University of Arizona c/o 2016

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A friend of mine interviewed Friday..... he says it went well.

Well like he got an offer or he just feels confident?

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Well like he got an offer or he just feels confident?

Probably just feels confident as formal notifications will not go out until they've interviewed and reviewed all applicants. Following interviews on Friday we were told that we could expect word sometime in late February, around the 25th.

I also feel that the day went well, am confident in my interview and essay, but will obviously be waiting with bated breath until the end of February. :scared:
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Well like he got an offer or he just feels confident?

Probably more in the middle confident. They do not make decisions until after all interviews are done. If I remember correctly, he said they send out letters (accepted, denied, waitlisted) on Feb, 23rd.
I think the interview went well, the essay not so much....Hopefully, they judge me by my entire package and not just the essay.

Pete, never got a chance to go over and and introduce myself. How did it go?
I think the interview went well, the essay not so much....Hopefully, they judge me by my entire package and not just the essay.

Pete, never got a chance to go over and and introduce myself. How did it go?

Yeah, things kind of went by like a whirlwind, not really leaving much time to meet fellow peers. I'd say my interview went extremely well, and while the essay's time limit left me pretty pressed for time, I feel I organized my thoughts well enough, I covered all I wanted to say, and while I fell a bit short of the 3-page recommended length, I write fairly small and am confident I covered the 300-word length within my 2 3/4 pages. I also focused on writing legibly and clearly to avoid any issues with penmanship.

Overall the experience was very positive, my interviewer was extremely kind, welcoming, and receptive, and my excessive prep was worth it as not a single question stumped me, I knew what I wanted to say and made sure to get it all out there, and my enthusiasm and passion should hopefully count for something. I just made sure to take it all in, enjoy myself, and I still made it to my softball double-header in Scottsdale to help my team win both games (had to HAUL it up I-10 and missed the 1st inning due to being dismissed a little late). The only thing that could sully the experience would be a denial. Otherwise, I'd give it a hearty :thumbup:
Probably more in the middle confident. They do not make decisions until after all interviews are done. If I remember correctly, he said they send out letters (accepted, denied, waitlisted) on Feb, 23rd.

Haha, I am already dreading the anxiety on Feb 23rd. I hope we all get in! :D
Haha, I am already dreading the anxiety on Feb 23rd. I hope we all get in! :D

I think the anxiety associated with waiting is far worse than the anxiety leading up to our interviews. At least we had some control in preparing for our interviews, but now we can do nothing but wait. And yet despite knowing results won't be posted until late February, that still hasn't stopped me from checking my application status page multiple times a day to find no change in status.
For those who have sent in/are in the process of sending in transcripts I have a quick question: I have attended ASU and ASU polytechnic, but the transcript is one in the same. On my portal it still lists ASU East as missing. I emailed Marty but have not received a response. Has anyone else been in this situation? Did you just go to the office/call and talk to them about it?
For those who have sent in/are in the process of sending in transcripts I have a quick question: I have attended ASU and ASU polytechnic, but the transcript is one in the same. On my portal it still lists ASU East as missing. I emailed Marty but have not received a response. Has anyone else been in this situation? Did you just go to the office/call and talk to them about it?

Ahh, thanks for reminding me. I just checked my portal and they haven't received my UCSD transcript yet. Admittedly, I sent mine in last Friday so maybe it's taking it's sweet time getting to Tucson. :p
Ahh, thanks for reminding me. I just checked my portal and they haven't received my UCSD transcript yet. Admittedly, I sent mine in last Friday so maybe it's taking it's sweet time getting to Tucson. :p

Just before we were dismissed from our campus visit and associated interviews Marty made it a point to tell us not to worry about our transcripts if we've sent them in as they have a huge stack and haven't processed them all yet. She also said we probably won't see a change in status on our applications pertaining to transcripts for quite some time, perhaps even after the February 1st deadline, and she said not to worry about it as they're behind. But if you're worried about certain schools then I'd contact them directly just to make sure.
Just before we were dismissed from our campus visit and associated interviews Marty made it a point to tell us not to worry about our transcripts if we've sent them in as they have a huge stack and haven't processed them all yet. She also said we probably won't see a change in status on our applications pertaining to transcripts for quite some time, perhaps even after the February 1st deadline, and she said not to worry about it as they're behind. But if you're worried about certain schools then I'd contact them directly just to make sure.

