What Are My Chances and Other General Questions

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Thanks for the reply.

I've only taken 5 Bio classes:

intro bio - B+
intro bio II - B
Mammalian central nervous system & lab - A
Biochemistry - B+
Immunology - B

The bio class grades worry me a bit. I know I can handle the workload (I took the first two classes as a freshman when all of my grades were low, and I had some major personal issues this semester that dropped my Biochem grade from an A/A+ to a B+ in one exam).

Do you think it would be more worth it to take a few summer courses, boost my bio grades, and apply to med school in July? Or apply now with what I have, June 1st?


If you can take summer courses and you're sure you can get As, that's a good thing, and I think getting your app in in June instead of July may be worth the GPA trade-off--however, how late will transcripts from these classes be released? If they're not ready till August, it may not be worth it. Also you are taking a year off--I assume you have plans for that year? Will taking these courses interfere with these plans or were you not planning on starting your gap year until the summer is over?

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Your GPA is right at the average for matriculants, so that's a plus. What is your science GPA like? I'd imagine you'll need some more clinical experience to be competitive, but as long as you get a 30+ on the MCAT, you're in good shape.

My science GPA is at 3.76, but I have several more science grades to add to that, including biochemistry, analytical chemistry (inorganic II), physiology, advanced immunology, and cancer biology.
If you can take summer courses and you're sure you can get As, that's a good thing, and I think getting your app in in June instead of July may be worth the GPA trade-off--however, how late will transcripts from these classes be released? If they're not ready till August, it may not be worth it. Also you are taking a year off--I assume you have plans for that year? Will taking these courses interfere with these plans or were you not planning on starting your gap year until the summer is over?

I'm not sure when they would be ready, but I assume by mid July at the latest. I could secure the A's easily since I wouldn't have other courses to worry about. My question however, is if it would pay off? Is it worth getting a few A's and applying 1-2 months late, or is it better to apply early with what I have? My BCPM GPA is a 3.6 so that's fine, but the Bio grades are worrying me. I know it's hard to tell me what to do, but would you recommend one over the other?

Also, I am currently applying for consulting jobs (in healthcare) this summer, I have a few interviews coming up so hopefully one will come through. The job would start in sept. so no, taking these courses would not interfere. Otherwise I plan to volunteer and take courses to fill my extra year.
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I'm not sure when they would be ready, but I assume by mid July at the latest. I could secure the A's easily since I wouldn't have other courses to worry about. My question however, is if it would pay off? Is it worth getting a few A's and applying 1-2 months late, or is it better to apply early with what I have? My BCPM GPA is a 3.6 so that's fine, but the Bio grades are worrying me. I know it's hard to tell me what to do, but would you recommend one over the other?

Also, I am currently applying for consulting jobs (in healthcare) this summer, I have a few interviews coming up so hopefully one will come through. The job would start in sept. so no, taking these courses would not interfere. Otherwise I plan to volunteer and take courses to fill my extra year.

You should calculate how much your science GPA would rise to see if it's worth it for you, but if money is no object I'd say yes, you're not doing anything anyway so you might as well.
Of course it's not hopeless. Yes, your GPA is a good standard deviation below the average for matriculants, but that's not such a terrible obstacle. If you snag a 32+ on the MCAT, you're probably in pretty good shape.
Want some opinions. Closing out this semester and cumulatively I'm looking at a 3.49 overall, 3.45 BCPM. Do not have my MCAT score yet. Think its pointless applying to MD?

I think it depends. What state do you have residency in? Your MCAT really is needed, I don't think you're a gonner.
OK here goes.

Undergrad: MIT (2002)
BCPM: 3.2
GPA: 3.3
EC: Typical. lots of research, volunteering, organizations, & work.
Residency: TX

Applied to: SMP for this fall (awaiting decision)

Do you think my MCAT score will somewhat cover for my poor und. GPA?
What are my chances of getting into a top 50 medical school, like Case Western or Tufts?
OK here goes.

