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7+ Year Member
Feb 24, 2016
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I have a 3.3 cGPA and 3.4 sGPA, 504 MCAT, 1.5 yrs research experience with a publication, 50 hrs shadowing, 250 hrs clinical internship, 300 hrs volunteering experience, leadership role during undergrad (IFC-VP), good LoR. I'm only applying to DO schools, and I will be finishing my app soon (before oct) What are my chances of getting into DO schools and what school should I apply to, if any for this cycle? Or should I shoot for SMP?

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I have a 3.3 cGPA and 3.4 sGPA, 504 MCAT, 1.5 yrs research experience with a publication, 50 hrs shadowing, 250 hrs clinical internship, 300 hrs volunteering experience, leadership role during undergrad (IFC-VP), good LoR. I'm only applying to DO schools, and I will be finishing my app soon (before oct) What are my chances of getting into DO schools and what school should I apply to, if any for this cycle? Or should I shoot for SMP?
You should have a good chance this cycle(A little late but still do able), just apply to newer schools.

As always, people(Including myself) recommend against LUCOM for many reasons(you can look them up), so I can't recommend LUCOM.
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Apply broadly and you will be good. Just avoid the state schools, midwesterns, and coastal Touros because they like higher MCATs. You have a decent shot everywhere else
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I have eerily similar stats to yours and you can see how my application cycle has been so far in my signature.

I have had a good cycle so far so I think you definitely have a chance. Apply smartly, and make sure you write solid essays.

Good luck!
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Chances are fine!!!

I have a 3.3 cGPA and 3.4 sGPA, 504 MCAT, 1.5 yrs research experience with a publication, 50 hrs shadowing, 250 hrs clinical internship, 300 hrs volunteering experience, leadership role during undergrad (IFC-VP), good LoR. I'm only applying to DO schools, and I will be finishing my app soon (before oct) What are my chances of getting into DO schools and what school should I apply to, if any for this cycle? Or should I shoot for SMP?
I would change your profile picture, if that picture is really of you. Better to be safe then sorry, that is my OPINION ONLY.
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I would change your profile picture, if that picture is really of you. Better to be safe then sorry, that is my OPINION ONLY.

Too late, I already found out where he lives and murdered his family

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