UCB post-bacc versus SFSU

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Sep 30, 2015
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Hi all! I recently graduated from a UC with a degree in computer science, but decided while completing my degree that I actually wanted to go into medicine. I finished some of the prereqs, but not all of them, which is why I'm now considering entering a post-bacc program.

Here's my problem: it has been really difficult to gain information about post-bacc programs from the outside. Especially from UC Berkeley. I was accepted there for the post-bacc pre health program starting this January, but after seeing some negative comments about UCBx I'm worried about the quality of the program. I've also applied to SFSU's post-bacc program and should hear back from them within a few weeks.

Has anyone here completed their post-bacc at UCBx or SFSU? In general, how was the experience? My family and friends are pushing me towards going to UCBx because the name Berkeley carries some weight and because they think it will open more doors for me later on, but I'm not sure the program there is right for me.

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Hi all! I recently graduated from a UC with a degree in computer science, but decided while completing my degree that I actually wanted to go into medicine. I finished some of the prereqs, but not all of them, which is why I'm now considering entering a post-bacc program.

Here's my problem: it has been really difficult to gain information about post-bacc programs from the outside. Especially from UC Berkeley. I was accepted there for the post-bacc pre health program starting this January, but after seeing some negative comments about UCBx I'm worried about the quality of the program. I've also applied to SFSU's post-bacc program and should hear back from them within a few weeks.

Has anyone here completed their post-bacc at UCBx or SFSU? In general, how was the experience? My family and friends are pushing me towards going to UCBx because the name Berkeley carries some weight and because they think it will open more doors for me later on, but I'm not sure the program there is right for me.
Your friends and family are wrong. Berkeley extension doesn't carry any weight. You should always choose a postbacc that consists of actual university courses over extension courses, if given the option.
Your friends and family are wrong. Berkeley extension doesn't carry any weight. You should always choose a postbacc that consists of actual university courses over extension courses, if given the option.

Ok, cool, I was actually going to post asking about that. Good to know.
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If you're a "career changer", you might want to look into programs that specifically address that since those programs have a better track record with med school acceptances than "academic enhancers" or mixed ones. Goucher, Bryn Mawr, and John Hopkins are all top notch (although out of California, so you'd have to be willing to move 🙁 )
Bumping in hopes that more people will offer input.

I was recently accepted into UCBX and was invited to interview with SFSU. I've also been accepted into CSU East Bay's program. I went from thinking UCBX was the obvious choice to questioning whether I should even entertain it as an option, because of the inconsistent structure and quality of instruction. If the Berkeley name isn't going to add any oomph to my med school applications, then lol what's even the point?
Bumping in hopes that more people will offer input.

I was recently accepted into UCBX and was invited to interview with SFSU. I've also been accepted into CSU East Bay's program. I went from thinking UCBX was the obvious choice to questioning whether I should even entertain it as an option, because of the inconsistent structure and quality of instruction. If the Berkeley name isn't going to add any oomph to my med school applications, then lol what's even the point?
Where do you live?
Where do you live?
South Bay, so it'll be quite the commute regardless. I might be taking public transportation though (another reason I question UCBX, if I have to travel to different campuses)