Undergrad: MIT (2002)
BCPM: 3.2
GPA: 3.3
EC: Typical. lots of research, volunteering, organizations, & work.
Residency: TX

Applied to: SMP for this fall (awaiting decision)

Do you think my MCAT score will somewhat cover for my poor und. GPA?
What are my chances of getting into a top 50 medical school, like Case Western or Tufts?
I think your MCAT and your Undergraduate school will carry you into a handful of acceptances...and probably a top 50 medical school.
Want some opinions. Closing out this semester and cumulatively I'm looking at a 3.49 overall, 3.45 BCPM. Do not have my MCAT score yet. Think its pointless applying to MD?
dude...apply MD.
Here's my situation since application season is coming up this month:

University of Toledo
Undergrad Major: Chemical Engineering
Minors: Chemistry & Business Administration
Overall GPA: 3.95
Non-Science GPA: 3.98
Science GPA: 3.94
MCAT: 31R (10/10/11)

  • Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity (2003-Present)
    • Executive Board 5 years (Continuing Educator, President Twice, Recruitment Chair, Secretary)
    • Largest fraternity on campus by far (over 100 men)
    • Very reputable - A top chapter in the country out of over 210 chapters
  • Dance Marathon Executive Board (2004-2008)
    • Largest Student run philanthropy on campus (Rose over $54,000 in 2008 for the Children's Miracle Network)
    • External Director (DM08, DM07), Development Director (DM06), Marketing Chair (DM05)
    • In my eyes, this is a volunteering position and service...put in over 1000 hours easily in 4 years
  • University Ambassadors (2007-Present)
    • Select group of student leaders on campus who represent the University at events
      • Generally President events or administrative events
      • Very selective
  • Mortar Board Honor Society (2005-2006)
    • Select group of student leaders who plan one of the University's biggest events (Songfest)
    • Involvement lasts just 1 year
  • Order of Omega Greek Honor Society (2005-Present)
    • Select group of top Greek leaders who plan events. The keynote event is Greek Week
ECs have essentially been my life throughout college and I have put my heart and soul into each one (especially my fraternity and Dance Marathon). Along with this, I have also worked part time jobs all throughout college and maintained an excellent GPA.

This summer I am volunteering and getting clinical experience, but it wont be before I apply sadly. I will definitely have experience to talk about at interviews pending that I get interviews.

Overall I have my solid reasons for pursuing a career as a doctor (A lot of which tie back to Dance Marathon) and I will definitely have passion in my personal statement.

Im just wondering your thoughts as we head into this application season. Also what tier of schools or breakdown should I apply for?

Thanks in advance.
Here's my situation since application season is coming up this month:

University of Toledo
Undergrad Major: Chemical Engineering
Minors: Chemistry & Business Administration
Overall GPA: 3.95
Non-Science GPA: 3.98
Science GPA: 3.94
MCAT: 31R (10/10/11)

  • Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity (2003-Present)
    • Executive Board 5 years (Continuing Educator, President Twice, Recruitment Chair, Secretary)
    • Largest fraternity on campus by far (over 100 men)
    • Very reputable - A top chapter in the country out of over 210 chapters
  • Dance Marathon Executive Board (2004-2008)
    • Largest Student run philanthropy on campus (Rose over $54,000 in 2008 for the Children's Miracle Network)
    • External Director (DM08, DM07), Development Director (DM06), Marketing Chair (DM05)
    • In my eyes, this is a volunteering position and service...put in over 1000 hours easily in 4 years
  • University Ambassadors (2007-Present)
    • Select group of student leaders on campus who represent the University at events
      • Generally President events or administrative events
      • Very selective
  • Mortar Board Honor Society (2005-2006)
    • Select group of student leaders who plan one of the University's biggest events (Songfest)
    • Involvement lasts just 1 year
  • Order of Omega Greek Honor Society (2005-Present)
    • Select group of top Greek leaders who plan events. The keynote event is Greek Week
ECs have essentially been my life throughout college and I have put my heart and soul into each one (especially my fraternity and Dance Marathon). Along with this, I have also worked part time jobs all throughout college and maintained an excellent GPA.

This summer I am volunteering and getting clinical experience, but it wont be before I apply sadly. I will definitely have experience to talk about at interviews pending that I get interviews.

Overall I have my solid reasons for pursuing a career as a doctor (A lot of which tie back to Dance Marathon) and I will definitely have passion in my personal statement.

