University of Oklahoma -- everyone welcome -- Part 3

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We weren't. We were told that we would be doing some physical exam stuff, but they never elaborated on it throughout the year. They scheduled us a session with one of the simulated patients toward the end of the year, but it was not graded (and many say that it was actually optional).

There was an optional workshop in which we could practice with a clinician at fammed, and many say that it was helpful.

I can't be sure what they are up to with PE's in MS 1, especially when they haven't seem to have made any changes to MS 2. This is one area in which they want to be progressive with the curriculum, but there is also a fear in altering our overall grading scheme.

From what I understand, we have to be able to do a full "screening" exam and will be graded on it at the end of next semester.

So this is new for this year then. That would explain the apparent disorder during our PCM times. 1/2 of the group works on interviewing an SP and the other 1/2 goes to the new clinical skills center in the old children's hospital to practice on another SP (maybe you MS2s also did this last year too, sans the new clinical skills center).

So far we have already covered HEENT, pulmonary, cardiac, vascular, and abdomen exams.

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I have competition for notegroups now :cry: I imagine it would be unprofessional of me to kill off my competition....

Have I mentioned how f***ing expensive a wedding is? I have never had to spend so much effort on getting the cheapest everything I could find. I hate being poor. :thumbdown:

I'm seriously tempted to rack up a huge bill on my credit card, transfer it using one of those "0% transfer balance APRs for 6 months" gigs, and wait til next semester to pay off the things I need to buy for the wedding but can't afford to after having to buy things for school (i.e. new laptop, health insurance, yadda yadda). My next thought is to apply for a grad plus loan, but I don't really like the 8.5% APR. I imagine borrowing an extra $5,000 would result in ultimately paying back another $10,000, right?

Would the above mentioned credit card thing work or is their a catch I'm missing that would bite me later? Thoughts?

Soonereng - I'm glad your wife is out of the hospital and you are not yet a daddy.
So my wife finally got to come home last night. :clap:

Hopefully we won't be making the trip to the hospital again until delivery. Sleeping in the hospital for a week sucks. :thumbdown:

Yay! I'm also sending wife not delivering during exam week vibes your way.

Yeah, we really didn't do much physical exam stuff at all, so it seems like they're really changing it for you guys. We had a module session where we played around with our stethoscopes, tried to use an opthalmascope and took blood pressure. Then we had an optional session with a 4th year in the spring, which actually was pretty helpful because our 4th year gave us the low down on what you really do, not what you ideally do -- read -- it's OK if you can't find the popliteal pulse. After that we had a formal physical exam thing with a standardized patient, but it wasn't graded and we only had 30 minutes to do everything. I got through the vitals and eye exam. You guys are probably ahead of us already. Basically, we spent the vast majority of the year just doing interview stuff.

The story is that OU doesn't do too hot on the CS exam, so they're trying to ramp things up for you guys. If you didn't know, the CS exam is a part of step II that costs a $1000, and the closest testing location is Houston. Consequently, failing that would put you out an extra $1500 or so.

Jwax, I put all my applying and interviewing expenses on a 0% interest card and left it on there until the 0% thing ended. You just have to be sure you can pay it off when you have to. Also, having a large balance on a card can negatively impact your credit score, so I'd be wary about doing it if you're planning on buying a house or anything like that in the near future. To get a GradPlus loan, you'd probably have to get the school to increase your cost of living calculation, so you'd have to have some approved reason for that -- the big ones are medical costs, school-related expenses (board exams, etc.) and daycare.

While the interest rate is not the lowest, the good thing about GradPlus loans is that they're federal, so they have more generous deferral and forbearance policies than any credit card would give you. Also, cool federal loan fact -- the interest isn't capitalized until you enter repayment, so interest doesn't accrue on interest while you're in school. But still, I wouldn't want to go into debt for a wedding.
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Yay! I'm also sending wife not delivering during exam week vibes your way.

