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Dec 2, 2015
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I am planning a Pre-Med path (quite certain) but am not dead set; in other words, I'm still "testing the waters" and am willing to switch majors if I feel that I should. Would a Finance/Business major be superior at one university (just in case I switch)?

I was accepted into UCLA and UC Berkeley this year. I was wondering if you could give me some Pros and Cons for each school? Is it true grade deflation is as bad as people say it is? Is it easier to maintain a higher GPA (given the same effort) at one of the schools? Do Medical Schools consider Berkeley to be more prestigious than UCLA or is it about the same (for example would a 3.5 @ Berkeley = a 3.7 or 3.6 @ UCLA)? I'm interested in a a molecular biology or bio related major at both. I'm currently in the College of Chemistry @ Berkeley but imma switch and i talked to the advisors/counselors and it seems to be an easy switch.

I know that UCLA probably has better opportunities for hospital volunteering and probably clinical research than Berkeley right? However Berkeley probably has better opportunities for basic research. So my question sis which school has better opportunities for "pre-med" related activities (between research, volunteer, internship, etc.?)? I hope this makes sense.

Is Greek Life better at one school? What is it like at both?

Also, I've heard the avg UCLA girl is hotter than the avg Cal girl this is quite a universal, unanimous statment from my online & RL. so if an avg UCLA girl is like a 7 what is the avg Cal girl? Sorry this may seem kinda immature..but i'm so torn between the two schools. Trying to weigh all the pros and cons and this is definitely a big factor...

Lastly, Do you have any advice to maintaining good grades with a balanced lifestyle.

Thanks in advance.

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Also, I've heard the avg UCLA girl is hotter than the avg Cal girl this is quite a universal, unanimous statment from my online & RL. so if an avg UCLA girl is like a 7 what is the avg Cal girl? Sorry this may seem kinda immature..but i'm so torn between the two schools. Trying to weigh all the pros and cons and this is definitely a big factor...
Conversion formula for Cal hotness ---> UCLA hotness:

[(Cal girl score out of 10)*(1.18)] + (1 if humanities major)=UCLA girl score
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Conversion formula for Cal hotness ---> UCLA hotness:

[(Cal girl score out of 10)*(1.18)] + (1 if humanities major)=UCLA girl score
math isn't my forte lol can u explain?

ok i think i get it now.

so if avg at ucla is 7, then avg at cal would be a 5 according to that formula.
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