VA HPSP for Pharmacy 2024

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Apr 2, 2023
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I applied as a PharmD Scholarship Candidate as of 3/26/24. If anyone has applied this year, what is your current status? Mine still says submitted as of today. When emailed they said that they don't have an ETA on review for pharmacy submissions.

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I am surprised they are still doing this, given the VA hiring freeze.
Well we have all heard those words before. They have a "hiring freeze" but yet they are still hiring for positions approved before the freeze. So if this money was set aside before, it should be okay.
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Well we have all heard those words before. They have a "hiring freeze" but yet they are still hiring for positions approved before the freeze. So if this money was set aside before, it should be okay.
Money for HPSP does not come out of the same personnel funds as career Civil Service, those positions are considering Training and Education. You're safe on that score. Those on multiyear positions in training (medical residents) have their funding guaranteed as well, it does not come out of the same personnel funds. There are specific legislative safeties in place to protect those from curtailment (withdrawal of positions or early termination of personnel).

There is an interesting issue though. Should we be unable to hire people when you finish training, the usual practice is that you will be relieved of your service obligation to the VA. This has actually happened before, and it is always favorable to the candidate given the health care worker demand elsewhere.
Yes, the funds are from a different pot. I had assumed they meant in a general sense because the VA as a whole has been over budget.

Definitely interested to see how hiring goes in a couple years though. Right now my VA is not backfilling positions, but still hiring.
Yes, the funds are from a different pot. I had assumed they meant in a general sense because the VA as a whole has been over budget.

Definitely interested to see how hiring goes in a couple years though. Right now my VA is not backfilling positions, but still hiring.

Nationwide, they are barely hiring. USAjobs only has 64 jobs today for the 0660 code (pharmacist) nationwide. This is the lowest that I have ever seen in my 12 years as a pharmacist at the VA. and includes all federal agencies. I think they'll let us hire for our chief position since pharmacy obviously needs a chief. Otherwise, we'll see.
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Nationwide, they are barely hiring. USAjobs only has 64 jobs today for the 0660 code (pharmacist) nationwide. This is the lowest that I have ever seen in my 12 years as a pharmacist at the VA. and includes all federal agencies. I think they'll let us hire for our chief position since pharmacy obviously needs a chief. Otherwise, we'll see.
Of the 8 VA positions I interviewed for, 6 of them pulled the plug with emails saying the position has been "cancelled and not be filled at this time." One position went to someone else (specialty position to someone with more experience), and the other had to email me back and forth for the past 2.5 months saying that the position needed to be approved on 3 separate occasions, but finally sent a tentative offer (which honestly, could be pulled anytime as well).

I applied as a PharmD Scholarship Candidate as of 3/26/24. If anyone has applied this year, what is your current status? Mine still says submitted as of today. When emailed they said that they don't have an ETA on review for pharmacy submissions.
Things have changed since last time I tried to apply (2021) but was told the slots were already filled. At least on SDN, you may be the only active user who is currently applying. Presuming you hit the check marks and the availability has no merit on the current conditions, I'd say you'd here back 3-4 weeks at the latest (if its the same person I communicated with a few years ago).

Would be interested to hear when you get the results and what the conditions say. Good luck!