Thanks, we can use all the help we can get. I told my wife she has to hold off until after test block to have them. That would put us at 35+ wks, so the timing would be better for me and the babies (less stress for me and less NICU time for the lil ones).
The story is that OU doesn't do too hot on the CS exam, so they're trying to ramp things up for you guys. If you didn't know, the CS exam is a part of step II that costs a $1000, and the closest testing location is Houston. Consequently, failing that would put you out an extra $1500 or so.

Jwax, I put all my applying and interviewing expenses on a 0% interest card and left it on there until the 0% thing ended. You just have to be sure you can pay it off when you have to. Also, having a large balance on a card can negatively impact your credit score, so I'd be wary about doing it if you're planning on buying a house or anything like that in the near future. To get a GradPlus loan, you'd probably have to get the school to increase your cost of living calculation, so you'd have to have some approved reason for that -- the big ones are medical costs, school-related expenses (board exams, etc.) and daycare.

Hmmm interesting tidbit about the CS exam. Didn't know that. Although I'm sure it will be nice to get to take a random trip to Houston. You take step II during 4th year, right? So theoretically I could swing it so I do the CS exam and do something resident-interview related with Houston? San Antonio, Houston, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Denver, CO Springs, and OKC are my list of where I want to look into residency at this point in time. I imagine I will be just as broke then for some reason or another and I imagine travel expenses = pain in my a$$.

Okay, it sounds like the credit card idea is the way to go. Being a full time medical student, I imagine I wouldn't have any issues getting another card. Time to start hunting. Thanks for the insight, bagel, even though you are blasphemous (sp?) for saying your an OU hater! Although I follow your logic on that, too... I just got sucked in.

Forgot something... So I've figured out what would be a pretty effective studying method for me. Unfortunately, figuring it out now is waaay too late to be useful for TB1. So I'm pretty much at a loss how to deal with anatomy right now. I really put it off to focus on biochem, and I'm a bit anxious. Took the 1st upper arm quiz bank questions and think I got about half correct... Don't really know how to catch back up. Right now, my goal is to read through Chung's relavent sections twice in the next few days. It's only about 100+ pages of really dense material... no biggie! .....
Okay, it sounds like the credit card idea is the way to go. Being a full time medical student, I imagine I wouldn't have any issues getting another card. Time to start hunting. Thanks for the insight, bagel, even though you are blasphemous (sp?) for saying your an OU hater! Although I follow your logic on that, too... I just got sucked in.

just make sure you dont rack up more i charges than the credit limit you get on your new 0% card. then youll be left a balance on your high interest card. i have some experience with the whole transfering balances for from one 0 interest card to another.
I can't resist commenting. That CS test is stupid and it's a huge waste of money that med students don't have. A monkey could pass that test. Seriously. I knew some very smart people who failed that and the only reason they did was because they didn't spend a couple of hours looking at the Kaplan First Aid book to learn what tricks they try and pull on you. For instance, if you aren't seen washing your hands by the fake patient, they will count off. If you don't offer to cover them with a blanket, you lose points. It's ridiculous, and most of the simulated patients are horrible.

Please do not stress about that test. I reviewed for it just because I didn't want to take a $1000 test without being prepared. It's not worth the hassle of re-taking.

It's really a ridiculous test and I can't believe the NBME can't trust that each medical school is capable of teaching how to do a quick H&P.
What is up with this Interest Group stuff? Are they trying to cut back on them? I read somewhere that they are going to make the IG's sponsor an intramural team and do community service or something.

BTW, in case you haven't heard, there's a meeting for DIG coming up.


Awww, where'd the hairy man boobs go?
I hadn't heard anything about the IG stuff. But, I could see something like that coming down. I don't know what all starting one entails, but it can't be that hard since I know some clowns that did it. :D But you get money from the school, or potentially can, for a lot of stuff. I could see how they would want to be sure that they were doing more for the future of Specialty X or Group X (since they aren't all specialties) than just buying a bunch of people pretending to be interested in it free food.

