General Admissions & OTCAS Upset with how interview went

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7+ Year Member
Dec 15, 2015
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Hey guys.
I recently went on my last interveiw for OT school and I'm pretty upset with how it went. I feel like I didn't connect with the interviewer and I found myself stumbling over a lot of the questions. I felt like he kept wanting me to elaborate but I ran out of things to say and we had really awkward pauses. Basically what I'm asking is, has anyone been in the same situation and ended up getting accepted to the school? This was one of my dream schools and I'm really afraid I messed up my chances.
Thanks guys! 🙂

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This happened to me in my Skype interview last week, and I was accepted. If you haven't already, I'd highly suggest emailing them with a thank you to be gracious. You might not get a response, but at least they'll know you're committed
Hey guys.
I recently went on my last interveiw for OT school and I'm pretty upset with how it went. I feel like I didn't connect with the interviewer and I found myself stumbling over a lot of the questions. I felt like he kept wanting me to elaborate but I ran out of things to say and we had really awkward pauses. Basically what I'm asking is, has anyone been in the same situation and ended up getting accepted to the school? This was one of my dream schools and I'm really afraid I messed up my chances.
Thanks guys! 🙂

Hey, I know how you feel! That happened to me on my first two interviews and was accepted to both schools luckily! I think sometimes we tend to underestimate how well the interview went 😉

Like @slpOT suggested, emailing them would be good.
I thought I did poorly on my first, and I got in. I thought I did well enough on my third and got rejected. As you can see, our evaluations of ourselves do not always match up to others, so it's hard to say.

Don't worry too much about it; focus on other things and wait for the results. Best of luck!