med school

  1. LindaAccepted

    Medical How Your Academic Statistics Influence Your Medical School Choices

    The most reliable source of information about allopathic medical schools is the Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR) website, offered by the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges). The statistics in this database can be extremely valuable in helping you decide where to apply...
  2. LindaAccepted

    Tulane Medical School: How to Get In - Admissions Straight Talk Podcast Episode 569

    Would you like to apply to Tulane University School of Medicine, but are you concerned about the intense competition for seats? Its Director of Admissions, Dr. Mike Woodson, is our guest today, and he’ll tell you what it takes to get in. Dr. Woodson discusses the unique aspects of Tulane’s...
  3. esob

    Important Anki update: FSRS

    Just in case SDN is your sole source of info for Anki, I wanted to point out that the update to FSRS compared to the SM-2 is a must-have. The TLDR is that FSRS is a spaced-repetition algorithm available in the latest Anki builds. It can be selected in lieu of the default SM-2 algorithm. The end...
  4. LindaAccepted

    Medical Get Off That Waitlist!

    Landing on a school’s waitlist can be disappointing and even nerve-racking. As a result, waitlisted applicants sometimes let their anxiety or disappointment cloud their thinking, but if you’re waitlisted, try to stay calm and focused. Remember, if you’ve been waitlisted, you have not been...
  5. LindaAccepted

    Medical Rejected from Medical School? Three Tips for a Stronger Reapplication

    You worked your tail off as an undergrad to earn an amazing GPA, took MCAT review courses to get a high score, and engaged in many hours of clinical experience and community service, but you were still rejected from medical school! Where did you go wrong? How can you get it right next time...
  6. madamemichaelscott

    MD [Deleted]

  7. lachea7223

    How to classify a caregiving experience in the application?

    Hi everyone! I recently spent four months,12/7, in the ICU and LTAC to care for both of my grandparents. I'm unsure which category this would be under since it is only like a semi-clinical experience per se, but more of a shadowing experience or moral obligation. I did spend tons of time...
  8. LindaAccepted

    Medical Can You Use the Same Personal Statement for Different Schools?

    One of the questions we are asked most often by college and graduate school applicants is this: “I’m applying to six different schools, and each one requires two to seven essays/personal statements. That’s so much writing! Can I reuse the same essay for different schools? How can I keep up the...
  9. noelmedicine1

    Taking Pre-Medicine Courses at Community College

    Would it harm my medical school application, if I completed all the pre-requisites courses at a community college? I graduated from university last spring with a bachelor’s degree in business. I understand it’s better to complete the courses at a four-year institutions but the colleges in my...
  10. ApplyPoint

    Waiting or Waitlisted? Try to Maintain Your Enthusiasm

    If you're still waiting to hear from a medical school or you are on the waitlist, you can bolster your chances by continuing to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the program. After sending a letter of intent or update letter, consider the following ways to showcase your interest. Follow the...
  11. MasterTheMMI

    MMI and Panel Med School Interview Coaching from a Fourth Year Resident Physician

    Over the past 2 years, I have had the amazing opportunity to help over 15 applicants in achieving their goal of medical school acceptance and matching to their desired residency programs in both Canada and the USA! This will be my last year offering MMI coaching before I finish residency and...
  12. B

    I regret choosing the wrong med school.

    Hi everyone, this is my first ever post here. I made my decision to commit to my med school a few days ago and I have been regretting it every day since. I chose to go to a cheaper med school that would theoretically reduce my total debt after my 4 years by about 150k. However, the school is new...
  13. B

    Research right before starting med school (deferred)?

    I’m taking a year off before med school to address some health issues that came up (Matriculating in 2023). Currently, I’m also writing a case study on cardiac defects with a fellow and attending from a different medical school than the one I’m going to attend, and hope to get it published in...
  14. Okita814

    Med School options as International student in Canadian University Undergrad.

    Hello, I’m a second year undergrad from Japan currently studying Molecular Biology in Canada. I’m an international student and after lots of consideration, it was deemed that getting into Canadian med school is impossible. I can’t get a PR quick enough and I don’t have the time to waste two...
  15. J

    Chances of an MD/PhD

    So, I am trying to apply for an MD/PhD program at either UF or UAB and I was wondering if anyone knew the statistics on those schools. I am a double major in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences with a double minor in Mathematics and Honors; I take the MCAT for the first time in August, and I...
  16. B

    How have you guys felt since this whole pandemic began?

    So out of curiosity how hectic and difficult was med school for you during this pandemic? Whether you're in the first 2 or later 2 of your years of med schools. Do you guy's mind telling me what it was like for you? I am currently a premed student and was wondering what med school is like...
  17. M

    Drexel pathway to medical school - DPMS

    Hi, I’m making this thread because I couldn’t find any RECENT AND NEW forums about DPMS, everything was 10+ years ago. I’m really interested in this program but I would love to get some feedback from anyone who knows anything about it, or previously/currently attending? Is the program good...
  18. T

    How to choose SMP program

    Hi Everyone! Couldnt find much information about this so I need some help!! Currently have a 2.8 cgpa with a not so good trend. I was able to get a 518 MCAT and have pretty good EC’s. Was looking into DIY post bacc but to be honest, can’t afford it. Was hoping for an SMP somewhere but do you...
  19. MasterTheMMI

    MMI Interview Prep and MMI Coaching from a Resident Physician-$75/hour

    I am currently a third year resident physician with extensive experience in MMI interviews, MMI question development and MMI Coaching. I remember how stressful medical school and CARMS interviews can be, so I wanted to create a coaching service that can help you excel in your interview and...
  20. U

    Caribbean withdrawal to US MD school odds?

