WAMC / School List Input: ORM Nontrad CA Resident

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Mar 9, 2018
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Remove hawaii and UC Riverside. You could add all the schools you are likely applying to and also Hofstra, USF Morsani, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Western Michigan.
Dartmouth and UVM are not in or near any large city. You could add UMass, which is 45 min from Boston.
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Remove hawaii and UC Riverside. You could add all the schools you are likely applying to and also Hofstra, USF Morsani, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Western Michigan.
Thank you for your input! This is helpful. So you don't think a commitment to primary care alone is enough reason to apply to Riverside as a non-Inland Empire resident? I've looked into it quite extensively but keep hearing mixed things. That said, your insight has me leaning towards taking it off my list in lieu of a school I have a chance of consideration at. I also added a bit more context to my initial post about why I'm applying to Hawai'i (I've lived there for a few years) to avoid more confusion, but I know my chances of admission are still very slim given my non-resident status, so I hear you on removing it from my list. I'm re-adding/looking into the additional schools you mentioned too, so thank you again!
Dartmouth and UVM are not in or near any large city. You could add UMass, which is 45 min from Boston.
Good point! I updated my initial post to clarify that I'm open to some exceptions 🙂 UMass has actually been on my "maybe" list for a long time now...I've heard varying things about the degree of their in-state bias, but sounds like they've been accepting more OOS students in recent years!
Another question: what do folks think of adding SUNY Downstate? Is it worth applying as an OOS applicant?
Good point! I updated my initial post to clarify that I'm open to some exceptions 🙂 UMass has actually been on my "maybe" list for a long time now...I've heard varying things about the degree of their in-state bias, but sounds like they've been accepting more OOS students in recent years!
They have increased their class size to accommodate more OOS students.
~200 hours (virtual and in person)
Please itemize. Virtual hours don't have as much value now that we are beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Non-Clinical Volunteering / Advocacy
~1000 total hours (all advocacy/leadership roles related to mental health advocacy and affiliated with T5 med school)
Please itemize and describe responsibilities. A clear delineation of volunteering roles vs. advocacy roles is needed. You also cite additional leadership hours so a clear allocation helps.

Make clear what opportunities are linked with your MPH and which ones are not.
Please itemize. Virtual hours don't have as much value now that we are beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please itemize and describe responsibilities. A clear delineation of volunteering roles vs. advocacy roles is needed. You also cite additional leadership hours so a clear allocation helps.

Make clear what opportunities are linked with your MPH and which ones are not.
Just updated my post to include itemization/more details/what was affiliated with my MPH! I was/am keeping things somewhat vague to protect anonymity. Please let me know if additional information would be helpful - thank you!
So you don't think a commitment to primary care alone is enough reason to apply to Riverside as a non-Inland Empire resident?
No. They have a small class size and admit many of their own undergrads through an early application program or the regular process. From what you shared, I don’t see a commitment to primary care anyways and it likely would get lost amongst your other activities.

Don’t apply to Downstate either.
No. They have a small class size and admit many of their own undergrads through an early application program or the regular process. From what you shared, I don’t see a commitment to primary care anyways and it likely would get lost amongst your other activities.

Don’t apply to Downstate either.
Noted. Thank you!