On a related note, at what point in the life of the IG for Neurology do you think they realized they should deviate from the standard "Specialty first letter".I.G. naming protocol? Do you think somebody had the foresight, or was it an after the fact thing where they said, "Oh. Well, I guess that isn't going to work, is it?"

Wax, you do in fact take Step 2 during 4th year, although there is dissention about when. Basically the better you do on 1, the later you can take 2. But some residencies want to know your 2 score, which would of course mean you will have to take it if you want to apply there. Maybe someone more versed can speak on the timing of the CS test, because I would think you take it spring of 4th year, which would likely preclude you from bunching things together as you say. Match day is 15 MAR. But I dunno the exact logistics, as I have other more pressing issues, like MMI POPS sessions :sleep:

NOS. The official drink of Not-So-Dead Week...
You know, in all the things that I've read that the MSII's and above have posted for the last year and a half about PBLs, TBLs, IMPS, CC's, PCM, etc... I was always really confused on what the heck you were talking about.

After a month in med school...

I still don't really get it. I guess I do, but they are all pretty much the same thing with just incredibly slight, minor differences, and I've got to say, I think most are a waste of time. I like PCM for the most part, we've got a great clinician who practices in Peds EM, which is fabulous. I think PBLs, IMPS, and TBLs are pretty much useless. I don't feel they are helping. I think that patient-based CC's might be neat, but I'll comment on that tomorrow.

Anyways... I've got CSI Miami on in the background and it makes me really want to go to the beach. I get to go to the beach for my honeymoon! Less than 4 monts to go! :D :love:
You know, in all the things that I've read that the MSII's and above have posted for the last year and a half about PBLs, TBLs, IMPS, CC's, PCM, etc... I was always really confused on what the heck you were talking about.

After a month in med school...

I still don't really get it. I guess I do, but they are all pretty much the same thing with just incredibly slight, minor differences, and I've got to say, I think most are a waste of time. I like PCM for the most part, we've got a great clinician who practices in Peds EM, which is fabulous. I think PBLs, IMPS, and TBLs are pretty much useless. I don't feel they are helping. I think that patient-based CC's might be neat, but I'll comment on that tomorrow.

Anyways... I've got CSI Miami on in the background and it makes me really want to go to the beach. I get to go to the beach for my honeymoon! Less than 4 monts to go! :D :love:

Yeah, we do have abbreviation overload in our curriculum. I think you're reaching the point pretty much everyone reaches in realizing they're not the most efficient use of time. I guess PCM 1 had some useful elements, but I think we went a little overkill with the interviewing. The good news is it's an easy A unless your preceptor's a jerk, which is rare.

The biochem clinical correlations vary. Some are good, some feel like a waste of time and some result in super hard exam questions. Just be sure to sign in -- that's the most important thing with any required activity. :)

And wait until you take EBM.
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It's funner to say letters.
While the interest rate is not the lowest, the good thing about GradPlus loans is that they're federal, so they have more generous deferral and forbearance policies than any credit card would give you. Also, cool federal loan fact -- the interest isn't capitalized until you enter repayment, so interest doesn't accrue on interest while you're in school. But still, I wouldn't want to go into debt for a wedding.

Thanks for that tidbit. I wasn't aware of that fact.
Yes, you will cover more of the uterine stuffage throughout the curriculum. Technically, your wife's uterus would be considered "double-stuffed" by current standards, but I didn't want to create any confusion. Check that...I think that double stuffed is reserved for dizygotic twins. Do you have a placenta count? Maybe monozygotic twins would be bilaterally hemistuffed, I'm not sure. Anyway best of luck with the remainder of the pregnantness.

So, like some Oreos, I guess she would be double-stuffed then....a boy and a girl who will be named Nate and Natalie.