    Hi everyone, Long time reader first time poster. 2 years ago I made a mistake and went to a Caribbean med school - SGU (I never applied to a US med school). However, I was only there for 2 weeks as my first week in I became violently ill and hospitalized. I stayed in the hospital for the second...
  21. J

    Research year AFTER med school?

    Hello, I'm new here. I will be graduating med school July 2022. I am a US-IMG looking to match into Gen Surgery or Urology Residency in the US (goal is in Texas). I understand matching is very competitive for IMGs. After looking at the requirements, most programs require 3 Letter of...
  22. M

    Stick with DPT or move to PM&R?

    I am only a month into DPT school and don’t get me wrong, I LOVE it. But I find myself thinking, “should I have gone to medical school?” I think PT is what I want to do. Senior year of high school, when you’re supposed to make a college decision that effects the next 4-6 years of your life, I...
  23. N

    3.7/501/TX. Schools to Apply to.

    Hello everyone: I would like to apply as to many medical schools as possible. But I don’t know where I would have a decent chance to get in. I have an undergrad degree in Healthcare management and a minor in Biology. I have a masters in healthcare management with a concentration in analytics...
  24. emilyy13

    Medical specialities/residencies with no night calls

    Hi, Last year I was diagnosed with narcolepsy, which is a chronic sleep disorder. My physician told me to have a better sleep schedule, and I'm aware of the decrease of my narcolepsy attacks. I don't want to give up my dream of having a career in medicine, but I also know that I can't work...
  25. J

    What age did you get accepted into med school?

    What age were you when you got accepted into med school? Did you have to go back to get your undergrad or another degree before applying? If so what was your age were you when you went back to college? What is your specialty?
  26. E

    Med school or psychology masters

    Hi, I'm studying at AUB and graduating this spring I was originally a nursing student but my parents and surrounding pressured me to do something (bigger) since I got high grades in high school. I also hated the idea that I will be just a nurse giving IV's and meds for my whole life(too basic)...
  27. I


  28. M

    Can I Get Into Med-School? (Very Unique Situation)

    So my situation is very different than most. I have spent countless hours researching and speaking to doctors/medical professionals and have not been able to get a consistent stream of information. I'd like to hear what you guys have to say. In no way am I trying to deliver a sob story or a tale...
  29. B

    Army HPSP: When to complete DCC and BOLC

    I am a current first year army HPSP medical student and I was planning on completing DCC this summer (between m1/m2 year) and then BOLC..idk.. between M4 year and residency? Unfortunately I am unable to complete DCC this year due to them not having enough spots anymore due to the COvid crisis...
  30. M

    Advice for handling pre-med classes?

    I’m switching to pre-med from a psychology/research background and I’m nervous about how difficult pre-med classes may be—any tips on how to best study for bio, chem, and phys?
  31. P

    Dentist VS Doctors (Salary, life style...etc)

    Hi, I am a forth year undergrad in Canada, and I am deciding between dentistry and medicine right now. At the beginning, I was only thinking about doing medicine, but then MCAT CARS turns out to be terrible, so I tried DAT (which is a lot easier than MCAT). I got interview invites for dental...
  32. J

    Pediatric Emergency Medicine Residency

    Hi! I am currently a third year medical student and was wondering if anyone had any insight or information on doing a residency in pediatric emergency medicine. I have previously worked in an ER for two years prior to med school and I have found in med school that I absolutely love peds, but am...
  33. A

    Med school or CRNA?

    I could use some advice from physicians, students, or CRNAs. I got my BA in psychology and have done some therapy work over the years, and recently decided to take the plunge and go back to school for either Psychiatry or Anesthesiology. I'm nearly 30 now, which is why I'm hesitating on going...
  34. D


  35. D

    Should I go to Med school? I am on the fence. details inside

    Hello! I really need some advice regarding whether I should go to Med school or not. It is going to be long so the Basic question is- should I go to Med school if I think about going to biomedical research? shouldn't a PhD be sufficient? The following details are important in order to...
  36. Perchperkins

    Being Pre-med and Having a Social Life

    Hey so i’m a freshman on the premed track. Whenever I say that I’m premed I hear people say that premed students have no social lives. I understand that choosing a career in medicine requires sacrifices and dedication. However, I still want to be able to have time for fun, family and friends...
  37. S

    Rutgers Research Assistant Program

    Hey, this is my first post on SDN, so I apologize if I am breaking any sort of rule by posting this here. I have a couple questions about the Rutgers Research Assistant Program, so if anybody has done this before, or knows about it, I would be grateful if you could answer a few questions. 1...
  38. F

    Interview Invites Still Going Out?

    I've seen on a couple of threads that some schools are still sending out II. Can this be? Is it because of the new rules? Or are these people just lying (why, though)? I was surprised when I heard this.... @Goro @gyngyn @LizzyM @gonnif
  39. D

    How much should money matter?

    I'm deciding between two schools and I'm struggling to determine how much money should matter vs fit. If money didn't matter, I would definitely choose Loyola over Penn State because I feel it is a better fit for me. However, there is a major financial difference between the two. I was offered...
  40. E

    Potential DPT Earnings

    Hello members, I seem to be paralyzed in making my decision on pursuing PT... I went on a detour after I completed UG as a pre-PT; will turn 26 next month. I have an acceptance to a PT program starting Fall 2019. However, the debt-to-income ratio is driving me insane. I got my tuition down to...