Im just wondering your thoughts as we head into this application season. Also what tier of schools or breakdown should I apply for?

Thanks in advance.

GPA wise you're set and MCAT wise you are as well because your distribution is quite nice, and your WS is good as well.

As for ECs, I'm afraid I don't see much that will put you far ..
I have committed over 1200 hours to national ski patrol, 750 hours alone in my first year as a senior in high school. I've shadowed several doctors, and I've co-authored three papers in spinal orthopedic surgery at uPenn. That's the kind of ECs I'm talking about .. what do you have to bring to the table in clinical and research?

don't list the frat and the dance marathon as your top ECs .. the ADCOM wants to know you've sniffed blood and tolerated it .. that you've seen hell and embraced it
As I mentioned clinical experience is not something that I have at the moment sadly...it is something I will be gaining over the summer.

I think everyone has their reasons for becoming a doctor and while some may call me naive for not having clinical experience, I definitely have my solid reasons as I have said.

In regards to Dance Marathon and my fraternity being at the top of my list, why wouldnt they be? I have easily put more time and effort into those 2 than anything else in my entire life (no joke). Dance Marathon exposes me to tons of children with debilitating or, in some cases, terminal illnesses that have persevered through more as a 5 or 6 year old than most of us will ever have to withstand in our entire lives. We interact with the hospital, meet families, meet kids, and put on a huge event to raise money for this cause. Honestly, this is more intense than 99% of clinical experience that people have and the feeling after completing a year of Dance Marathon is exhilirating and completely satisfying in a completely selfless way. No clinical experience I would have would top this and the feelings that I have gotten out of being in these organizations.

Looking at EC's...not many people can speak very passionately about them because well, a lot of people are not highly involved nor do they do a great job when they are (I see jokes for student leaders all the time on my campus). Being involved in things like this for years, in my eyes, is huge and shows a true commitment.

Just my $0.02...sorry if it is ranting.
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The Thon you are probably thinking of is the Penn State Thon which is insane and raises over 5 million$ a year. This is a 16 hour event that I am involved in that is still young and growing every year. Still a big thing
As I mentioned clinical experience is not something that I have at the moment sadly...it is something I will be gaining over the summer.

I think everyone has their reasons for becoming a doctor and while some may call me naive for not having clinical experience, I definitely have my solid reasons as I have said.

In regards to Dance Marathon and my fraternity being at the top of my list, why wouldnt they be? I have easily put more time and effort into those 2 than anything else in my entire life (no joke). Dance Marathon exposes me to tons of children with debilitating or, in some cases, terminal illnesses that have persevered through more as a 5 or 6 year old than most of us will ever have to withstand in our entire lives. We interact with the hospital, meet families, meet kids, and put on a huge event to raise money for this cause. Honestly, this is more intense than 99% of clinical experience that people have and the feeling after completing a year of Dance Marathon is exhilirating and completely satisfying in a completely selfless way. No clinical experience I would have would top this and the feelings that I have gotten out of being in these organizations.

Looking at EC's...not many people can speak very passionately about them because well, a lot of people are not highly involved nor do they do a great job when they are (I see jokes for student leaders all the time on my campus). Being involved in things like this for years, in my eyes, is huge and shows a true commitment.

Just my $0.02...sorry if it is ranting.

Medical schools value leadership. I think that your leadership experience is above average, at least above mdapps/SDN average. I don't know if the selectivity of your fraternity matters though.

I am a new member but I have been browsing the forums for a while. I would like to honestly post my stats and would really appreciate some advice on what I can do to improve my chances for medical school. I am aware of the stats needed and the competitive nature for applying but I also know that medical school is not a completely rigid process where scores are the only things that matter.

I am a sophomore at a large private university. My current gpa is a 3.02. I am a Biology major. In terms of ECs I have been on the eboard of one club for a year and volunteer my time at a few other volunteer associations. I recently got a position as a research assistant at a large hospital for the summer and have been working at a place that does not have anything to do with my major or my career goals.

