Un-accredited Managed Care Residencies

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Oct 30, 2015
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Does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from non-accredited managed care residencies? How similar is their timeline to PhORCAS programs?


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There's no rules on what they can or will do, that's why it's unaccreditted.
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why would anyone want to do an un-accredited managed care residency vs the traditional route? Yeah it may take an extra year but then again, it is accredited
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Given no choice, an unaccredited residency is better than nothing. The bad I've seen of unaccredited residencies, is that some abuse you and make you do a bunch of PAs and use you as cheap labor. There's nothing to stop them from doing that, even if it's once a week on a Friday, it's still time away that you should be learning.
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Just because it is accredited does not mean it's better than a residency that is not accredited. There are bad programs, bad preceptors, and RPDs in both camps. During accreditation visits, the bias is toward meeting the residency standards. There are no standards of quality of precepting and residents are not going to say that they have experience with a bad preceptor. Even if they did ASHP cannot do anything about it.
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Isn't that everything in life, it can be bad, it can be good....lol... In general, an accredited residency means that the program will probably be decent. It's a lot of work to be accredited, so any organization that goes through that hassle, most likely will try to be good. Like anything in life, of course it can be bad, you can be killed crossing the street tomorrow, no residency for you.