While MS 1 has had a lot of bells and whistles added, it seems to me that almost nothing has changed for MS 2. Again this is because nobody wants to risk a hit to the step I scores. The school is looking at developing a new curriculum for 2010 that mirrors the goals of the dean and the AAMC, but no matter what, all of the step I detail is going to have to be memorized regardless of the delivery methods utilized. Personally, I prefer the Ice Nine model--hand me a stack of books to memorize on my own time and set me up with a clinician 2 afternoons a week to do H&P's on real patients. Tests? Use shelf exams. P/F down the line. No cash prizes, no study guides, no AOA, no ranks. :thumbup:

I would be down with the Ice Nine 1st two years of med school. You should start your own school when you get done: The Ice Nine College of Medicine. The tuition would be really cheap for the 1st two years, and you would probably learn the same amount or more without all the fluffy time-wasters.
So, like some Oreos, I guess she would be double-stuffed then....a boy and a girl who will be named Nate and Natalie.

You are so lucky. Everyone wants one of each. I got the boy knocked out, which I was big-time happy about. I don't have one of those baby machine wives that'd endure multiple attempts at an heir to my vast empire. Or at least I thought I didn't. Because now she has forgotten how much being pregnant sucked and wants a girl. So now I'll end up with a whole house full of boys...

A guy I worked with in Stillwater had 5 girls, and several more had 2 before they quit. I gotta see what their secret is.
A guy I worked with in Stillwater had 5 girls, and several more had 2 before they quit. I gotta see what their secret is.

watch sex and the city reruns while drinking cosmos. it selectively kills off all the y chomosomes in your man seed.
now that im on the tulsa campus, im feel even moreso out of the loop. I had no idea OU was starting interviews in October! My brother just called today and told me he got an interview for the 10th. Sure does seem early for interviews.

c/o 10, & 11, with test block coming up, just hang in there! :thumbup:
Hey guys, I got my interview invite today!!!! My interview is Oct. 9!
Hey guys, I got my interview invite today!!!! My interview is Oct. 9!

No added pressure, but if you interview that early, you pretty much have a spot unless you try really hard to mess up!
Neato! :luck: So are they going to do the thing where they're not going to make offers until November, or can you find out sooner? But still, yes, your odds are pretty good since you're interviewing so early.

I haven't heard when decisions will go out. I'm too happy about finally hearing something about interviews. However, if I have to wait until November for a decision, that will suck.
Very funny clip...

It was either that or a Home Movies clip that was very similar. I hate it when I run into an acronym/abbreviation that I already stored in my head as something else. Web development and computer tech has a lot of alphabet soup, but medicine is full of it too.
I haven't heard when decisions will go out. I'm too happy about finally hearing something about interviews. However, if I have to wait until November for a decision, that will suck.

Congrats!!! :luck: I heard from Dr. Hall today that the first round of interviews would be 10/9 - 10/10, so I figured they had probably sent out the first round of invites. Congrats again. Early interview = they love you already and just don't give them a reason to change their mind.

I had to go get my varicella vaccine (1 of 2) today, and very, very briefly saw O'don. He waved :love:. I'm a little star-struck. It's kinda sad. :rolleyes:

Good news - Macori is now covering immunizations? So, I theoretically will get reimbursed the $84 I spent on getting a vaccine for a disease I already had and a TB skin test. :thumbup:

Not much studying for me tonight - I'm volunteering at one of the clinics. I get to wear my white coat, which makes me happy ;). I really like my white coat. Can't wait until I get a nice long one (although it may look silly since I'm so short).
Congrats!!! :luck: I heard from Dr. Hall today that the first round of interviews would be 10/9 - 10/10, so I figured they had probably sent out the first round of invites. Congrats again. Early interview = they love you already and just don't give them a reason to change their mind.

I had to go get my varicella vaccine (1 of 2) today, and very, very briefly saw O'don. He waved :love:. I'm a little star-struck. It's kinda sad. :rolleyes:

Good news - Macori is now covering immunizations? So, I theoretically will get reimbursed the $84 I spent on getting a vaccine for a disease I already had and a TB skin test. :thumbup:

Not much studying for me tonight - I'm volunteering at one of the clinics. I get to wear my white coat, which makes me happy ;). I really like my white coat. Can't wait until I get a nice long one (although it may look silly since I'm so short).