I think my gpa is due to chosing difficult classes and mediocre to misguided study habits. I have done fairly well in highschool but coming in to college I realize many other students have done well and if not better than I. In some ways I felt like my highschool did not prepare me for what to expect in college. Going to medical school is my dream and I really have not had any personal advice on what I should do. I have already decided to apply a year later (I don't think this was even choice). I know that if I get straight As for the next 2 semesters I can, theoretically, get a 3.5. But that is a huge and massive task. I believe I can do it if I really have the dedication. I just know that SDN is the place to go for recent and up to date advice on applying to medical school and I would really appreciate some advice. Thanks :hardy:.
Hey guys, I'm new on here. I just got my second set of mcat scores back. I took it April 5th. I'm pretty pleased with it considering I didn't get to finish the physical science section. Anyways, I wanna know what you guys think my chances are for getting in.
My overall gpa is 3.67
BCMP: 3.48
P: 9
V: 10
B: 12

The first time I took it I got a 24Q. I guess my writing went down because I didn't practice it as much this time around. Should I retake since I didn't get to finish the Physical Science section? What do you gues think my chances are?:oops:
Hey guys, I'm new on here. I just got my second set of mcat scores back. I took it April 5th. I'm pretty pleased with it considering I didn't get to finish the physical science section. Anyways, I wanna know what you guys think my chances are for getting in.
My overall gpa is 3.67
BCMP: 3.48
P: 9
V: 10
B: 12

The first time I took it I got a 24Q. I guess my writing went down because I didn't practice it as much this time around. Should I retake since I didn't get to finish the Physical Science section? What do you gues think my chances are?:oops:
What were you practice scores??? 34+ then I would retake, if not I would probably stick with that...a 3.67 and a fairly balanced 31 is a decent application and gives you a decent shot if yuo apply early and broadly.
GPA: 3.8, same as BCPM
MCAT 10-10-10 P

ECs - EMT (almost 1 year now), shadowed at a hospital for ~50 hours, volunteer to help underserved middle school students get a free summer camp, summer research, some other meh stuff

I'm feeling like I bummed out on my MCAT, and feel like I just got rolled on it, and probably will retake it in July.
GPA: 3.8, same as BCPM
MCAT 10-10-10 P

ECs - EMT (almost 1 year now), shadowed at a hospital for ~50 hours, volunteer to help underserved middle school students get a free summer camp, summer research, some other meh stuff

I'm feeling like I bummed out on my MCAT, and feel like I just got rolled on it, and probably will retake it in July.
You have a decent shot...Taking a July MCAT will put you really late in the cycle.

I'm in a bit of a bind. I'm currently a junior and would like to matriculate into med school in fall '09. However, I failed biochem last semester and have to retake it in fall of '08. That means that by the time the repeat grade will show on my transcript, all of the deadlines will have passed and it'll be too late to apply for med school (for fall '09). Assuming that I apply early and to med schools with the lowest avg. mcat scores and gpa's, will they even consider my application with that F on it?

Some other info:
science gpa:3.15 (C's in the following courses: both semesters of Ochem, virology, microbiology, Adv. Human anatomy)
cum. gpa: 3.25
great on the EC front
Plenty research experience (might even be published:rolleyes:)
glowing recommendations
mcat around 30 (btw. 29-31)

Thanks a lot.

I'm in a bit of a bind. I'm currently a junior and would like to matriculate into med school in fall '09. However, I failed biochem last semester and have to retake it in fall of '08. That means that by the time the repeat grade will show on my transcript, all of the deadlines will have passed and it'll be too late to apply for med school (for fall '09). Assuming that I apply early and to med schools with the lowest avg. mcat scores and gpa's, will they even consider my application with that F on it?

Some other info:
science gpa:3.15 (C's in the following courses: both semesters of Ochem, virology, microbiology, Adv. Human anatomy)
cum. gpa: 3.25
great on the EC front
Plenty research experience (might even be published:rolleyes:)
glowing recommendations
mcat around 30 (btw. 29-31)

Thanks a lot.

They may or may not, but why not just wait the year? You want to apply when you have your best possible application so you have the most options/so you don't have to go through this again. An F in biochem might really get their attention in a negative way...
Based on my profile, what schools on my list do you think are too competitive for me? What schools do you guys recommend as "in my range" that I could add?