My interview was yesterday and she told us the same thing.

The worst part of the entire day was the essay. I hated it during the PCAT, and I hated it yesterday. Ugh!:diebanana:Die Essay, Die!!!!

Next Friday, 2/3 is their last group of interviews and we will be notified by 2/26.
My interview was yesterday and she told us the same thing.

The worst part of the entire day was the essay. I hated it during the PCAT, and I hated it yesterday. Ugh!:diebanana:Die Essay, Die!!!!

Next Friday, 2/3 is their last group of interviews and we will be notified by 2/26.

Really? I was there as well yesterday and I felt that the essay was fine, the length of time and recommended length of essay was longer than that of other interviews I have gone to.
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Does anyone know if out of state students can gain residency after the first year?
Really? I was there as well yesterday and I felt that the essay was fine, the length of time and recommended length of essay was longer than that of other interviews I have gone to.

Which one were you? During orientation I was in the 2nd row... 4th from the right I believe. When Dr. Tong told us we had 5 minutes left, I still hadn't even made my point at that time. Have I mentioned that I hated the essay? If life were based on a series of fast paced, random topic essays, I would have been a victim of natural selection.
Also, I got a stupid $25 parking ticket. I bought 4 hours worth of time at 1:46pm, and the ticket was issued at 2:06pm. :wtf:
Does anyone know if out of state students can gain residency after the first year?

It's actually pretty difficult for people to get residency in Arizona. I know a few people that are first year students in the COP, and they did their undergrad at UofA as well...and they still haven't been able to gain residency status.
It's actually pretty difficult for people to get residency in Arizona. I know a few people that are first year students in the COP, and they did their undergrad at UofA as well...and they still haven't been able to gain residency status.

Yeah, its hard for undergrad but there are different rules sometimes for professional programs. Washington State grants residency after the first year if you register your car and register to vote etc... After attending the interview day, I was really impressed and hope to get accepted.
It's actually pretty difficult for people to get residency in Arizona. I know a few people that are first year students in the COP, and they did their undergrad at UofA as well...and they still haven't been able to gain residency status.

Hmmm.... I should sell the rights for people to use my mailing address. =)
I've been checking my application status page obsessively (I know notifications won't go out for another few weeks, but that doesn't mitigate my OCD), mainly because I've been concerned about my transcripts. As of today they're both listed as "received", so if anyone else is anxious about whether their transcripts have been received it seems updates are starting to be entered.
Transcripts have been updated! :)

I emailed UofA concerning residency before and they told me you use your taxes to prove your residency. As long as you have been paying AZ taxes for the year before entering UofA, I think you're considered a resident. There are special cases for students that are listed as dependents on their parents' tax forms so you don't necessarily have to go to school in AZ to qualify. I don't think they will consider you a AZ resident just because you completed one year of school in AZ as apart of their pharmacy department since everyone would be considered AZ residents after the first year. However, you might want to check just in case.
Anyone interviewing tomorrow besides me? Ahh I'm so nervous! :eek: I'll be the puny Asian girl in the gray blouse and black skirt if anyone wants to come and say hi!
Anyone interviewing tomorrow besides me? Ahh I'm so nervous! :eek: I'll be the puny Asian girl in the gray blouse and black skirt if anyone wants to come and say hi!

What happened to being excited? I'm sure you did fine.
What happened to being excited? I'm sure you did fine.

Excitement always turns into nervousness by the time I interview. >_< Hopefully, we'll both get in!

