-- UT San Antonio --

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Hey y'all, especially my fellow classmates entering this year. I just thought it was about time we had a thread of our own on here, so let's get going...general discussion I guess, or whatever you wanna talk about.
Where's everyone moving in from? When are you heading to SA? Been apartment/house hunting yet? Ideas/tips/etc.?


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Just wanted to say hi. My name is Megan, 24y/o originally from CO went to undergrad in NC. I'm actually not moving very far-- I'm coming from Converse, just North of SA. I can't give you too many tips as far as the house search goes... Most everything in SA is pretty reasonable. Spyglass, Castlewood and Wurbach Towers are all apt complexes within walking distance that seem pretty nice...
I went to Trinity for undergrad ('99). San Antone's a nice town to spend a few years. Where, exactly, is UTSA med. school in the city?

Make sure to eat the Macho at Chris Madrid's (just for the bumper sticker) and visit the riverwalk for St. Patty's when the river's green.
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It's at Wurzbach and Medical. Outside loop 410 going west on I10. Trinity is in my favriote part of San Antonio. It has a really pretty campus.
I guess I am what you would call a non-traditional student. I am 29 years old, I have a wife and a 8 month old son. We live in San Antonio, and own our house. I am changing careers to come to medical school. Since my family and I are already settled here in SA, I was pretty excited that I matched with SA medical school. I look forward to meeting you all at the White Coat Ceremony.

Hey Jeff and everyone else who has posted....

I'm a "non-traditional" type too.....thirty-something, somewhat of a career-changer (paramedic to med student) so I guess it's a change, but still in the same field. I hope everyone is looking forward to the next four years as much as I am. We better be doing a LOT of living in the next couple of months before this big adventure gets underway.

Oh, and for anyone who's been down apartment hunting, say something. I went a couple of weeks ago....let's compare notes if you wanna.

hey guys, I'm a regular...straight out of undergrad at Baylor. I signed with an apt. last weekend...Dominion Park on Fredericksburg. It's a 4-month old apt. complex and they gave me 2 months free and 3% off for being a med student (but you have to sign a 14-month lease). All-in-all, it ends up being around $540 for a 1 bed/1 bath in a gated community. It's only about half a mile from campus too. Almost all of the other places were around $650 to $700 for a 1 bed/1 bath and this was one of the nicer apt. complexes. If you wanna look at it, you can go to www.dominionpark.com.
Hey, gang. Another non-trad, career-changer. Live in Houston. Went to UH. Super-excited about going to med school. Planning to live at Country View apts on Fredericksburg.
I'm not attending San Antonio, but I am from there. Make sure to hit up Rosario's for some great mexican food and margaritas. I try to make it there everytime I go home. There and Paloma Blanca on Broadway.
Rosario's IS a good place. Great atmosphere, great margaritas.

Yeah, Country View looks like a nice place....even though I looked at maybe 20 places, I remember that one because the leasing agent was kind enough to offer us a drink. Now I wonder if I was supposed to keep that coozie thing.......:eek:

Oh, and Sicily, you should add your name to the Texas Match thread too....
Strange. I added my name to the list a while ago. I guess one of the later posters copied an old version of the match list. Oh, well.
Hey fellow future UTSA students!
My boyfriend and I are going to San Antonio this weekend to look at apartments. He is attending the dental school there. He is a non-trad, graduating in '99 but I am kind of a regular student. Took a year off after graduating last May to work for a year. Any suggestions for places that allow pets too?
See you guys soon! :clap:
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Hey everyone,
Here's my summary... moved around a lot while growing up, did undergrad at tulane in new orleans, have been working in houston the last 2 yrs..... and very excited about starting school in a few months!
it looks like i might be the only one on here who hasn't gotten an apt. yet! i'm going in a couple of weeks to sign a lease & in the meantime i've been looking online. I don't know the area at all & i'm starting to get overwhelmed - there are so many complexes popping up & everthing's starting to look the same!! I appreciate everyone's feedback & I am planning to check out the ones you all liked.
I know Sicily also lives in Houston.... anyone else on here?
Hey everyone,

Have any of you heard exactly when our financial aid award letters are going out? Somebody in the financial aid office said something about April, but I wasn't able to pin them down any further than that. Tell us if you've heard anything different!