P.s. I know I'm OOS for the Cali schools, but I REALLY would love to go there, so I figure I might as well apply and see...
GPA = 3.5, same as BCM

MCAT= 32S (9V 9PS 14BS)

I go to one of the UC's, and have all the normal EC's and will be graduating this year. Trying to decide if I should

A. retake the MCAT, and wait until the next cycle to apply
B. Apply to MD and DO schools
C. Apply to only MD schools.

Any suggestions?
Hi I'm new to the forums as well. I just applied this last year with a 3.65, 31M. I only had 6 months of clinical volunteering though and no other ECs. I got 3 interviews and I am currently waitlisted in all of them. So if I don't get in I will be applying again. These are my current stats:

GPA: 3.67
ECs: 1.5 years of clinical shadowing, 1 year of research, 8 months of surgical shadowing, 6 months of surgical research

I was wondering if I should retake the MCAT or if this will be enough to get me in somewhere. Thanks
GPA = 3.5, same as BCM

MCAT= 32S (9V 9PS 14BS)

I go to one of the UC's, and have all the normal EC's and will be graduating this year. Trying to decide if I should

A. retake the MCAT, and wait until the next cycle to apply
B. Apply to MD and DO schools
C. Apply to only MD schools.

Any suggestions?

I'd only apply to DO schools if you actually want to go to one. You GPA is slightly below average, and you MCAT is slightly above (though the distribution is odd). With your current stats I think you'll get some interviews. If you'd feel good about retaking the MCAT (meaning a higher score and/or better distribution), you could def. go that route to really make your app rock solid. Either way, I wouldn't wait until the next cycle to apply.
Hi I'm new to the forums as well. I just applied this last year with a 3.65, 31M. I only had 6 months of clinical volunteering though and no other ECs. I got 3 interviews and I am currently waitlisted in all of them. So if I don't get in I will be applying again. These are my current stats:

GPA: 3.67
ECs: 1.5 years of clinical shadowing, 1 year of research, 8 months of surgical shadowing, 6 months of surgical research

I was wondering if I should retake the MCAT or if this will be enough to get me in somewhere. Thanks

Retaking the MCAT isn't really necessary. You're list of ECs is much better than last cycle, but your lack of non-clinical volunteer experience concerns me. I'd recommend trying to get involved with an retirement community, soup kitchen, tutoring under-privileged kids, etc., immediately (assuming you didn't omit your non-clinical experiences in your post above). Would be great to put on your application for this cycle.

If you didn't think you interviewed particularly well, you might consider working on your answers and/or whatever other areas you felt were weak.

In a situation like your's, I would only advise retaking the MCAT if you are absolutely certain you can do better. A better score would obviously improve your application.
Hey guys I figured I'd post as well since I just got my MCAT score back:

GPA 3.51....likely becoming a 3.55 this sem
BCMP 3.40...likely becoming a 3.45 this sem
Clear upward trend in the GPA's
PS: 11
VR: 11
BS: 13

EC's: Vice president (president next year), general manager, and captain of fencing club
Vice president of Capoeira club
Research assistant with a possible published acknowledgment, maybe two
EMT for one year working at school
300+ hours shadowing in my local emergency room
2 other shadowing jobs in surgical depts this summer
2-3 deans lists

I'm applying broadly and as early as I can...I feel pretty confident that I'll get some interviews...any thoughts?
NY...lots of state schools =)
Your MCAT is nice. Your ECs look great. And there's an upward trend in your GPA.

Seeing as your from NY, I'd say you'll def. get a few interviews.
Ok... here goes. I want to preface this with an acknowledgement that my stats are very low right now and that they are on an upward trend. Also, I would like advice as to how I can improve and if I have a shot.

I just finished my second year at UF and am a Florida Resident. I am currently majoring in Chemical Engineering, but do not think that my GPA will allow me to stay in ChemE (because of premed not engineering). It is low now and needs significant work to raise it. I am working on that. I am thinking of changing to bio or microbio. This would give me the oppurtunity to take more BCPM classes to raise my BCPM GPA.
I just decided to be premed so my EC's are all from this one semester and will continue for the next 3 years. I plan on it taking me 3 more years to graduate because I decided to be premed so late.