You should have "passed out" and pretended to have a Type I reaction to the varicella shot, which might have necessitated a few rescue breaths...

Do you ever watch Flight of the Conchords?
Congrats!!! :luck: I heard from Dr. Hall today that the first round of interviews would be 10/9 - 10/10, so I figured they had probably sent out the first round of invites. Congrats again. Early interview = they love you already and just don't give them a reason to change their mind.

Let's just hope I don't blow it.
...if I have to wait until November for a decision, that will suck.

Not to burst bubbles, but word on the premed circuit is that last year's early interviews didn't get word until November. So if you don't see anything in the mail right away, don't hit the panic button.

I hope your interview goes well, PMM. Let the season of Big Red Envelopes begin!!
Not to burst bubbles, but word on the premed circuit is that last year's early interviews didn't get word until November. So if you don't see anything in the mail right away, don't hit the panic button.

That's what I've heard... I'm just hoping this year they'll be nicer and not drag out the agony of waiting. (Can anyone tell I don't wait well?)

I hope your interview goes well, PMM. Let the season of Big Red Envelopes begin!!

Thank you very much, and I hope the interview fairies grant you your wish soon.

Ahhh, the big red envelopes. The only thing I don't like about that, is you know a decision before you even open your mail. It takes away from the whole, drop-everything-in-anticipation-to-tear-open-the-letter-from-the-medical-school feeling. I'll be standing on my front porch screaming like a shrew and crying making myself look like an idiot (either decision, this applies). They don't give me an opportunity to make a fool of myself in the privacy of my own home.
You should have "passed out" and pretended to have a Type I reaction to the varicella shot, which might have necessitated a few rescue breaths...

Do you ever watch Flight of the Conchords?

I probably would have done just that, had Odon actually given me the shot. I had a nurse.... I was thinking that I might have a "lump" in my breast that needs to be checked out ;).

I have not seen flight of the conchords.

PMM - the red vs. manilla envelop thing irritated the hell out of me, too. I tried to avoid finding out what the difference was, but someone told me anyways. :thumbdown: It really sucked when I got my manilla envelop indicating I got waitlisted. I actually still had to open the big red envelop to believe that they really had accepted me, and they didn't just stick it in the wrong envelop. I actually STILL have my acceptance letter stuck on the fridge. Finally took my MCAT scores off the fridge (might replace that with my biochem mini score).

Bravo - good luck to you, too! :luck:

Embryo = :thumbdown:bullcrap:+pissed+ I still hate it. Regardless of who lectures, it just effing blows.
Speaking of embryo, O'Don is the most painful lecturer for that class. Wait 'til you get to the neuro stuff in TB3 -- just an indication of what's to come in the spring. :smuggrin:
Speaking of embryo, O'Don is the most painful lecturer for that class. Wait 'til you get to the neuro stuff in TB3 -- just an indication of what's to come in the spring. :smuggrin:

Anything involving O'Don makes it so much better... except the one lecture he's given for embryo I couldn't pay any more attention to it than others. Embryo just sucks. I kinda just want to fail the class and have that be okay. I wonder if that'll work...

I had a horrible, horrible stomach ache today from ~8am today 12:30pm. It was so bad I had to go home around 11. I laid in bed on my abdomen for an hour, and then I turned to lay on my left - much worse pain. Turned and laid on my right side and it abated immediately. :confused: Any ideas, future doctors? I really have no idea what was wrong, but it sucked and I missed O'don's lecture and ARS points (and today's lab). :thumbdown: I thought maybe my appendix had finally burst (I have this belief that I will not get through my life without having my appendix removed... for some reason).

So, needless to say, today has sucked thus far.
Anything involving O'Don makes it so much better... except the one lecture he's given for embryo I couldn't pay any more attention to it than others. Embryo just sucks. I kinda just want to fail the class and have that be okay. I wonder if that'll work...