Thanks...see everyone in June.
kevin, i sent you a PM
Hi texasgal!

Not from SA, but I am in the AF stationed here now. I'll be attending school in AZ next year.

But Fountainhead Apts at Medical Center and I-10 are good apts that accept pets with no limit on number or pet size. I have 2 bassett hounds. The apts are about 1.5 miles from the Medical Center. It's a pretty decent neighborhood... 5 pools, gated and a fitness center.

Hi everyone,
Thanks Cyndi for the advice. Actually my boyfriend and I reserved a place at Whispering Creek Villas this weekend. It was the place that I stayed when I interviewed and it seemed really nice. For girls that are concerned about not knowing the area and the safetly, this complex is gated so that was nice. It was a 2 bedroom/2 bath for a little over 900. We got a discount being medical/dental students. And the accept pets! W/D free with the apartment and our apartment is upstairs, which is nice in case it floods. (being from Houston, that is a major concern!) Although you have to pay for parking, which I thought was kinda wierd, but I forgot how much prices are. Although you can opt for not renting a spot. I can update later when I get the package to sign the lease. There is a work out gym inside the rec center, she said it doesn't get very crowded and there is a TV there! Well if anyone has anymore questions feel free to PM me.
See you all soon!
Anybody else going to UT San Antonio?
*raises hand*

Hello, darlings. I'm Diane. Looking forward to meeting you all.
Hey Texas Gal:

I use to live at whispering creek villas on floyd curl drive. You are right, it is a very nice complex. They don't charge for parking unless you want roofed parking. I believe it was $17 a month, and $30 for the garage. Try not to get an apartment near the basketball courts, it can get loud! Luckily I was in the 400's complex, which was peaceful. Oh and it never floods there because its on a hill. The weight room does have cable!! Most of the people living at whispering creek are students at the UTHSCSA so thats also cool.
Does anyone know anything about the Arbor Pointe apt. complex? I think it's just off Medical, not far from campus.......
Just wanted to introduce myself to you guys... I am traditional student who graduated last June from the Univ of California at Riverside. I am 22, about to turn 23, so I get the feeling that I am at the younger end of our class from what I've seen in this forum. I've was working at MD Anderson in Houston since then, but now I am just taking it easy for the next couple of months.

I went out to SA a couple weeks ago looking for a place to live and found a lot of places, but the one's that caught my eye were Whispering Creek and Signature Ridge. Both are more expensive from a lot of the other complexes, but I am hoping to find a roomate or two, so I can move into a two or three bedroom and save a ton of money. If anyone is interested, you can email me at [email protected]
I was also considering buying a condo out there and pay mortgage rather than rent. But I didnt really see any condos that I liked...
Someone also mentioned a good deal at Dominion Park, but I didn't get a chance to check that place out.

Anyways... yea, if anyone has any tips or anything, please let us all know...

Looking forward to meeting all you guys...

Hey Neil,

Yeah, I checked out Signature Ridge too.....very nice place. They didn't have the floorplan I was interested in available when I was there checking things out (middle of March) but yeah, definitely a nice place in a quiet area it seemed.

Excited about school everyone? I AM!

Thanks Rudy! We are really looking forward to moving into our new place. I hope there are more UTSA students that are considering moving there! :clap:
Hello everybody:

Quick question:

What all have you recieved from the registrar or financial aid? The registrar said they would be sending out "several mailings". So far, I have only recieved one (it had a lot of stuff in it about shots, insurance, etc.). Financial aid said they would send out the award letters sometime in April. I was just wondering if anybody has recieved anything else.
I have not received anything other than the stuff you mentioned.