Shadowing an internal medicine MD. 32+ hrs (still currently shadowing)
~saw LP
~saw paracentesis
~saw countless patients and admissions
I am in the process of contacting another MD to also shadow during the summer
Volunteer at Shands teaching hospital 50+hrs (still currently volunteering)
~Nursing unit 1 semester
~transfering to ER for the Summer semester
~1 semester general member
~just made leadership, Advising/volunteering Co-Director
Marching Band

Overall: 3.1136
BCPM: 2.726
Other: 3.7916
The low BCPM GPA is mainly due to the second semester of my freshman year where I basically watched my grandmother die of Brain Cancer. It was terrible and it took an emotional toll on me. Here are my GPA's for each semester followed by classes with a C or lower.

1st: 3.41 (12 credits)
Bio for Engineers B

2nd: 1.46 (14 credits)
Chem 2 C
Stats for Engineers(sta3032) C
Phy 1 D+
Calc E

Summer: 4.0 (9 credits)
Design of Experiments (sta4211) A <~to show proficiency in Stats to make up for the C in sta3032

3rd: 3.61 (13 credits)
physics 1 retake B
calc 3 retake B+

4th: 3.08 (12 credits)
Phys 2 W
Bio 1 C+
Bio 1 Lab C+
(since I think I am going to major in bio or microbio I do not currently plan to retake these courses)

I have taken the whole calc sequence including Diff Eq. Also I have taken Stats, Stats for Eng., and Design of Experiments(Stats class)
I am taking Orgo 1 and 2 and lab this summer.

I am going to begin studying for the MCAT at the end of this summer and I will take it a year and a half from then. I plan on taking a serious practice MCAT at the end of the Fall.

Along with your analysis of if I have a chance I also have some questions:
I have been taking phys w/ calc and want to know how it would look if I took phy 2 w/o calc?
What score on the MCAT should I reaslistically shoot for to be more competitive?
Should I switch to bio or another major? any ideas? any minor ideas?

I truely do want to be a doctor with all my heart.

If you have any questions or need any additional information just ask.
What score on the MCAT should I reaslistically shoot for to be more competitive?
Well, if my own personal experience is anything to go by, no MCAT score is going to make you competitive. An absurdly high MCAT - top 1% or something - might make you a long-shot, but that GPA will keep you out of the competitive range no matter what. I got in the top ~5-6% of MCAT scores but with a slightly higher GPA and landed a grand total of one interview and a waitlist out of 28 schools.

If you haven't taken a ton of science courses, do a post-bac year filled with science classes and try to bring your GPA and BCPM GPA up as much as possible. After that, you might consider a SMP or applying if you have a great MCAT score and can get into the 3.3+ range.

Also, don't forget DO schools! While you're still not in very good shape to go there, you at least stand a better chance than at almost all MD schools.
hi everyone. i just wanted to kow what my chances were...

i have a 3.85 science and 3.93 overall. i got a 26 Q on my mcat (i know its low :( ) with a distribution of 8PS 10V 8 BS

i have 130+ hours shadowing
50 hours in a hospital
have 450 hours resaerch (2 diff projects)
tutored chem
taught sunday school for about 4 years

i know my mcat is low and im retaking july 8th, but wont it be kinda late for apps? will med school even see or aknowledge my 2nd (hopefully much better) score? i really really want to get in this year. i plan on applying md and do.
i really want to go to school in Illinois, does anyone think i have a shot??

thanks sooo much!!!
hi everyone. i just wanted to kow what my chances were...

i have a 3.85 science and 3.93 overall. i got a 26 Q on my mcat (i know its low :( ) with a distribution of 8PS 10V 8 BS

i have 130+ hours shadowing
50 hours in a hospital
have 450 hours resaerch (2 diff projects)
tutored chem
taught sunday school for about 4 years

i know my mcat is low and im retaking july 8th, but wont it be kinda late for apps? will med school even see or aknowledge my 2nd (hopefully much better) score? i really really want to get in this year. i plan on applying md and do.
i really want to go to school in Illinois, does anyone think i have a shot??

thanks sooo much!!!

