UIC Orthodontics

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Nov 1, 2017
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Hi! Any opinions on the UIC orthodontics residency program? Is it considered a strong clinical program?

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Hi! Any opinions on the UIC orthodontics residency program? Is it considered a strong clinical program?

I cannot comment on UIC, but remember that most programs teach fundamentals in growth and development and diagnosis among other areas. The clinical part cannot be mastered in 2-3 years. It takes years of "practice". I still use some of my wire bending skills now, but I have perfected a system of treatment that has been confirmed successful due to the large numbers of patients I have treated. I NEVER learned these techniques in residency.

Learn DIAGNOSIS. This is what separates the specialists from everyone else. The clinical aspect comes later.
I did not train at the UIC Ortho program but was an OMFS resident and on faculty at UIC.
We worked very closely with the Orthodontic residents and they all seemed to be very happy with their training program, do a good volume of surgical cases, and are well prepared.
From my limited experience, I think it is a solid training program.
Can anyone share his experience ( ortho at UIC)
This is my final yearly UIC I would like someone to advice me what to do.
Thank you