Over all, UofA impressed me quite a bit today.
I interviewed at UA on Monday. I loved the campus and the staff and pretty much everything about the pharmacy school. Tucson, however, is a different story...I'm from Seattle so I think having weather in the 70s in winter (and much higher in the summer) would be a tough adjustment for me. I know I haven't heard one way or the other yet, but it's been very tough just weighing the pros and cons.
I know most of the students there currently are from Arizona, is there anyone who's from a less sunny state that would share their experience in transitioning with me?
I interviewed at UA on Monday. I loved the campus and the staff and pretty much everything about the pharmacy school. Tucson, however, is a different story...I'm from Seattle so I think having weather in the 70s in winter (and much higher in the summer) would be a tough adjustment for me. I know I haven't heard one way or the other yet, but it's been very tough just weighing the pros and cons.
I know most of the students there currently are from Arizona, is there anyone who's from a less sunny state that would share their experience in transitioning with me?

I'm originally from Massachusetts (go Pats) and I can say this..... I've never had to shovel the heat off my driveway just to move my car. I don't think it snows (or snows much) in Seattle so my comment probably borders on worthless.
Can any former/current students give any insight as to how much the deposit or orientation fee is once accepted? Also, is there a specific timeframe in which we need to reply? I'm just wondering as I have interviews around the time that we should be hearing back from the admissions committee.
Can any former/current students give any insight as to how much the deposit or orientation fee is once accepted? Also, is there a specific timeframe in which we need to reply? I'm just wondering as I have interviews around the time that we should be hearing back from the admissions committee.

It was 500 for us and we had two weeks

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I interviewed at UA on Monday. I loved the campus and the staff and pretty much everything about the pharmacy school. Tucson, however, is a different story...I'm from Seattle so I think having weather in the 70s in winter (and much higher in the summer) would be a tough adjustment for me. I know I haven't heard one way or the other yet, but it's been very tough just weighing the pros and cons.
I know most of the students there currently are from Arizona, is there anyone who's from a less sunny state that would share their experience in transitioning with me?

It does get cold here. This year has been warmer. Last year at this time it was 15 degrees in the morning and I almost fell and broke my leg after I slipped on ice resulting from someone not turning off the programmed overnight sprinklers.

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It does get cold here. This year has been warmer. Last year at this time it was 15 degrees in the morning and I almost fell and broke my leg after I slipped on ice resulting from someone not turning off the programmed overnight sprinklers.

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This weather is normal for Tucson though. Last year was a fluke and had the coldest day on record. Average temp in Feb here is 70 degrees
This weather is normal for Tucson though. Last year was a fluke and had the coldest day on record. Average temp in Feb here is 70 degrees

Yeah. What I'm saying is we have cold days. Lots of people come from out of state and think Arizona is hot all the time. Nights do get chilly. Some people still think everything is sand here.

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I was there friday too! What do you think... Midwestern or U of A.. What are your deciding factors?
Its definately a nice transition. tuscon is ten degrees lighter than phoenix. The nights get chilly. I visit their every few months and I love the weather there
Ahh, thanks for reminding me. I just checked my portal and they haven't received my UCSD transcript yet. Admittedly, I sent mine in last Friday so maybe it's taking it's sweet time getting to Tucson. :p

Were you sitting next to me with the leather skirt? Lol. How did you like U of A compared to midwestern?????????
Probably more in the middle confident. They do not make decisions until after all interviews are done. If I remember correctly, he said they send out letters (accepted, denied, waitlisted) on Feb, 23rd.

What do you think of Midwestern compared to this school?
What do you think of Midwestern compared to this school?

I saw your post in the MWU thread. If you're into industry, the UA is a great place. Depending on your specific interests, I can introduce you to some faculty (some don't teach you until 2nd year). The faculty are great mentors and you have plenty of opportunities for networking and getting mentorship if you want it. The alumni network is strong and the school has a good reputation.

I've heard that, generally, UA students are much more prepared clinically for rotations and practice. You can succeed at either school but if your aim is industry, I would pick the U, especially since there are a number of dual degree (PharmD/PhD) tracks that will lead you in that direction.

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Just wanted to address housing info I saw some of you post. PhillyPete--I'm pretty sure I was in your interviewing group, we had the same tour guides--best of luck to you!