Hey everybody,

Yeah, like the rest of y'all, that's all I've gotten so far. Question....which insurance plan are you guys going with? From what I've been able to research, I'm thinking that the "automatic $620" charge looks like a pretty reasonable price. Oh, and if i get a chance today I'm gonna call Mr. Streib, the financial aid guy, and see what he says about when award letters are going to be mailed. I'll let everyone know if he provides any useful info.

I am pretty sure I am going to use the $620 insurance plan too.
Just thought I'd sign in and say hi to everyone! I went down to San Antonio a few weekends back and (with my roommate) put a deposit down at what seemed to be a pretty cool place: The Vintage. I'm definetely starting to feel the excitment for June! Its going to be quite a transition, but I know we are all going pull together and make it happen!

I talked with Mr. Streib recently about Financial Aid and the time-line for it. He told me that we will receive our letters in April (as y'all know), and that as long as we stay on top of things, we will have our funds ready by Orientation. The awards aren't given out until the promissory notes are signed, which is another step in the process.

Does anyone have any recommendations for banks? I was thinking Bank One, but I really have no idea.

You can call the financial aid office and ask when your letter would be mailed. They told me that they've already sent out some and that mine was sent out today. You just need to make sure that all your forms (FAFSA, Verification [if needed]), etc.) are cleared.
my financial aid letter came on Friday....I'm still trying to figure it out....anyone else get theirs??
Got mine...pretty happy about it, hoping for a little better. Do any other TX residents think $26K is a little high? That means $16K a year just for living. I don't think I'll be spending that much a year.
If anyone is still doing the apartment-hunt thing, I just got a place at Arbor Pointe. It's just off Medical Dr. on Rowley Rd. What's best is that it appears to be in a quiet place (dead-end street, open and undeveloped field/woods next-door) and it's not a HUGE complex either. Pretty affordable too from what comparisons I've made......anyways, just offered FYI !!

Only two months and some number of days until we're actually in school! woo-hoo!
Hey there fellow classmates!
For those of you who have already mailed back your fin. aid award letters, how did you choose your lender? Anyone have any advice on that?
Did everyone get the email about the website that was created for us? It looks great!
I ended up putting a deposit down at a place called Forest Ridge. It is 1 mi from school & in a pretty small, gated community. I also liked the neighborhood it was in. We even spotted 3 deer wandering around the front yard at the house next door!
Hey... what's up guys.

Well about the financial aid question from daisy03... I spent a bunch of time looking into the lenders and their borrower benefits. Honestly, it is all pretty damn confusing to me, but I ended up choosing Student Loan Express (at the bottom of the selection form) because they have a interest rate reduction plan that starts as soon as we graduate which also coincides with the time when I have to start paying interest on a good portion of my loans. The rate reduction is about 2% which basically cuts the interest in half. I am still pretty confused about the whole thing, but I do think it is a good choice. I don't know if that helped... hope it did.

Also, if any of you guys are still looking for places to live, I just signed a lease with a really nice complex. The place is called saddle ridge and it is very new and affordable. They are giving me June for free (not pro-rated over the entire lease, i simply don't have to pay rent), and a 5% student discount for the months thereafter. So I will end up paying $575 a month starting in July for a 1/1. Another major thing is that they don't require a long lease like some of these other places. I signed a lease that will end in May when school ends which is ideal for me. It is about 2 miles from campus off of Babock. (210) 694-4100 Give them a call if you're still looking... they are really friendly and willing to make a deal too.

When do most of you plan on moving in? and is there a match list of everyone who is going to school with us next year?

By the way... FYI... I was on the medical school website and the dean's admissions update said that there will be 220 in our class, the extra 20 are out of state students. I think that's cool...

well I think that's all I got right now... I'm getting pretty excited down here in Houston. Looking forward to meeting all of you.

Take it easy... and let's get this forum moving again...

Hey Neil,

Or should i say "neighbor"? Yeah, I signed up at Saddle Ridge yesterday.....looks like a really nice place, so the rest of y'all, come be neighbors too! But you might wanna hurry....they leased a LOT this past week or two so I'm not sure how much is left, although I got the exact floorplan I was hoping for. So Neil, when are you moving in? I'm picking up my key on the 26th of this month, if all goes accordingly.

