University of Arizona C/O 2027 Hopefuls

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Does the timing of when you interviewed have any relevance? i interviewed in december and am losing hope lol

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Does the timing of when you interviewed have any relevance? i interviewed in december and am losing hope lol

I interviewed in November and was in the very first group….. I want to have hope but almost nonexistent at this point
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Someone from the school came to speak at my school this past month and were telling us some info about the selection process/rolling admissions. They said each meeting they have a different agenda. Some meetings are by last name, some are by IS or OOS, some are by statistic. I know if you didn’t get picked one round it’s not because you weren’t a good candidate, it could be because you weren’t apart of the group they were focusing on. They have to fill a specific amounts of seats for instate and out of state and it’s based off your interview and supplemental scores. And then if a lot of people gave up seats they have to fill them to try to condense the waitlist. They read every letter of rec, every essay and go over all the interview scores. And their meetings are only a few hours, so it’s what they can get through that meeting. So I would say don’t lose hope!
Someone from the school came to speak at my school this past month and were telling us some info about the selection process/rolling admissions. They said each meeting they have a different agenda. Some meetings are by last name, some are by IS or OOS, some are by statistic. I know if you didn’t get picked one round it’s not because you weren’t a good candidate, it could be because you weren’t apart of the group they were focusing on. They have to fill a specific amounts of seats for instate and out of state and it’s based off your interview and supplemental scores. And then if a lot of people gave up seats they have to fill them to try to condense the waitlist. They read every letter of rec, every essay and go over all the interview scores. And their meetings are only a few hours, so it’s what they can get through that meeting. So I would say don’t lose hope!
Was it an admission person? How do they know this information?
Yes it was a person from the admissions team.
I only ask because there is always a lot of hearsay on forums and I didn't want something someone heard from an unreliable source to be circulated as fact 🙂 that is really important information if it did come from an admissions person and I wish they would be more forthcoming with this information so people do not feel like failures during the process when they have no reason to.
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If the last meeting was today and I didn't get an acceptance call, does that mean I'm either waitlisted or rejected? Just confused cuz it says it will let me know if I'm admitted, waitlisted or rejected by the 29th but I'm assuming there's no chance of being admitted if there's no more meetings left
Does anyone know if they tell you your place on the waitlist? I haven’t gotten any news yet, but just curious.
U of A doesn't give out wait-list ranks. They will let you know you are waitlisted, and then you will only be contacted if you get in or towards July they will ask if you want to stay on the wait-list and how much notice you would need in order to make it to orientation.
I think that this decision is usually about being denied or waitlisted? I don't think any one was accepted last year until after the April 15th deadline. Which makes sense
waitlisted! I wonder how far the waitlist goes? Since we aren’t ranked. Would anyone know?
Based on a post from last year, there is 100 people on the wait-list and the wait-list is split 50/50 IS and OOS.
IS waitlist! I know that two years ago, the admissions committee had gone through the waitlist completely, but last year the waitlist apparently didn’t move at all. Hoping for the best for all of us on the waitlist! (I attended vetcat last year and they told us that and how the waitlist moves varies each year)
I think a lot of people are worried about the accreditation so they’re declining their seats to UoA. So that’s more hope for waitlist!
You can email the school and they’ll tell you where you’re at on the waitlist. And how many are on your waitlist. There’s 2, IS and OOS
The last several years, they have not ranked people and would not say where you were at on the wait-list. So you just had to wait until you got a call. Did you find that had changed this year?
I stand corrected. They do give out your wait-list rank if you ask! 25/74 OOS
Will emailing help or hurt you? I want to know but I also don’t want them to feel spammed with emails asking about ranks
Will emailing help or hurt you? I want to know but I also don’t want them to feel spammed with emails asking about ranks
I think if you ask nicely and don't ask more than once a week or so, it should be fine. It helps if you check here first before emailing to see if anyone has seen movement. So they don't have to answer the same question 100 times.
I think if you ask nicely and don't ask more than once a week or so, it should be fine. It helps if you check here first before emailing to see if anyone has seen movement. So they don't have to answer the same question 100 times.

That’s what I was thinking. I don’t want all of SDN to suddenly email about ranks
I sent an email to the admissions to get some information about wait-list stuff.
This was very helpful. Thank you for sharing
I tried to think of the questions most people post here so they don't have to wonder. If anyone is feeling nervous about asking a question about U of A, let me know and I will message them! I don't mind taking one for the team lol