What Are My Chances and What Should I Do?

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5+ Year Member
Feb 12, 2018
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So I'm a current third-year human biology major, business minor student at UC San Diego.
I have a cumulative GPA of 3.296 and a major GPA of 3.125 (yeah I know they're really bad...), but my GPA has been increasing since my second year.
I have 4 more quarters left here at UCSD before my expected graduation date, with mostly business classes left to take (only 3-4 major classes left).
I'm taking the MCAT the summer between my 3rd and 4th year.
I have some involvement such as previous Orientation Leader, Resident Assistant, current College Ambassador, have been working in a biomedical research lab for a year, have been in a board position my first 2 years in college in a community service org and have over 150+ hours of volunteering, and looking to start some clinical experience.
My advisor advised me to consider a post-bacc program because my GPA is so low.
I really don't want to take the post-bacc if I don't need to.

What are my chances and what should I do?

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Assuming you're in you have around 90 credits, since you're in your 3rd year and you take 40 units in your next four quarters, you could bring your GPA up to a maximum of 3.51 with all A's. I don't think you'd need a post-bacc with that GPA if you get a good MCAT score. I had a 3.49/516 and I got a few interviews.

You might consider taking more science courses than required, so you can bring your science GPA up (I'm assuming its approximately the same as your major GPA.

The biggest thing I would say you need to work on outside of the GPA is getting that clinical experience. I went to SDSU, so I know that there are a lot of hospitals in San Diego that'll let you get good shadowing/volunteer/scribe experience. I'm not sure exactly which area you're from, but you can check Alvarado (for SDSU area), Rady's, Scripps Memorial, or the VA. I think there's also a ScribeAmerica hospital in Carmel, if you're interested in that. There's also Sharp, which has scribes, but they're pretty out of the way.

Consider applying to Palomar Pathmaker too. It's a great program!

Edit: realized UCSD is in the quarter system. Had to redo the GPA calculation.
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