You'll get into a DO school....I think most schools will see your new MCAT score...Im not sure if it would be better to submit until you have your second score or not.
Ok Here Goes, some opinions would be helpful.

Sci GPA:3.98
Cum GPA: 3.93
MCAT: 9V 10P 11B -- Q

State: CA :mad:
URM: Minority but not UR

EC Not Really Medical:
Research 2 years
Several Posters
Several Acknowledgments and Conferences
Pending 2 publications 2nd authors
NIH Fellowship
Clubs... etc.

EC Pretty Medical:
Summer ICU Volunteer
Participated in free diabetes/blood pressure screening in POW WOW
Clinical Research Consultant for Prostate Cancer
No shadowing... pending

Any suggestions as to how I should I approach apps? I live in Cali and my stats aren't top tier so I doubt I will get into a UC guaranteed (although I go to Irvine). Whats a good approach. I plan on getting the military to full ride me so money isn't really an issue.
Ok Here Goes, some opinions would be helpful.

Sci GPA:3.98
Cum GPA: 3.93
MCAT: 9V 10P 11B -- Q

State: CA :mad:
URM: Minority but not UR

EC Not Really Medical:
Research 2 years
Several Posters
Several Acknowledgments and Conferences
Pending 2 publications 2nd authors
NIH Fellowship
Clubs... etc.

EC Pretty Medical:
Summer ICU Volunteer
Participated in free diabetes/blood pressure screening in POW WOW
Clinical Research Consultant for Prostate Cancer
No shadowing... pending

Any suggestions as to how I should I approach apps? I live in Cali and my stats aren't top tier so I doubt I will get into a UC guaranteed (although I go to Irvine). Whats a good approach. I plan on getting the military to full ride me so money isn't really an issue.
You have a good shot with that GPA and average MCAT>..apply broadly
Hey all, really looking for feedback on list of schools. My post has long been buried. Any comments appreciated!!
I think your list is very reach-heavy. Your MCAT is about average for most of the schools you're targeting, and your GPA is a lot lower. Apply to more mid- and low-tier schools, and you'll be fine.
I plan to apply this year and would appreciate any advice.

CA resident

Total GPA: 3.47
BCPM: 3.34

MCAT: 10/14/13 M

ECs: Volunteering in an ER, shadowing, tutoring, some scholarships, athletics, and lots of work experience in non-medical field.

Noteworthy: I'm 30 years old and flunked out of JCs twice while working different jobs and competing in sports and being unsure of what I wanted to major in. The last four years at a 4-year university, my GPA has been 3.9.

Is MD a realistic pursuit assuming that I apply broadly?
hello all.
i want some one to be honest with me. i just finished my first year of CC and my gpa was not all that well (a 2.0). i realize that if i continue my medical persuit that it will be very hard and and uphill battle. i was wondering what you all think my succsess rate will be . if i study hard theoredicly i could get a 3.46 at the end of my 120 credit hours. i have 36 now with a low gpa. i will probobly have to do post bac to bring my gpa up. ive allways wanted this my whole life. is it worth it to continue even if im willing to make the sacrifices. i realize that everyone must walk a diffrent path. is it possible for some one in my possition to even make it if i tried.:( please be honest with me!!!!
I've been narrowing down my list of med schools to apply to and am wondering if anyone could comment on how my current list looks. Thanks in advance :)
You're going to have to absolutely crush the MCAT to make that list of schools a reasonable one. 35+, at least. Throw in some - say, 5-10 - schools with lower average stats.

i want some one to be honest with me. i just finished my first year of CC and my gpa was not all that well (a 2.0). i was wondering what you all think my succsess rate will be
A 3.46 isn't abysmal, in general, but a 3.46 from a community college is probably going to smother you. If you can pull a 3.9-4.0 for the rest of your credit hours, try applying to a SMP after you graduate to prove that you can handle med school-level work. You'll also need to rock the MCAT. You've got a huge challenge ahead of you, but it's possible you'll get in somewhere.
I plan to apply this year and would appreciate any advice.

CA resident

Total GPA: 3.47
BCPM: 3.34

MCAT: 10/14/13 M

ECs: Volunteering in an ER, shadowing, tutoring, some scholarships, athletics, and lots of work experience in non-medical field.

