University of Arizona c/o 2016

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I spent spring break researching housing options around the UofA campus. I was not impressed. Many apartments seemed overpriced for their quality and do not include many utilities. It's true that the nicer options are north of campus. I'm most likely going with La Aldea for the first year. It's a graduate housing complex on campus that provides an excellent atmosphere for professional networking and productive studying. It includes everything under one roof and financial aid can help pay the rent. They may even be lowering rent this year!:thumbup:

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I spent spring break researching housing options around the UofA campus. I was not impressed. Many apartments seemed overpriced for their quality and do not include many utilities. It's true that the nicer options are north of campus. I'm most likely going with La Aldea for the first year. It's a graduate housing complex on campus that provides an excellent atmosphere for professional networking and productive studying. It includes everything under one roof and financial aid can help pay the rent. They may even be lowering rent this year!:thumbup:

I would definitely go with this option. Like I said, north of campus is always good as well. During first year, you'll most likely make some friends that will want to be roommates second year.
I spent spring break researching housing options around the UofA campus. I was not impressed. Many apartments seemed overpriced for their quality and do not include many utilities. It's true that the nicer options are north of campus. I'm most likely going with La Aldea for the first year. It's a graduate housing complex on campus that provides an excellent atmosphere for professional networking and productive studying. It includes everything under one roof and financial aid can help pay the rent. They may even be lowering rent this year!:thumbup:

If you do live at La Aldea, we'll be close neighbors :). I'm currently an RA at Arbol de la Vida, the dorm just south of La Aldea, on the corner of 6th street and Euclid to be exact.
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If you do live at La Aldea, we'll be close neighbors :). I'm currently an RA at Arbol de la Vida, the dorm just south of La Aldea, on the corner of 6th street and Euclid to be exact.

That's awesome! I'll be new to the area, so maybe when I move in you can help clue me in. As an RA, you receive free room and board right?
That's awesome! I'll be new to the area, so maybe when I move in you can help clue me in. As an RA, you receive free room and board right?

Yeah definitely! Yup (and a meal plan), we'll see how it is with the pharmacy school workload but I enjoy it a lot because our staff is awesome and the residents are overall pretty good since it's an honors dorm so not too much trouble :).

Are you in the facebook group for the class of 2016 (
LMAO, that's so weird, when I called DPS, the woman was quite pleasant actually. I forgot which one I needed and she was super nice about it!

Yeah.. the fingerprint services can be PRETTY shady, but hey, I guess it can be a mobile service. Mine was 15 bucks :( and I had to go to them. It's not a popular search feature on google...

it was $6 at the police dept (public records) although it was a bit of a wait. i still haven't received my card yet. they say it can take up to 6 weeks.
UA doesn't use the Certiphi Screening company at all does it? I keep receiving emails from Certiphi but I'm assuming that's from another school unless DPS works with them. Does anyone knoew for sure
UA doesn't use the Certiphi Screening company at all does it? I keep receiving emails from Certiphi but I'm assuming that's from another school unless DPS works with them. Does anyone knoew for sure

As far as I know they don't. I know Midwestern does and I also keep getting those emails because I got accepted to Midwestern.
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Does anyone know when we'll hear back concerning the financial aid money? :)
Does anyone know when we'll hear back concerning the financial aid money? :)

I don't, but I'm guessing sometime in July when scholarship applications become available. We'll receive FA info. via our CatMail accounts, so there's nothing to do but wait.:whistle:
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I know a few people who declined their acceptances, so here's hoping..... I assume there is going to be some movement in the next 2 or 3 weeks.
ok, thanks. Did they mention when they'll be doing this?

My guess is for the 2017 or 2018 cycle. I don't think they've made any completely definitive plans yet though, despite their insistance that they are indeed switching to PharmCAS.
Anyone hear of anyone being pulled off the wait-list yet?
I was taken off the wait-list today and admitted.
If anyone is looking for a place to live, I am a P2 student and I am looking for 1-2 female roommates for the upcoming school year to share a new house located in a safe and quiet neighborhood about 15 minutes from campus. Rent is $350+utilities/month and you would have your own bedroom and bathroom. If you are interested or would like more information just send me a message!
are they still planning on opening up a pharmacy program in downtown phx?
are they still planning on opening up a pharmacy program in downtown phx?

They keep going back and forth on whether that is going to happen. Last I heard, plans for that were pretty much on hiatus. Even if they did continue it now, it probably wouldn't be accepting it's first class until at least the 2017 cycle. I guess it's just super expensive to open another campus - especially when considering the research facilities they would have to open, as well as teachers' salaries.