UPenn w/ scholarship vs. UNLV (OOS)

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Which would you choose?

  • Penn with Deans Scholarship

    Votes: 37 82.2%

    Votes: 8 17.8%

  • Total voters


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7+ Year Member
May 9, 2015
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The price for both schools pretty much are the same due to the scholarship I received from Penn. I currently live on the west coast so UNLV would be closer to home, but Penn would be a nice change in environment (but a lot further from my family). I went into this planning on going to more inexpensive school, but with scholarship they're both pretty much the same so some advice or your opinion would be valued. Thanks!

Penn- new environment, but far from family
UNLV- close to home, but hate Vegas

Cost- No real difference

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The price for both schools pretty much are the same due to the scholarship I received from Penn. I currently live on the west coast so UNLV would be closer to home, but Penn would be a nice change in environment (but a lot further from my family). I went into this planning on going to more inexpensive school, but with scholarship they're both pretty much the same so some advice or your opinion would be valued. Thanks!

Penn- new environment, but far from family
UNLV- close to home, but hate Vegas

Cost- No real difference

Can I ask what the question is? Penn is a far superior program with extensive opportunities that UNLV would never give you. Honestly I don't see how its even a contest. UNLV is a good school, but not in the league of clinical schools like Rutgers and Maryland. Do yourself a favor and don't overthink it. Go to Penn and you be happier and will walk out a great dentist with an opportunity to specialize should that be the avenue you want to go down. In regards to family, you wont have so much time to spend with them unless of course you are from vegas and then this is a whole new equation entirely.
Can I ask what the question is? Penn is a far superior program with extensive opportunities that UNLV would never give you. Honestly I don't see how its even a contest. UNLV is a good school, but not in the league of clinical schools like Rutgers and Maryland. Do yourself a favor and don't overthink it. Go to Penn and you be happier and will walk out a great dentist with an opportunity to specialize should that be the avenue you want to go down. In regards to family, you wont have so much time to spend with them unless of course you are from vegas and then this is a whole new equation entirely.
I guess the question was more so, if you were in my position, which would you go with? I enjoyed both interview days and the price difference for both schools (which was the most important factor to me) were about the same, so I was trying to see which school people would pick in my position and possibly why. I'm not from Vegas, but it is a 4-5 hours drive away from my home. Thank you for your response!
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Vegas is nasty. I feel like whenever I go through there I’m going to contract a STD from just breathing in the air. I say Penn

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