UT-Knoxville and experience/GRE?

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5+ Year Member
Oct 20, 2016
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I'm not sure if this has been addressed directly yet about specifically UTK, but I'm wondering about their MPH program and their admissions rigor.

I know that places like UGA would pretty much demand quite a bit of experience and a pretty high GRE score to get in. But what about UTK? Do they really require any experience at all?

I've had some "public health" experience from working in vet clinics--but that was more along the lines of veterinary public health.

And how do they look at the GRE? My undergrad GPA was really high, but I took the GRE during a really rough time (academically and personally) and didn't score quite as high as I wanted to, but it's not by any means "low".

If I got good recommendation letters and had a good personal statement, could I have a pretty good chance of getting in as it is?

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