Noteworthy: I'm 30 years old and flunked out of JCs twice while working different jobs and competing in sports and being unsure of what I wanted to major in. The last four years at a 4-year university, my GPA has been 3.9.

Is MD a realistic pursuit assuming that I apply broadly?

With that MCAT, I think MD is very realistic. The 3.9 GPA should carry a lot more weight than what you did at JCs many years ago, and, again, your MCAT is phenomenal. I think you have a great chance of getting in this year.

I assume your personal statement has a lot to do with how you've changed between those JC years and now? Explaining how you've evolved and matured, and how it has led you to medicine is definitely what the AdComs want to know.
hey guys, its my first time posting, i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice.
i just went through the 2008 cycle with no acceptances. i am an illinois resident and applied and sent secondaries to
u of c
medical college wisconsin
rosalind franklin
i had only one interview, at uic and i am still waiting to hear back, but im not too hopeful considering i heard the class is pretty full.
my mcat scores were 12bio 8physical 11verbal Q
my ecs included- womens club soccer team (fundraising chair), writer for school newspaper, biology honor society (fundraising chair), volunteered for american cancer society and a local parkinson's foundation
i also have a lot of research experience- 4 years in a neurophysiology lab involving stem cell research
since my last amcas application i have also shadowed a perinatologist, ultrasound technicion, and hospice worker. i've also been involved in an ankylosing spondylytis research project where i was mainly responsible for medical file review
i feel like my real downfall is that my secondaries weren't complete until mid november, and uic's wasn't complete until janurary (due to a lor mix up)
i plan on getting a job doing research this summer, and continuing my volunteer work
if i apply again for the 2009 cycle as soon as i am able to and get my applications in much earlier, do you think that i will get more acceptances?
and which other schools should i consider applying to?
or is there something else i should be doing and not apply for the 2009 cycle?
thanks for your help!!
hey guys, its my first time posting, i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice.
i just went through the 2008 cycle with no acceptances. i am an illinois resident and applied and sent secondaries to
u of c
medical college wisconsin
rosalind franklin
i had only one interview, at uic and i am still waiting to hear back, but im not too hopeful considering i heard the class is pretty full.
my mcat scores were 12bio 8physical 11verbal Q
my ecs included- womens club soccer team (fundraising chair), writer for school newspaper, biology honor society (fundraising chair), volunteered for american cancer society and a local parkinson's foundation
i also have a lot of research experience- 4 years in a neurophysiology lab involving stem cell research
since my last amcas application i have also shadowed a perinatologist, ultrasound technicion, and hospice worker. i've also been involved in an ankylosing spondylytis research project where i was mainly responsible for medical file review
i feel like my real downfall is that my secondaries weren't complete until mid november, and uic's wasn't complete until janurary (due to a lor mix up)
i plan on getting a job doing research this summer, and continuing my volunteer work
if i apply again for the 2009 cycle as soon as i am able to and get my applications in much earlier, do you think that i will get more acceptances?
and which other schools should i consider applying to?
or is there something else i should be doing and not apply for the 2009 cycle?
thanks for your help!!

Hard to say which schools you should aim for without knowing your GPA. You've learn your lesson about applying late, so that should make some difference. Hopefully you've improved your grades and ECs over the past year which should also help. I'd recommend applying to more schools in general, though.

I'd also recommend applying more broadly. It looks like you stayed pretty close to home last cycle.
sorry i meant to say that my gpa is a 3.47, which im sure hurt me too
sorry i meant to say that my gpa is a 3.47, which im sure hurt me too

It hurts a little, but if you've improved since the last time you applied that's a plus. The range of schools you applied to last cycle fits your stats. A lot of times medical schools just want to see some commitment to the process from you. If everything has improved from last time, meaning better GPA, more/longer ECs, and more LORs, I think you'll be fine. I'd recommend applying to 20ish schools and apply broadly.
You're going to have to absolutely crush the MCAT to make that list of schools a reasonable one. 35+, at least. Throw in some - say, 5-10 - schools with lower average stats.

I thought that might be the case. What schools with lower stats would you recommend for someone from CA? And if I add 5 more, which schools should go off my list?
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