Uop Pat

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10+ Year Member
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15+ Year Member
Dec 7, 2004
Reaction score
is it true that UOP puts heavy emphasis on the PAT for the basis of acceptancees? because i earned a 22!!

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Good job on the PAT!

Yes, UOP does like to see high PAT scores, but they also want to see high TS and RC scores as well. Your other scores look good too. I think you have a good chance of getting in, especially if you apply early. Slots fill up quick.
mepstein said:
is it true that UOP puts heavy emphasis on the PAT for the basis of acceptancees? because i earned a 22!!

How did you manage to get such a good score for your PAT? Any strategies adopted or good guide to recommend?
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mepstein said:
is it true that UOP puts heavy emphasis on the PAT for the basis of acceptancees? because i earned a 22!!

yay, good job! that's awesome.