ucsf mailing

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7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
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To all those who have been accepted to UCSF, have you guys received anything from the school yet? I am looking at new student webpage, and it seems like information such as student ID, password for accounts, should have been mailed by now. Am I just being paranoid?????:scared:

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I haven't rec'd anything either. It's still pretty early so I'm not stressin about it yet. I do have one concern though. I haven't had any of the hepatitis series shots; is that something you have to get going right away? Isn't there a span of time that must pass between shots?
No, you're not paranoid. I've been waiting for the mailing from ucsf for a while also. I've already sent in my financial aid paperwork and housing form, but, like you said, alot of the "official" items require the ucsf student id, which we haven't received yet. BTW, has anyone received their pre-req status letter yet?
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64microbus said:
I haven't rec'd anything either. It's still pretty early so I'm not stressin about it yet. I do have one concern though. I haven't had any of the hepatitis series shots; is that something you have to get going right away? Isn't there a span of time that must pass between shots?
Yeah, there is a certain timeframe for them. I think it's about 6 months total for hep B. Usually they just want you to have "started" the sequence (3 shots for hep B).
before I got into SC I looked into Hep. B series requirements. I think UCSF wanted to have 2 shots prior to school start. The first 2 shots are 1 month apart, the third shot is 6 months after the first shot. Hope this helps...
64microbus said:
I haven't rec'd anything either. It's still pretty early so I'm not stressin about it yet. I do have one concern though. I haven't had any of the hepatitis series shots; is that something you have to get going right away? Isn't there a span of time that must pass between shots?

I'm surprised you haven't gotten a shot yet. You can get Hep B by kissing someone with it! Go get your shot! Or go see if you have Hep B. BTW http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=120037 :thumbup: discussed here
Spyris said:
I'm surprised you haven't gotten a shot yet. You can get Hep B by kissing someone with it! Go get your shot! Or go see if you have Hep B.

You cannot get HepB by kissing someone!!!! It is transmitted by blood (i.e. IV needle sharing among drug users, dirty piercing/tattoo parlors, hospital needle sticks, unprotected sex)
AmandaRxs said:
You cannot get HepB by kissing someone!!!! It is transmitted by blood (i.e. IV needle sharing among drug users, dirty piercing/tattoo parlors, hospital needle sticks, unprotected sex)
It can happen. It's not very common, but it has happened.
jdpharmd? said:
It can happen. It's not very common, but it has happened.

Umm yeah, if you have a bloody/open sore in your mouth. It requires at least blood to saliva contact.
AmandaRxs said:
Umm yeah, if you have a bloody/open sore in your mouth. It requires at least blood to saliva contact.

Speaking of which... I'm sure some of you have heard on the news about the HIV test that uses a saliva sample to test for the virus. The FDA is still studying it and follow up testing is necessary but the original test is 99% accurate.

since HIV can be detected in saliva....
If enough saliva was transmitted you could get HIV from kissing....
AmandaRxs said:
You cannot get HepB by kissing someone!!!! It is transmitted by blood (i.e. IV needle sharing among drug users, dirty piercing/tattoo parlors, hospital needle sticks, unprotected sex)

Not to rip on AmandaRxs, but we should know the facts about the transmission of hep B virus. Like all the previous posts said, it's not necessarily only through "IV needle sharing among drug users, dirty piercing/tattoo parlors, hospital needle sticks, unprotected sex." It is one the most common virus infection found in China and can be transmitted through sharing the same plate of food or using unwashed untensils. If you brush your teeth hard enough, you can cut your gums and transmit the virus that way. That's why it is now mandatory to have hep B vaccination for all elementary students and beyond.
Spyris said:
Not to rip on AmandaRxs, but we should know the facts about the transmission of hep B virus. Like all the previous posts said, it's not necessarily only through "IV needle sharing among drug users, dirty piercing/tattoo parlors, hospital needle sticks, unprotected sex." It is one the most common virus infection found in China and can be transmitted through sharing the same plate of food or using unwashed untensils. If you brush your teeth hard enough, you can cut your gums and transmit the virus that way. That's why it is now mandatory to have hep B vaccination for all elementary students and beyond.

Spyris are you sure you are not thinking of Hep A?
I did not think that hep B was *that* easy to transmit.
Spyris said:
Not to rip on AmandaRxs, but we should know the facts about the transmission of hep B virus. Like all the previous posts said, it's not necessarily only through "IV needle sharing among drug users, dirty piercing/tattoo parlors, hospital needle sticks, unprotected sex." It is one the most common virus infection found in China and can be transmitted through sharing the same plate of food or using unwashed untensils. If you brush your teeth hard enough, you can cut your gums and transmit the virus that way. That's why it is now mandatory to have hep B vaccination for all elementary students and beyond.

I guess I didn't learn everything about HBV transmission in microbiology. :rolleyes: Coincidentally, we had just been taught about all of the hepatitis viruses so I assumed my professor provided the full story. In my notes it says the virus is specifically present in serum, blood, and semen; but eh...the internet will always be there to teach me what I need to know. :D

I guess the take home message is that it's "possible" to get anything from just about anything. You should hear one of my micro professors - he is literally OCD about acquiring an infectious agent and dying a certain death. His lectures always have an air of doomsday.
Shanana said:
Spyris are you sure you are not thinking of Hep A?
I did not think that hep B was *that* easy to transmit.

Well my micro prof was pretty serious about how easy it spreads, that's why everyone needs to have their Hep B vaccination before the start of school, even at the elementary stage. Perhaps it's just another way to get rid of the virus all together or maybe just ways to scare us. Am I "THAT" sure? Well no I'm not "that" sure since I don't deal with the statistics of hep B, but I do know hep B is very easy to transmit. Back on topic, I received an email today about UCSF stuff.
Spyris said:
Well my micro prof was pretty serious about how easy it spreads, that's why everyone needs to have their Hep B vaccination before the start of school, even at the elementary stage. Perhaps it's just another way to get rid of the virus all together or maybe just ways to scare us. Am I "THAT" sure? Well no I'm not "that" sure since I don't deal with the statistics of hep B, but I do know hep B is very easy to transmit. Back on topic, I received an email today about UCSF stuff.

Yea, I recieved that too. Looks like a whole lot of shots coming up if I can't find all my records...haha
Oneday_9 said:
Yea, I recieved that too. Looks like a whole lot of shots coming up if I can't find all my records...haha

I was wondering why I hadn't rec'd that email, then it occured to me to check the junk mail that gets filtered by my server - it was there. I would have missed this one if you guys had not have mentioned it. I wouldn't have mailed that $100 on time. Scary. I guess I'll have to start going through those durn junk mail ads for low interest rates, viagra, diplomas, and "add three inches" - just in case Betbeze emails something out. Microbus out