USC scholarship and the Army HPSP

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Nov 18, 2016
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Hi people!

I just received the G Donald Montgomery Endowed Scholarship from USC, which grands a tuition scholarship of $40,000 annually. If I were to also apply for the Army HPSP, what will happen to the school’s scholarship? Will it just go to somebody else?

I was pretty much set on attending UPenn but if I can keep that scholarship then I might need to rethink about where I want to attend..

Can somebody please help me out?


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Army pays your tuition, so it would go someplace else.
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Army pays your tuition, so it would go someplace else.
I would do USC and drop HPSP if it were me

I have to do HPSP since I am active duty already and need to be conditionally released from the Army to attend dental school..

But what do you think about the quality of education and name value between these two schools?
It is very late to start looking into HPSP. Even if you are already AD, it's a long process. I would get on that ASAP.
It is very late to start looking into HPSP. Even if you are already AD, it's a long process. I would get on that ASAP.
Yeah I know. It is already submitted and stuff. I’m just really torn btwn usc and UPenn..
Yeah I know. It is already submitted and stuff. I’m just really torn btwn usc and UPenn..

If you haven’t secured HPSP, go with USC as you have a scholarship there
Yes the scholarship will go to someone else. You are completely covered by the scholarship. PS I have a Dental Student who is a current HPSP at UPenn was also prior service active duty if you want me to put you in contact.
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Yes the scholarship will go to someone else. You are completely covered by the scholarship. PS I have a Dental Student who is a current HPSP at UPenn was also prior service active duty if you want me to put you in contact.
Wait.... USC over UPenn??? Am I missing something here? Upenn is top tier and USC is near the bottom of the bucket
Wait.... USC over UPenn??? Am I missing something here? Upenn is top tier and USC is near the bottom of the bucket
Yeah I made my deposit to Upenn and they are giving 10,000 scholarship. But then I got interview invites to UCLA and UCSF, so who knows where I will end up...
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Yeah I made my deposit to Upenn and they are giving 10,000 scholarship. But then I got interview invites to UCLA and UCSF, so who knows where I will end up...
Wow congrats on both of those acceptance! I didn't mean to disrespect USC so much, but my point was just that the caliber of the two schools is far from equal.
Wow congrats on both of those acceptance! I didn't mean to disrespect USC so much, but my point was just that the caliber of the two schools is far from equal.
I definitey get it, which is why I chose USC over Upenn. Just curious, what is your opinion for ucsf and ucla then?