What happens if I get into medical school but my graduation ceremony is in November?

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Oct 12, 2023
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Hi all, it’s as the title asks. I’m planning out my pre-med journey and realized that I will be finishing my last courses in June of 2026, with my graduation ceremony date being November 2026. If I were to get into med school from an application in the previous cycle (and therefore would start in August/September of 2026) would I be able to attend or would I not be considered as graduated?

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Generally speaking, your “degree awarded” date is when your final term is completed. Ceremonies have no official status and degrees are awarded when all requirements have been completed (presuming you applied on time) not wearing a robe and receiving an empty folder.

I would confirm with your undergraduate registrar’s office, but this should not be an issue.
You graduated. You might attend presuming your don't have class over Thanksgiving week when I presume the ceremony is held. Otherwise you have to check your class exam schedule. But it's not a big deal.
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Hold on! This could be a big deal. What is the date on which your degree would/will be awarded? The University Registrar will be able to tell you this. That date must be before the date on which medical school begins. They will not take you for matriculation to med school unless your undergrad degree has been awarded (the exception is some combined BS/MD programs but I'm assuming you aren't enrolled in one of those).
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