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Aug 1, 2016
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Hi everyone,

I need to complete the human anatomy pre-req for the school I am applying to before the end of June. I have not been able to find much information regarding the online human anatomy course offered through UNE (University of New England) and SCUHS (Southern California University of Health Sciences) - I already checked that the program I am applying to will accept the credit from either of these. Please don't post old threads as I have researched this topic extensively on here.

If anybody has experience taking this course at either of these institutions through their online system, please let me know your experiences!!

I don't need the lab portion for the program I am applying to, which is why I am interested in the online human anatomy lecture only course at SCUHS (3 units). The online human anatomy course from UNE is a combined lecture and lab course (4 units). The SCUHS online human anatomy course is 100% online and is accelerated meaning it will be complete in 4-5 weeks. I am not concerned with the prices between the two (I saved up enough).

My main questions for UNE vs SCUHS online human anatomy course:
-Is it possible to finish the UNE course in one month (I know that 16 weeks is the max to complete it).
-What was the online lab portion like for UNE?
-What was the online course experience like for you?
-What was the course structure? Modules/quizzes/exams/assignments?
-Were you able to take the exams at home or did you have to go to a testing center?
-Did you have to find a proctor for the exams? (I heard for UNE you had to find a proctor for the final exam). If so, who qualifies to be a proctor?
-What was the level of difficulty? Anatomy is a tough subject so it is expected to be difficult.
-How many hours did you spend on lectures and then studying?

Thanks in advance!

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Personally, I hate UNE anatomy online. If you're determined you probably could finish the class in a month ( I wouldn't due that though-- its a lot of information)

the lab section was probably the only fun part of the class. You get vacuum sealed animal organs for dissection and a skeleton model kit. There is a separate program dealing with the lab and it does a nice way of explaining the topics and integrating it for the lesson. The course itself is trash though. There aren't actually lectures. You have to read the entire textbook and then you have quizzes at the end of each module around 10 questions each. You can't go over the quizzes, you're told how many questions you get wrong but not which ones... not that you can actually see which ones anyways. Depending on your teacher, you could ask them about it. In my case my teacher did not tell me the question I got wrong or the incorrect response I put but rather told me topics to review -- which is fine I suppose because it focused my studies in those areas. You can take the exams at home but you have to buy a specific webcam and schedule it, it is proctored- they use a program for that to, you just need to find a date. It's not hard per say but there is no real metric for how the exams (the midterm and final) are supposed to be. We aren't given assignments and the module quizzes aren't things we can study since we have no access to it. We also don't know what type of things the professor focuses on since there are no lectures. If I didn't need this as a pre-req before I started my professional school I would 100% not take here.
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Hey, if anyone comes across this post since I know this thread is a little old. Does anyone have insight into how the UNE Anatomy midterm and finals are like and what to focus on? I’m kind of in a time crunch and was just wondering.

Thanks :)
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