University of Arizona C/O 2027 Hopefuls

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My blurb is still there as of right now!

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Was on MMI waitlist. Blurb gone today. Just got OOS rejection. 😢
Does anyone know when the second look day is? I saw in the booklet they sent out to Save the Date but there wasn’t a date 😭

They emailed me back so disregard!
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Has anyone received a call yet today? I know those who interviewed on December 2nd may get calls today.
other waves have heard mainly on Fridays following the meetings so there's a good chance updates will be tomorrow
Just checked my portal and the most recent update says I wasn’t selected for this round of acceptances 🙁 but the next meeting is 1/30
Just got an OOS rejection, good luck to the rest!
OOS Rejection. HOWEVER, I am putting this out there for all future candidates interested in attending UA Vet school. DO NOT go to undergrad at UA for a Vet Science bachelor degree and expect to be considered for their Vet School. I have my BS from UA in Vet Science, with a strong GPA, have worked fulltime as a vet tech for 3 years, and have been accepted this cycle to 5 other Vet Schools and also waitlisted on 1 other, with more decisions to come. As UA is my alma mater and I have my BS in Vet Science from them, I don't think it was unreasonable to expect to at least get an interview. But nope, they don't even give an interview as a courtesy to graduates from their own university. Do they not prepare their students correctly for their own vet school requirements? It is beyond disappointing. I could see if my credentials were terrible, but clearly they are good enough for many other vet schools. Shame on UA. I absolutely loved my time at UA and was really wanting to continue my education there. I will be happily experiencing a new University elsewhere.
OOS Rejection. HOWEVER, I am putting this out there for all future candidates interested in attending UA Vet school. DO NOT go to undergrad at UA for a Vet Science bachelor degree and expect to be considered for their Vet School. I have my BS from UA in Vet Science, with a strong GPA, have worked fulltime as a vet tech for 3 years, and have been accepted this cycle to 5 other Vet Schools and also waitlisted on 1 other, with more decisions to come. As UA is my alma mater and I have my BS in Vet Science from them, I don't think it was unreasonable to expect to at least get an interview. But nope, they don't even give an interview as a courtesy to graduates from their own university. Do they not prepare their students correctly for their own vet school requirements? It is beyond disappointing. I could see if my credentials were terrible, but clearly they are good enough for many other vet schools. Shame on UA. I absolutely loved my time at UA and was really wanting to continue my education there. I will be happily experiencing a new University elsewhere.
I don't think they take alma mater into it. I did not receive an invite to interview at my in state school, even though I worked for them for 6 years and graduated with my bachelors. It has no bearing on the outcome. It simply means that other people had an application that they wanted more and nothing else. Obviously they prepared you very well for vet school and you were able to be accepted elsewhere. I don't think we need to put down a single school as they have many difficult decisions to make at this time.
OOS Rejection. HOWEVER, I am putting this out there for all future candidates interested in attending UA Vet school. DO NOT go to undergrad at UA for a Vet Science bachelor degree and expect to be considered for their Vet School. I have my BS from UA in Vet Science, with a strong GPA, have worked fulltime as a vet tech for 3 years, and have been accepted this cycle to 5 other Vet Schools and also waitlisted on 1 other, with more decisions to come. As UA is my alma mater and I have my BS in Vet Science from them, I don't think it was unreasonable to expect to at least get an interview. But nope, they don't even give an interview as a courtesy to graduates from their own university. Do they not prepare their students correctly for their own vet school requirements? It is beyond disappointing. I could see if my credentials were terrible, but clearly they are good enough for many other vet schools. Shame on UA. I absolutely loved my time at UA and was really wanting to continue my education there. I will be happily experiencing a new University elsewhere.
Congrats on your acceptances! I don't think that doing your undergrad at a school gives you an advantage when applying, though.
Did any In-state applicants get acceptance calls yesterday? It seems like they did only OOS and rolled over in state to the next meeting.
My blurb is gone but I haven’t gotten a rejection email yet? Is their still hope I get a mmi interview invite?
First time posting here, I received my IS acceptance call on Thursday. Still feels unreal. I am looking forward to seeing my future classmates in August! Is anyone interest in a a separate discord chat for the current acceptees here on the SDN since the portal hasn't opened yet?
Yes, that would be great! I’m excited to connect with you guys
First time posting here, I received my IS acceptance call on Thursday. Still feels unreal. I am looking forward to seeing my future classmates in August! Is anyone interest in a a separate discord chat for the current acceptees here on the SDN since the portal hasn't opened yet?
I would be super interested as well!! And congratulations!! 🎊
OOS Rejection. HOWEVER, I am putting this out there for all future candidates interested in attending UA Vet school. DO NOT go to undergrad at UA for a Vet Science bachelor degree and expect to be considered for their Vet School. I have my BS from UA in Vet Science, with a strong GPA, have worked fulltime as a vet tech for 3 years, and have been accepted this cycle to 5 other Vet Schools and also waitlisted on 1 other, with more decisions to come. As UA is my alma mater and I have my BS in Vet Science from them, I don't think it was unreasonable to expect to at least get an interview. But nope, they don't even give an interview as a courtesy to graduates from their own university. Do they not prepare their students correctly for their own vet school requirements? It is beyond disappointing. I could see if my credentials were terrible, but clearly they are good enough for many other vet schools. Shame on UA. I absolutely loved my time at UA and was really wanting to continue my education there. I will be happily experiencing a new University elsewhere.
Also, you are applying as an OOS resident. Not to invalidate your frustration but there are less seats for OOS residents at most schools and it can get quite competitive for those spots- you can have close to over 1,000 applicants applying for maybe 50 seats depending on the split. Congratulations on getting into other programs, but I agree with others that you shouldn’t tear down a school for this. There are many other students I know who had great stats and went to other big universities for their undergrad and didn’t get into those programs, similar to you. Some didn’t get interviews either.
Does anyone know when the second look day is? The save the date in the mail they sent me didn’t have a date on it
I know they said they would give out interviews until end of January. So I am assuming they might still have some to give out.
Is anyone else feeling discouraged and anxious at the same time? I was in the first interview this cycle and also interviewed last cycle and was waitlisted. I know we are considered in every meeting but all of the “unfortunately” updates have me feeling more anxious. Especially with probably 2 or 3 more meetings to go. This is my third time applying and i feel the nerves have only amplified.
I got accepted to my in state last night so I am pulling myself from the list to interview. I hope this helps one of you get an interview!
Is anyone else feeling discouraged and anxious at the same time? I was in the first interview this cycle and also interviewed last cycle and was waitlisted. I know we are considered in every meeting but all of the “unfortunately” updates have me feeling more anxious. Especially with probably 2 or 3 more meetings to go. This is my third time applying and i feel the nerves have only amplified.
Absolutely. I’m in the same situation, except I was interviewed 12/2. This is my second time applying. Props to you for continuing to apply and not let yourself to be discouraged. It’s very hard to stay positive and wonder what you’re lacking, etc. especially when you know the passion is there and you are capable. You are not alone! Good luck to you, I hope we both get that call soon!
I just withdrew my application since I was accepted to my in-state! I wish everyone luck and hope you guys hear good news soon!