For those on a budget, the most reasonably-priced housing I've come across is Casa de Colinas on Speedway/Silverbell. For a 4-bdrm townhouse, it's ~$240/month/person, not including internet & electricity, but even on the hottest most miserable summer days the bill was always <$300. Hope this helps someone!
Just wanted to address housing info I saw some of you post. PhillyPete--I'm pretty sure I was in your interviewing group, we had the same tour guides--best of luck to you!

For those on a budget, the most reasonably-priced housing I've come across is Casa de Colinas on Speedway/Silverbell. For a 4-bdrm townhouse, it's ~$240/month/person, not including internet & electricity, but even on the hottest most miserable summer days the bill was always <$300. Hope this helps someone!

Good advice. Also, if you're going to live on silverbell and speedway, I suggest getting the 100 dollar unlimited bus card (per semester). One bus with a 15 minute ride to school and it drops you directly across the street from the building. Beats the four hundred dollar parking pass and the difficulty finding an open spot. I love not worrying about traffic and parking!!!!!

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What do you think of Midwestern compared to this school?

I've decided to wait until I hear from UA before making any decisions. If UA rejects me, then my decision is made and I don't have to stress it. If they accept me, then I can start the stress process.

Right now, I'm just glad my interviews are over. I'm also glad that I've been accepted somewhere. There are many on the MWU thread in a holding pattern and that's gotta be unbearable.

Regardless of what happens as the result of the UA application, I'm on my way to becoming a PharmD and that's the most important thing. In the summer of 2009, I made this my goal and I'm well on my way. Go me!! lol.

ps.... I'm now officially a "Senior Member" of SDN
Were you sitting next to me with the leather skirt? Lol. How did you like U of A compared to midwestern?????????

That's me! :D Are you the break dancer or Olga?

I like UofA more in terms of their pharmacy program. However, I like Glendale more than Tucson. Over all, I'd pick UofA over MWU. What about you?
Just wanted to address housing info I saw some of you post. PhillyPete--I'm pretty sure I was in your interviewing group, we had the same tour guides--best of luck to you!

For those on a budget, the most reasonably-priced housing I've come across is Casa de Colinas on Speedway/Silverbell. For a 4-bdrm townhouse, it's ~$240/month/person, not including internet & electricity, but even on the hottest most miserable summer days the bill was always <$300. Hope this helps someone!

Those are some great prices. At SD, I had to pay $430/month just to share my room. I'm looking forward to a single room! :D
Y'all will live. I know it's tough but it'll fly by before you know it.

Not when you lose more and more of your mind each day as you obsessively refresh your application status page despite knowing that word probably won't arrive until around the 25th. Having friends incessantly ask, "Have you heard yet? How about now? Now? How about now? Now? What about now? How 'bout now? Now? What about now?" only adds to the anxiety. I know that they all just want to celebrate a potential acceptance, but the wait is driving me loony tunes.

At least with the interview process completed I finally have my mohawk back. Friends have spent weeks looking at me funny, even my wife will purse her lips and ask, "So, can you please bring back the mohawk, you look weird with normal hair." She doesn't get back from her business trip until the 25th, so I'm hoping that I can surprise her with the return of the mohawk AND word from UofA.
less than a week..... >.< i have not checked my status page, or anything else besides the forums here :) to ease the nerves. alike some others i've already gotten acceptance but what really pulls me here is the cost, quality of education, and reputation of the school. hope we all hear some good news soon
I talked to some current students and they told me that during their admissions process, acceptance emails were sent out in batches -- perhaps rxlea can confirm this. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up, so in case you don't get an email on the 25th don't panic! It's probably on its way in the next round of admittance emails :)
Official acceptances have started to go out! How do I know this?

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to the College of Pharmacy's Pharm.D. program at the University of Arizona.

Hell. Yes.


e-mail or on your status page?

Status page. I've been hitting F5 about 1000 times a day, even into the evening, and despite not expecting anything until later in the week, I kept doing it today anyway. And one time I hit it my screen unexpectedly changed to "Congratulations."

My wife is on a flight back from a business trip to DC. When she lands I'm picking her up wearing a brand new UofA t-shirt and we'll see if she notices. :laugh:

Then off to dinner with friends. Odds are they'll also notice the giant "A" on my chest.