Take care everyone!

I think I am moving in sometime in mid-June. I could move in a lot earlier, but I really have no business moving out there that early. I am going to be doing a lot of traveling in the next month and half, so I don't see myself moving in till about June 17th or so. They did give me an apartment number... #818 It's a pool view on the first floor, close to the office. What about you? Anyways, it is good to know that there is someone from my class living out there. I did meet a couple older med students that live out there right now. They love living there, and said that its a great choice. I think we'll be very happy with our decision...


I'm gonna be in 336, third floor, with balcony facing away from the parking lot. It'll be a little bit of a hike for me to get to the pool, but with it being a smaller property it won't be too bad. After all, think we'll really be spending quality time poolside once this big adventure starts?? :eek: Looks like there's at least a decently-equipped "fitness center" too.......do you know anything about a workout facility there on campus? From what I've been able to find out, it's not much. Anyways, have fun on your travels during the next month or so. Feel free to catch me on e-mail at [email protected].

Oh, did everybody get that big envelope in the mail today? white coat sizes, study cd, t-shirts, etc.........

Hey Neil,

Or should i say "neighbor"? Yeah, I signed up at Saddle Ridge yesterday.....looks like a really nice place, so the rest of y'all, come be neighbors too! But you might wanna hurry....they leased a LOT this past week or two so I'm not sure how much is left, although I got the exact floorplan I was hoping for. So Neil, when are you moving in? I'm picking up my key on the 26th of this month, if all goes accordingly.

Take care everyone!
I am moving in to Country View on 6/14. Also looking forward to meeting everyone. I asked the school for a class list a while back and the woman on the phone said, "We don't do that." Whatever.

yeah, funny how an apartment locator service can get the incoming class listing but we can't??
I just noticed today that the cost of the student health insurance increased from $620/year to $715/year. I called the school to inquire about the discrepancy and was informed that the rumor about the increase is true.

I also asked if we need to fill out an application for this insurance and was told that we just have to submit the form entitled, "UTHSCSA Health Insurance Coverage Information" and that there is no application form. This seems odd to me. If anybody hears anything differently about this, please let us know.

Thanks, Sicily
just BUMPING, cuz I miss logging in and seeing something written on our thread :cool:

moving to SA this weekend/next week!
I am moving June 14. Just three weeks of work to go!

Is anyone planning to join a gym in SA? If so, have you looked at any of them yet?
What's up guys... I'm moving into Saddle Ridge on June 17th. It's getting pretty humid out here in Houston so I can't wait to get to San Antonio where I hear the weather is a lot better... I'm taking a two week trip to California before I move in to visit some friends at my undergrad school and just have a good time. Other than that, everything else is pretty chill... I'm looking forward to meeting you guys... we should all have a get together somehow if we move in a couple weeks early... we'll figure it out I guess. I keep getting random phone calls from people that are going to be in our class that are looking for roomates... I am getting my own place, but from talking to them for a little while, the majority of them have seemed pretty cool...

I'll post again soon...
keep this thread going!!

Hey gang! Did y'all see the list of equipment we need to get? I saw some of the stuff for a better price on-line. Does it matter where we get it? I've got my eye on the Littmann Card III... Ohh! Getting excited!

ok, the U-Haul is packed and ready for take0ff bright and early Wednesday morning......i guess this is really happening huh? In the meanwhile I'm cleaning and tidy-ing up an almost empty house....kinda sad, but onwards and upwards! See everyone in about a month. Yeah, and don't forget to post on here -- thoughts, ideas, questions, comments, ramblings, etc. I'm sure we'd all like to read 'em!

UTHSCSA Class of 2007 :horns:
oh and i was gonna post a word of advice too....

when it comes to moving, you CANNOT have TOO MANY boxes and your U-Haul truck CANNOT be TOO BIG