I had a horrible, horrible stomach ache today from ~8am today 12:30pm. It was so bad I had to go home around 11. I laid in bed on my abdomen for an hour, and then I turned to lay on my left - much worse pain. Turned and laid on my right side and it abated immediately. :confused: Any ideas, future doctors? I really have no idea what was wrong, but it sucked and I missed O'don's lecture and ARS points (and today's lab). :thumbdown: I thought maybe my appendix had finally burst (I have this belief that I will not get through my life without having my appendix removed... for some reason).

So, needless to say, today has sucked thus far.

Peptic ulcer that fills with gastric acid when you put it in a dependent position. Either that or ectopic pregnancy that has lodged in your peritoneal cavity. Have you checked your HCG levels? Or you could have a massive teratoma that has compressed your bowel and now your pipes are backing up. If you burp and it gets confused for a fart, you can sure of this one.

Or it could just be stress. How boring would that be?
I really want to see a teratoma some day. Maybe I should go to those path things on Friday afternoon.

So if I can sort of answer the webpath and Robbins qbook questions, am I OK for the IHI test? Mainly I'm missing little detail stuff that I haven't memorized yet.

And is it just me or does Ceresa's material seem like the easiest stuff on the face of the earth?

Also, I have no anxiety about the BSEB remodel. It helps when you go into the BSEB maybe once every two weeks. :)
Peptic ulcer that fills with gastric acid when you put it in a dependent position. Either that or ectopic pregnancy that has lodged in your peritoneal cavity. Have you checked your HCG levels? Or you could have a massive teratoma that has compressed your bowel and now your pipes are backing up. If you burp and it gets confused for a fart, you can sure of this one.

Or it could just be stress. How boring would that be?

You've really got to get over this whole O'Don thing.

I think it's your yearning for O'Don that is causing your abdominal pain. :rolleyes: Just declare your lust for him and all will be better. :laugh:

Nice thoughts, guys. I think Soonereng probably got it. I have a feeling that declaring my lust would result in certain failure of the class so O'don doesn't have to worry about any sort of legal/ethical situations. Just a guess. I'm saving my declaration until after this semester. :)

I would say the O'Don lust is a stress-relief self-defense mechanism. It distracts me from the fact that we're in medical school, and it makes going to school more fun.

I like the thought of the peptic ulcer; I doubt that it is a teratoma or ectopic pregnancy b/c the pain wouldn't just go away. I laid on my right side for about 5-10 min, and then I was fine to do whatever I wanted. I imagine peptic ulcer can present with non-constant pain. I also doubt it is just stress because I'm really not all that stressed out yet. Thanks, future docs.
Surely you have been exposed to the song about O'don, "Way to Disaster". If not find somebody with a copy.
Surely you have been exposed to the song about O'don, "Way to Disaster". If not find somebody with a copy.

i really thought it would have been great if during that song they would have spliced in a clip from notegroups audio with odon saying "this will not be on the test."

Can you +pad+ AND delete!!?!?? :D

Oh and, prions rock my dome!!

I woulda done some creative sound editing on The Way to Disaster, but didn't want to scribble crayons on someone's masterpiece.
Surely you have been exposed to the song about O'don, "Way to Disaster". If not find somebody with a copy.

I haven't heard it, and now I am intrigued.
I haven't heard it, and now I am intrigued.

I'm pretty sure I know your real name based on the notegroups thing. I'll email it to ya at hippo. Just be sure to listen to it again after you take your first O'Don test. ;)

Editing to add that if anybody else wants it, just pm me with your name or email, and I'll get it to you. I might not get to it until tonight, though.
I'm pretty sure I know your real name based on the notegroups thing. I'll email it to ya at hippo. Just be sure to listen to it again after you take your first O'Don test. ;)

Editing to add that if anybody else wants it, just pm me with your name or email, and I'll get it to you. I might not get to it until tonight, though.

That was fabulous. Thanks, Bagel!

Yeah... me and Benoit weren't thinking about annoymity (sp?) when we created our profiles. Jwax was my nickname in college (which somehow a couple of non-SDNers started calling me randomly, too). I'm not sure if I'm going to have to change my name on here in 3.5 months, once I'm no longer a "wax".
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