Volunteering LoR Question?

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5+ Year Member
Apr 26, 2017
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Hey Guys, I've been volunteering at a hospice care for a few years and have a good reputation. However, the volunteer coordinators always quit after 4-5 months so the current volunteer coordinators doesn't personally know me too well. None of the patients I visit are in-house, so the staff of the hospice doesn't really get to see me interact with patients too much. But my reputation there is very good so I'm sure they will say great things. I'm just concerned that the writer not personally knowing me too well might weaken it in the eyes of ADCOMS.

The newest volunteer coordinator and I had a nice first meeting, and she is about to introduce me to a new patient I believe. That is (currently) the extent of our relationship, although I can't stress how much the staff of this hospice loves me because of my longevity and commitment.

I'm applying for this coming cycle. How should I ask the volunteer coordinator for a letter? Should I stress my concern about this to the volunteer coordinator so she can talk about how some other workers and the hospice as a whole knows me well and things like that? Thanks.

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Letters from college faculty who have taught you or who have seen your work on their research teams s are more highly valued by adcoms that a stack of letters from volunteer coordinators and people you've shadowed (DO adcoms being the exception to the rule; they want to see a letter from a DO).
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