. It comes with a backyard and 1 car garage and its right across the street from a park (off leash dogs are ok). I love the neighborhood and I believe the owners are ok with pets since I have a dog and cat. A lot of us have dogs and I know most of my neighbors through meeting their dogs. I never hear the current neighbors and they swear they've never heard me--and both of us have a full on movie theater surround sound setup.

I believe its going to be listed at 1350/mo. You can find it if you go to King Properties website and click on current listings. The 2br is 5131 Glide. There is also a 3 br at 5119 Glide (my other neighbors) that has a HUGE backyard and its listed at 1600/mo. There is also a 4 br 2 doors down up for lease for $1950. All of these units are literally right next door or across the street from pioneer park which is also an off-leash area.

Oh and google earth/street view is slightly off with the addresses. So if you google 5119 glide you wont be looking at the right place.

Feel free to PM me if you guys have any questions.
I believe its going to be listed at 1350/mo. You can find it if you go to King Properties website and click on current listings. The 2br is 5131 Glide. There is also a 3 br at 5119 Glide (my other neighbors) that has a HUGE backyard and its listed at 1600/mo. There is also a 4 br 2 doors down up for lease for $1950. All of these units are literally right next door or across the street from pioneer park which is also an off-leash area.

Oh and google earth/street view is slightly off with the addresses. So if you google 5119 glide you wont be looking at the right place.

Feel free to PM me if you guys have any questions.

Do you bike from there? (Or will you?) That's over 5 miles, isn't it?
Thanks VAgirl, that is a very good point. I live in South Davis which is not the closest. Its about 4-5 miles, depending on what route you take. There is only one "hill" which is actually the bike overpass, but otherwise its an easy ride that takes me about 10-15 minutes, depending on the load in my backpack and what route I take.

I usually drive/bus in the winter because of rain/cold issues. The bus is super close (on the corner of glide/el cemonte) and I leave my bike on campus. The bus drops you off in the middle part of campus, and I bike through the arboretum to get to the vet school which is nice.

Oh, and I also wanted to add that for anyone who has pets, it really helps if you have a pet resume and that address the potential concerns right away. The person who owns my place was not going to allow pets but he appreciated having his questions answered before he could even ask them.

Here is a link of a website I used when making my pet resume: http://www.ddal.org/pdf/samples/petresume.pdf
Thanks VAgirl, that is a very good point. I live in South Davis which is not the closest. Its about 4-5 miles, depending on what route you take. There is only one "hill" which is actually the bike overpass, but otherwise its an easy ride that takes me about 10-15 minutes, depending on the load in my backpack and what route I take.

I usually drive/bus in the winter because of rain/cold issues. The bus is super close (on the corner of glide/el cemonte) and I leave my bike on campus. The bus drops you off in the middle part of campus, and I bike through the arboretum to get to the vet school which is nice.

I'm in the corner of North Davis (5 miles from the health sciences corner of campus) and this is the way that I operate as well. It's nice to ride my bike there when the weather is good, but if it's not I leave my bicycle on campus and use the bus, which has some lines that stop at the Silo, not too far from the vet med campus (where my lab and classes are). I don't go through the arboretum from the Silo though, that seems out of the way and I am barely running on time as it is usually. :laugh:
I miss the arboretum...I want to come home to cali:(

I just found that there have been NO additional declines and 5 out of the remaining 15 people who haven't responded have to decline before they get to the alternate list. Oh yeah and only 3 out of 118 have declined so far. Looks like I should be preparing for hagiss and kilts.:confused:
So I have to hope that 7 or 8 of the last 15 people to respond will decline. :( Being #3 doesn't sound so promising now.

I miss the arboretum...I want to come home to cali:(

I just found that there have been NO additional declines and 5 out of the remaining 15 people who haven't responded have to decline before they get to the alternate list. Oh yeah and only 3 out of 118 have declined so far. Looks like I should be preparing for hagiss and kilts.:confused:
So I have to hope that 7 or 8 of the last 15 people to respond will decline. :( Being #3 doesn't sound so promising now.

I think at least a handful of people have accepted positions at more than one school, including Davis. Davis doesn't even require a deposit, so there is nothing to deter people from accepting while they wait to decide. Also, the cost of tuition hasn't been decided yet...with the whole ca/uc budget crisis going on there might be a big increase in tuition and it may cause some people to freak. I read this article and it said that even with a 9% annual increase in tuition, the school was still over budget by 19 million. :scared:

Wow...good luck to all that are still waiting. I think I'm too far down the list to even have a chance :-(.
Also, the cost of tuition hasn't been decided yet...with the whole ca/uc budget crisis going on there might be a big increase in tuition and it may cause some people to freak. I read this article and it said that even with a 9% annual increase in tuition, the school was still over budget by 19 million. :scared:

That is frightening. :eek:
I hope they give us our financial aid info soon!
I do realize that we are in the middle of an enourmous financial crisis, but, cutting funding for higher education and particularly for veterinary medicine when there is already a national shortage of vets...I mean, really??:mad:
Thanks for the info, shelterURIgirl! The description of the unit sounds amazing.....The duplex's rent is out of our price range, but the 3-bedroom sounds great. Still have to find another roomate to take over the 3rd room, tho!